Really gets the neurons firing.
Barron refuses to be carried
More handsome than trump
Really jogs the nog
wtf I love refugees now?
this made me laugh for some reason
Really opens those borders.
>implying he'd run
>implying he wouldn't
wtf i hate cultural preservation now
Trump has a lot in common with Muslim refugees, such as his proclivity to incest.
shit, alright, this means we gotta start pumping in some refugees by the millions.
Looks more like the average burger tourist.
he dodged the draft several times so yeah. He probably would run.
wtf I hate whites now!
Typical kikes, reminder art is propaganda.
symmetry = beauty
How many levels of irony are you on?
I kinda liked it, much better than the average leftist shit cartoons made by americans to bash Trump.
How are your heart strings now OP?
"I'll carry them out...I'll carry them all out."
Nice afro.
Really strong evocative piece whit poigniant commentary, touching.
What is this suppose to accomplish?
wtf I hate Assad now
really stimulates depolarization and hyper-polarization across neuronal cell membranes due to the opening of various voltage-gated ion channels
Really combusts my cannoli
first two scoops
now its two kids
really got those synapses synergising
so now he gets to grab pussy with no repercussions? amazing