you are all suffering ^_^
Extremism is caused by sexual frustration and insecurity
Other urls found in this thread:
what dont the mods want us to know?
are you telling me all the other threads are hunky dorey?
mods are approving hate speech
and when we try to talk them down from it by identifyng the root cause in order to help..
they would rather keep you in the dark cause they don't have a real life
would rather wipe the collective ass of truu racism on the internet
mods don't have lives
>politically incorrect
doggos and getting out more woudl help a lot of people on here calm down
>implying the group defining the entire "conservative is the new punk" movement are actually extremists and not ironic moderates fighting left wing policies designed to hurt people unequally
If I am suffering, it's because protecting myself has been classed as extremist.
i appreciate you
people here equate self defense a lot with the right to pussy, this is a problem and cause for so much division
In other news the sky is blue, fire is hot and Hitler was right.
"conservative is the new punk"
>soft nazism is not conservative
Also, what policies are you talking about?
Trump's new budget hurts people unequally
Comedy is the second best medicine, after handing out guns to everyone with a grievance.
wrong, it's knowing you'll never amount to anything lasting and trying to rationalize who and why took your Disney future from you
are women what gives men meaning, is it children, or something else?
conservatism in the US = classical liberalsim, outside the US it typaclly referes to monarchism
then you have neo conservatism which is very close to classical liberalism because of deteriorating religious beleifs. however the big problem is we now have neo liberals whoa re often mistaken for neo conservatives because they are registered republicans, and neo liberals tend to make peace with socialists which causes strains with neo conservatives
What do you think motivates women to choose men? Is it a man's looks? Or is it his social standings and where he works and his career? If you're not a retarded child who projects their own sexuality, then you spud know it's the latter.
So what happens if you keep large swathes of men out of work? What happens when the media incites unequal employment and unequal opportunities and causes men to be outright rejected and excluded from millions of dollars worth of opportunities?
Their social standings are nulled. They do not get laid. They do not pass on their genes.
Censorship of non left wing views, affirmative action, education designed to target male esteem, standardised marking based on demographics (just give white boys lower marks, that'll keep them out of work!). The list literally goes on and everyone knows these only exist because feminists do not like white men.
If I suffer it's because my calls for equality are seen as oppressive, because they fear me and fear what happens when the playing field is level.
you're not that important, get over it
u can find your own meaning in life
make a picnic and go for a hike
comedy is for the weak
But libtards are in a constant state of misery.
I have a gf that I bang regularly
If I didn't I'd probably have gone full bowlcut
This is not a bad thing
Kill yourself
Cats > dogs
Boys > girls
I imagine you're some kind of virgin faggot
They don't get laid either.
Varg released an video today that shows how extreme he is and he has an 8/10 qt traditional wife and 6 kids. Truth is our extremism comes from the fact that we see meaning in our lives more than most people do. Some do only see meaning in sex and relationships, hence they become extreme in that regard. Elliot Rodger is a prime example. Many of us see meaning in greater things than sex, so we become extreme in the ideologies that we become passionate in. The only extreme ideologies I can think of that come from sexual frustration would be White Sharia and maybe MGTOW (the younger MGTOW's, not the angry divorced dads).
The sky only appears to be blue
Not all fire is hot, heat is a spectrum
Hitler was a monster
i'm gay. i fuck men all the time. all. the. time. and i'm very right wing. i support chucking faggots off roofs and hanging mudsharks.
Roof yourself faggot
Nice roids fag
you don't know any good feminists
Feminists don't care for white men because they say things like the shit you just posted, if anybody has the best chance in America it's white men. Yes, our time is waning because equality is brought to fruition, so yeah, it's no longer a cakewalk for us whiteys, was never fair in the first place. Be happy that other people have the opportunity to pursue the Dream.
feminism makes the playing field level, it's so much smaller than the patriarchy.
whie boy have very fragile egos ecause they have had especially good treatment throughout their lives, which is why you feel so threatened by anything that could possibly take that away from you
>gays are the same as faggots
topcuck, faggot.
that's prometheus, newfriend
How much roids are you taking to be that cut?
Can't be natty..
Wow. You are absolutely right.
Fuck. I can't believe I've been told by a jap.
i got a hot girlfriend who fucks me all the time
we go hiking naked together and smoke weed before we have sex
she lets me fuck other women too
So this is why they blow themselves for 72 virgins
You are strong? Commit sudoku please.
They do, but their sex lives are constantly based on two extremes: no sex at all for being a fat slob or sexual promiscuity. Both cause extreme jealousy among people. I like how SJW's call us right wingers sexually frustrated when a feminist YouTuber literally stabbed his cucking GF to death.
what is extremism
lmao you obviously dont know what the fuck roids are.
you dont need "roids" to get toned.
>Fucks guys all the time
Yeah, you're a faggot.
A real gay wouldn't need to brag about his gayness like it's the most important part of him or how much he fucks men.
Get aids
Nice proxy, Jew shill.
Try living with niggers, then you'll see Sup Forums is right.
White shariah was invented by 2 dudes who get laid all the time
>you are all suffering
who wants to help me out
A Jew pretends to be a samurai
Is this thread ironic or are you trully a cucked fagit.
>Feminists don't care for white men because they say things like the shit you just posted, if anybody has the best chance in America it's white men.
When you're considered a bigot for naming the feminist and their evil tactics.. you're a shitty troll right?
> Yes, our time is waning because equality is brought to fruition, so yeah, it's no longer a cakewalk for us whiteys, was never fair in the first place.
And here it is, how could society be fair when smart white men exist? Ergo, genocide the white men. Surely if you removed anyone on top we would get equality, right? Right?
Enjoy your zero sum game, women with real pride are disgusted that you forbid them from competing with men on a genuinely flat playing field.
post link to video
what is your experience with black people?
the last two were 404ed by mods
so that makes it all the more interesting because both had big responses
people need to talk about it
I assume you think the man that gets fucked is the faggot. Do you stab every single man you fuck?
VN waifus don't count lol
are u de hokage, no tu es no de hokage desu
>what is your experience with black people?
White men have historically had the best opportunity in America
To counter this, we give everybody equal opportunity
People of color don't get equal opportunity
and White people get away with a lot
u must be lonely inside
>Do you stab every single man
With his penis
you didn't answer my question lacan
Doesn't one of them only get laid by black and Asian women?
your reply to direct and overwhelming evidence that niggers are subhuman is an ad hominem
how about ditching the proxy, kike
Not the best model for a feminist
strikes me more as a psycho
u should check out Frida Kahlo
she got hit by a car and he husband cheated on her
the "everyone on Sup Forums is a kid" meme is getting old and stale. im willing to bet a good chunk of pol is married with kids and doing fairly well in life.
watch this:
I'm insecure and sexually frustrated, why aren't I bombing concerts?
One nigger bobbed 2 houses in my town, that's more than enough to hate them. Also traveling to the usa and niggers begging for money on the side of the street.
I've heard you can get 72 virgins if you do!
Maybe, I know /polgb/ is jobless teenagers and pedophiles largely
>statistics? watch this video instead
fuck off, nigger. you are too stupid to look up actual numbers yourself instead of doing any research.
why the proxy, nigger?
not related to my question freud
are you a kid or married?
are you plagued wondering if you are gay?
just cause you touch your butthole doesn't mean you like dick
all men have the ability to feel overwhelming pleasure via prostate stimulation
my guess is because your not a muslim
And Argentina is white and India can't poo in loo and will be a superpower in 2030.
That's all folks
The physical activity would kill you before your bomb killed anyone else, fatass
Imagine the look on women's faces if white men started converting to fundamental islam in droves.
why are you hiding behind a proxy?
i'm literally in Japan
what is this,
is that how nippers talk...
should have used more bombs
This is why your whole post is irrelevant, you literally recognise that this hasn't been the case for over half a century, that's two and half generations of workers ago.
This is why the feminists can't win arguments, their points are literally self defeating and only works amongst people unwilling to point out the hypocrisy. There is literally nothing you could argue about inegalitarianism achieving egalitarianism. This is senseless and we know it.
english teacher
Living on the edge.
Wearing your grandpas pajama now counts as one.
why the proxy, david-kun?
my wife is japanese. if you're not hiding behind a proxy then write something original and fluent in japanese within 2 minutes. the clock is ticking, shill
no, it still happens today
don't fight it
i'm waiting, kike
umaie wa baka amerikajin to omoimasu
ore sama ichiban desu
i don't have a japanese keyboard
time's up.
proxyfaggot confirmed. fuck off, shill
extremism comes from having something to die for. end of story
>i don't have a japanese keyboard
my wife uses my standard keyboard just fine to write kanji
shill proxyfag absolutely 100% confirmed
Get rekt, he beat you burger
like most other negative human things the root cause is a lack of integrity to a sufficient degree
OP is right, just with REAL extremism where you go out and kill people.
That's why Islamic culture is so fucked and violent, if 1 man can have 3 wives then that's 2 men who'll never get a wife so turn to a violent life of crime and terror.
yeah but your wife is japanese you fuckin autism
no he did not. you cam write kanji with a qwerty keyboard very vwry easily
he is a shill behind a proxy
(you) laughable loser
Yes, it does, and it's strictly against white men. Your imagined persecution is meaningless when there are many articles written every year calling for redistribution of opportunities away from white men. This is real. What you believe isn't.
When you base your actions off of something only theoretical and only arguable, you have no stopping mechanism because nothing you're using to judge is based on reality. You can't assess what's actually happening and realise if it needs to stop or not, because it's got nothing to do with what's actually happening.
This is why people will start telling people feminism calls brain damage. This is the final solution because it feels true, seems true, but of course isn't true. It would be the only way to get feminists to consider that what they're doing is evil.
And you're a troll, we all know it, but what you're doing is evil too.
>i live in japan but i don't know how to write japanese with a standard keyboard
here's a hint: they use regular qwerty keyboards in japan, too
fuck off, shill
t. Literal shitposter
Or not really good at technology.
prove it
further when dealing with the LGBT, that seems to be a thing with the converts who then snap
omar mateen, and that boy who went from homo neo nazi to islam and snapped on his neo nazi roomates
22 yo
if he is in japan them he should be able to write kanji with a qwerty keyboard
he is 100% a shill using a proxy