Trump is bringing back jo-

>Trump is bringing back jo-

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Trump wants to make The Walking Dead real

hopefully they stop hiring niggers and stock the pond with some human beings.

Government jobs are a net drain on the economy


It's really insulting when you insinuate that people in the public sector actually work.

t. communist

>you fuckers thinking Big Government has your back.
It's all about the benjamins.

We wouldn't even need so many CDC employees if we stopped letting in 3rd worlders who are rife with diseases we eradicated 100 years ago.

Remember when Obama saved the world from Ebola?

Trump couldn't cure the flu.


How dare you take away my availability to become a slave?

Alot actually do work...then you have AA appointed minorities and women who don't do a fucking thing.

Trump has no intention of creating a functioning government. He's only hired people to destroy.


Making government agencies anemic is desirable, but nice try fag

You want government to be efficient, not braindead.


>Remember when Obama saved the world from Ebola?
Actually, no I don't.

I really don't give a shit about bloated bureacracies self perpetuating

you cant cure a virus. you treat the symptoms and let the virus run its course.

government needs a fucking reduction in many hundreds of thousands of worthless high paying jobs are there in the government that people making 30k-50k a year have to donate a large chunk of their earning to support?

i dont see a problem with this. privatize it. stop spending government funding on researching third world issues. balance the budget, cut the slack

When those seven hundred are the ones at the top of those agencies, 700 is a fucking big number.

Government actually does things, you know. Things even you might consider worthwhile. You don't fix a car by shooting out the tires.

>not understanding what private sector jobs are.

>being this shitty at your job at shareblue.

>When those seven hundred are the ones at the top of those agencies, 700 is a fucking big number.

Prove it.


>Trump is decreasing the national debt by reducing insanely bloated government agencies.
>You're all fucking faggots.

I introduce argument A: fucking common sense.

Your counter?

Oh, an anarchist. How quaint.

Wow amazing!
3 seconds in Google proves this is fake news.

Don't trust these fucks who post old news and no source


You introduced speculation. Are those seven hundred people "at the top of those agencies"? Please provide evidence for your assertion.

And that's gonna make me NOT like him?

Without immigrants bring in viruses their is no need for a large CDC

They aren't fucking interns. While they are lacking a director which is one of the most crucial positions period no it isn't strictly at the top, what it is all the way across the board, and it's leaving many important functions flailing.

If you want more detail you could try literally the fucking article.

>The CDC
>Trump Administration Hiring Freeze

Fucking good, CDC doesn't need government funding when there are private organizations that do the same god damned thing.

shareblue getting annoyed

Most of this article is bullshit, but I'll let you use your nose to sift out the truth for yourself.

I don't visit clickbait sites. Post an archive.

Not shareblue, but I am constantly annoyed so you get partial credit.

Nice unbiased link you got there.

WaPo is clickbait, now?

as a former federal employee i can confirm that if a director is offered more employee positions, they never turn them down, it's that sames for excess end of the year money. they will hire their friends kids for the jobs and piss away the cash for shit like 60" tvs so they will know if something happens.either way you end up with a shit load of nonproductive unskilled staff. i knew 3 well paid "it" people that did nothing but make sure their printers had paper


Now and forever. Archive it.

this..... if they dont spend all the money by years end they could be endanger of losing money from their budget. so they spend spend spend and they dont run that risk. if governemnt agencies were more fiscally responsible we could save money and if something serious happened we could throw extra money at them

What is your paper of record, then? The national fucking enquirer? Everything you don't totally agree with isn't clickbait. I'm not bending over backwards because you're afraid to give someone a percent of a cent.

thanks trump for saving me tax dollars and making more efficient use of the ones you already have!

i love u!


I don't see a fucking archive link.

Sorry you can't take the heat, snowflake. Find someone else to cater to your infantile whims.

Where is the link tho?

Make that the FDA and then, I'll cheer.

Your boss isn't watching bro just post an archive link. I promise I won't tell.

There is no link at all, othet than the one npr article I posted to prove this is a pointless thread.
The hiring freeze is over. Google it and pick any source you like. Quit letting sharia blue annoy you by posting fake news.

>Implying government jobs are more important than private sector jobs
You think you can beat Sup Forums?

And then he ruined the nation with Obamacare


I'm having fun here, don't butt your nose in.


The original point was that Trump isn't a job creator because of 700 CDC jobs, but sure go ahead and move OP's goal posts.

Yea because 700 government jobs represent the whole economy bucko. But ya OP GOT US POL WE LOOSE EBOLA WILL KILL EVERYONE!!!

I feel like you are trying to make a point.

Real talk, Ebola can't do well in a first world country. But there's plenty of other shit that can fuck us over, and hamstringing the CDC is a good way to increase those odds.

>Government jobs are a net drain on the economy
That's not true for all jobs in all situations.

For example the OSHA is a net positive due to savings from regulations that businesses still actively try to avoid. Working safe is cheaper than working unsafe.

But in general government jobs don't tend to create wealth, and I understand that is your meaning.

Well any disease that kills niggers is ok with me. Maybe Atlanta could be purged....


I wasn't agreeing with OP, moronic newfag. Guess I nees to remember to spell shit out for my peers on the lower half of the bell curve

The more money is spent in america and then respent the more stimulative it is. This is why we can throw a lot of money at defense, absolutely none of those contracts are foreign and that goes all the way down the supply chain.

Literally retarded. There is little infectious disease that gives a shit who it infects, niggers get the plague, it mutates, and then the next thing you know you're coughing out your organs.

>15,000 employees

holy shit there must be more than a few cush jobs there

hygiene plays a huge role in the transfer of disease. when people know somebody is sick and take steps to be more hygienic then the risk falls dramatically. i know ive seen somebody cough when im walking so i hold my breathe for a few seconds until im out of range therefore not inhaling whatever they coughed out. if i was so worried about catching something id wear a mask and make sure my hands are clean before i touch my face. certain things reduce the risk substantially

but but 700 vacancies........

We don't need the CDC as long as we wash our hands regularly. Yep, that'll end well.

those aren't jobs that shit is just a parking spot for fat black women to collect government checks and not do any work

You're in the wrong neighborhood friend.
I don't think you know what common sense even means

>If there aren't people in control of an operation, it doesn't operate well
This isn't rocket science. What did you think would reasonably happen?

FINALLY. One thing Trump has done that is decent. CDC spreads diseases and does absolutely nothing for us. Just more traitors

>bunch of gold bricking pharma shills btfo from their cushy revolving door jobs
>this is a bad thing somehow

About three years ago they had a string of accidents & mishaps that legitimately shook my trust in them. That came on the heels the firing of a CDC VP when someone found photos on her personal computer of her fucking the family dog. I don't have a very high opinion of the CDC.

Good lord you are cancer in this thread

not saying we dont need the cdc but they dont need 15K employees to work on the things that plague the US. especially when privatized institutions do the same thing. and we took the conversation to another level and it wasnt just about the CDC. you mentioned how disease doesnt care about skin color or some shit and i was explaining ways to prevent against getting said disease.

Did you have an actual criticism, or does poking at obvious voids in logic trigger you somehow?

They shipped some live swine flu to Poland and it was labeled and packaged as a vaccine.

It was tested and found to be the actual virus, the whole country would have had an outbreak had they used it.

Reminder that a top position at the CDC is filled by Leon Trotsky's daughter.

hahaha really? fucking the family dog and this is who is in charge. jesus. she got barked

tfw i caught swine flu


No what I mean is you personally are a cancer in this thread and should probably neck yourself.

Alright, two things: 15k people isn't really a ridiculous number for an organization that has to do a fuckload of reporting and testing over the entire country. I'm sure there are improvements that can be made to how it's run, but a hiring freeze does fuckall to help.

Second, privatization is not any kind of an advantage here. The instant there's an angle for profit there's a danger of skewing results for profits sake. And frankly, if they aren't also 15k employee behemoths I don't trust them to keep up with what has to be done.

The latter, then.

I don't remember the details. It happened a few/several years ago. I'm sure an internet search might have the story. I believe the focus was on her husband for the computer inquiry, and they just happened to find them. But, yep. CDC VP fired for fucking the family dog.

On purpose ?! Ha.

they just make up for the hiring freeze by using outside contractors. Literally everyone knows this

sure it does. not letting the fill the positions give time to make appropriate cuts without having people apply for positions that might soon be cut and they can search else where for a job.

and 15K employees is ridiculous for what they are. im sure 10K of them is not needed.without actual numbers or experience i bet 10K could easily be cut and they still handle what needs to be done just fine. 90% of them probably do redundant testing on diseases that are trivial

yeah easily found it

Less starving Africans to feed being treated for ebola

Freezing American jobs and bringing in thousands of refugees. Truly making us great again.

Private jobs create wealth and grow the economy. Government jobs dont.

Interesting fantasy you have there. Surprisingly, it doesn't sound at all of what little I know about the structure of the CDC.

Do government employees only spend their money outside the country? Because that's literally the only way to accomplish that.

The US government is the biggest employer in the world. Liberals see no problem with this.

What's wrong with jobs, exactly? I seem to remember the CCC working out pretty well. We'd be well served by such an effort today, what with the shit condition of our infrastructure.

>Do government employees only spend their money outside the country? Because that's literally the only way to accomplish that.

Are you retarded? Do you understand how governmental employees are paid? Do you know how federal taxes work? Are you a nigger by chance?

Kill yourself pham.

That doesn't change the fact that employing people who spend money in the economy stimulates that economy. I think you're short-circuiting your logic somewhere.

>We tax all of our citizen
>We use the taxes to pay some of our citizens
>We tax all of our citizens
>We use the taxes to pay some of our citizens

Faggots like you are the reason my family friends can work in the capitol, get demoted for shitty work and keep their $150,000 paycheck, all while CT goes bankrupt and lays off the police that kept the growing crime in inner cities in check.

Kys, you piece of shit.

Are you really as retarded as you're making yourself out to be? Do you also think money grows on trees somewhere? Do you think Santa is real?

You're one stupid bastard m8.

And maybe they can sort out whos needed and necessary instead of over hiring and wasting peoples money...