Is it racist to require an ID to vote?
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Is it racist to require an ID to vote?
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No. Everyone's equally required to have one.
Is it racist to require an ID to do literally anything else, buy alcohol, enter a night club, enter government buildings, do any kind of official business?
nope. proves identity and you are who you say you are and not someone voting fraudulently under other peoples names. imagine going to vote and they say "you already voted" ID will make that nonexistent issue
It is racist to think that a race is too dumb to get an ID.
Is it racist to have an ID?
What the fuck does having an ID have to do with race?
Is this a bait thread?
No, just look at India and realise how rerarded places like America are.
how else can you confirm no voter fraud?
every vote linked to SSN
in my state its illegal to vote without identification
why does cali get a pass??
I was told that beaners think it's racist to require them to have an ID when voting
it's racist to not require an ID to vote. if their are people in your society that are not able to get an ID, they should be executed.
The fuck? Who's legs are she holding?
>look at india
>compares to america
lol you poor child
poo in look punjab
because they are illegal and still want to influence our election
they are clearly trying to pull the racist card which is racist thinking they get special priviledges above others
call them out on that shit
i hear democrats say blacks are too stupid or lazy to get ID too
yet they call us racist for wanting to make sure its 100% legit votes
Technically, no. It does disproportionately work against the interest of Latinos and blacks, because they're often illegal immigrants or criminals, though. That is the fact covered up by the word "racist".
>Is it racist to have an ID?
>What the fuck does having an ID have to do with race?
that kidd in the back butt know his sandel is at the bottom....
Background wtf im on pc how did I FUCK UP ThAT SENTENCE THAT BADLy/
>is it racist to ask for an ID before allowing someone to buy drugs, cigarettes?
>is it racist to ask for an ID before allowing someone to have welfare?
>is it racist to fucking check if they are even an american citizen or have already voted before?
>those fucking chicken legs Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Okay I'll be that guy and play the other side.
Yes. Poor people can't always afford an ID, can't always find time to go to the DMV during work hours, and in some instances DMVs are closed in poorer neighborhoods so those people are unable to get an ID unless they drive into other towns or counties, which they can't afford the trip.
Horseshit. ID's cost about 2 fast food meal deals, or they can use some of the EBT change that they scam us for. Time -- fuckers not working have all the time in the world; at any rate if you are too busy to get ID then you are too busy to vote.
What if you can't even afford that? What if you're homeless? What if you're elderly and you can't find your birth certificate/never got one? What if you're a target of discrimination, lets say for example you live in Texas where there's a huge gap between registered Hispanic voters and registered white voters?
It's also racist to only allow American citizens to vote when the American president affects the whole world. We should also get to vote in your elections.
Why would it be racist?
What about an id with your biometrics like finger/eye/blood type in a chip
>Is it racist to require an ID to vote?
>It prevent retards from voting
>Most retards are of the 'gib me dats' crowd
>Most of the 'gib me datds' are niggers, spics, college students, and women
>+50% are racial minorities
Yes it's racist
No it's not. But it is racist to purposefully make it harder to get IDs for people in areas where the majority of the population is black, and only in those areas. That's called voter suppression, and has a very racist cause.
Also you can decrease funding for voting locations and either get rid of them in places where you don't want the majority to vote (lots of blacks and browns), and set up locations to vote that are the most inconvenient to that demographic. This can also lead to longer lines in uncomfortable settings. In 2008 Cleaveland, Ohio took their voting booths out of the city and relocated them into the suburbs. People from the city who wanted to vote (if they could afford to) had to wait up to two hours in a line to vote. Meanwhile the rest of the state had an average wait time of 10 minutes to vote.
apparently it's prejudiced because poor people don't have ID.
yet poor fucks seem to get liquor every day so idk.
They tore a hole through the fabric!
Also, buy Brain Force Plus™
those are nigs, retarded chink.
That's the little kid's legs.
What? I live in Cleveland and I've been voting since 2004- that didn't happen.
It could only possibly be racist if you required only one race to acquire IDs. If people fail to obtain IDs then that would be their own issue, if one race of people disproportionately fails to obtain an ID then maybe they have some problems they should work out.
yes look at india
>Cant afford it
You have failed at Capitalism at the basest of levels and do not deserve the right to dictate its future
Do they even vote? even if they did why? only reason you would care about the homeless vote is if your party favors from rounding them all up and feeding them in exchange for votes
You have been on this earth for 70+ years with no form of identification, good job at wasting my air
As a Texas resident, and a (gasp) white male, you clearly have no idea who actually runs the major cities in this state. Mexicans can get IDs easier than anyone else down here you shitlord.
Anything else?
it's to stop minorities from voting. it's hard to get an id. it requires a bunch of documentations minorities don't have access to
come on user
don't you know
it's racist to not let illegal beaners to vote?
I mean
How would Democrats win
Without their 30+ million illegal beaner voters?
Of course it is racist. Racist nazist americans except blacks to have sufficient brain power to know how to get an ID? Wtf? They should be making things easier for the poor blacks who are not on the same level as other superior races such as the superior white race. Disgusting american racists! Trump go home!
>Is it racist to require an ID to vote?
No. Voting is a privilege of a citizen, much like driving a car. You need proof of your ability to operate a car, why not proof that you can vote.
Damn, nostalgia
what are you in america without id? gtfo
the fuckin argument "voter IDs are racist because people of color are less likely to be able to obtain one and will be voting less because of it" pisses me off so fuckin much
So having exams and test in schools is racist because people of color will fail more? Having laws is racist because people of color will be imprisoned more?
If they're negatively affected by an absolutely fair and reasonable policy, thats their fuckin problem. Get your shit together.
absolutely fair and reasonable . are you going to drive me to the dmv? are you going to pay for my bus fair to go to the dmv? are you going to go get my birth certificate at the courthouse or social security card at the courthouse and then explain to them why i cant show them my id because i cant get it because they cant give me what i need to get the id in the first place?
Obviously whitey keeps writing warrants, so they can't carry ID because of arrest
No, any sensible country have picture ID laws for voting. Even 3rd world countries.
yes because everyone knows niggers are too dumb to know how to get an i.d.
The only country in the entire world where voter ID is considered racist is in America. This is fucking ridiculous.
I think we even have services that drive people to polling places. people have ID too...Fuck man...seriously all black voters have IDs..If you can't provide ID you shouldn't vote...fuck...If you want to change the system show you are a part of it.
>ID for voting is racist because blacks cannot afford to have a ID or a driver's license
>blacks being pulled over while driving is racial profiling by bigoted police
if black people cant get ID then shouldn't they always be pulled over, since they are guaranteed to be driving without a license?
Is it racist to require an id to buy booze?
Any citizen who wants to vote should have a driver's license. If they don't have one, theyre too dumb to vote and/or are illegal aliens and are afraid to register with the state because they have no papers.
This is in no way, shape, or form, racist. I dont know how people construe and argument that it is.
even if you don't have a drivers licence you NEED to have some kind of ID to function properly in a modern society.
The only reason to oppose voter ID laws would be because you want to cheat.
is common sense raysizt?
How can you guys not have this already?
How is it racist to prove you are a citizen in a democracy?
No, it just feels racist because shit tier nonwhites are so fucking lazy they wont even bother to go get one
not racist, classist, you need to pay for it to get it