Telomere Cell Age

>you now realize these telomeres commercials and services have come out of nowhere because the government is trying to get the population used to the idea of counting age through your cell age instead of years alive because soon we will be able to use stem cells to reverse our cellular ages and basically be made new and the previous system of telling one's age will become antiquated.

It's not going to happen fast but these are the first steps. If you're younger than 40 today it's highly likely you will never die of old age.

no one has ever died of 'old age' only of age related deceases

Can't wait to be waiting forever.

>because soon we will be able to use stem cells to reverse our cellular ages and basically be made new

How are we going to do that? Humans have trillions of cells, and there are other ways that cells age, such as through oxidation and maladaptive glycosylations (see: Amadori rearrangements)

If the body wanted to repair telomeres, it could easily do so. There is an enzyme called telomerase which is only expressed in germ cells. Telomerase repairs telomeres, so if the body thought it would be beneficial to do so (selection-wise) it could just express telomerase in other types of tissue.

**advanced glycation end products, not Amadori rearrangements. Same idea.

I've known this for a long time. My biggest fear in fact, is to be in hospital dying, finally about to be at peace, when suddenly I wake up with a fresh new liver and a hospital bill and another decade of enforced slavery. I try to suicide all the methods, but nothing works. They keep putting me back together, forcing me to take a cocktail of mood stabilisers. I have no personality. I have no desire. I just wake up and do my job. Eventually something happens, a small mistake somewhere in the line, and I do not renew my slow-release meds. Hallucinations set in, I try one final time to commit suicide. I am given electro-convulsive therapy and am reduced to living in my dreams. I pray that my body has already died, and these dreams are the dreams of a ghost. Yet, I never truly escape. I fade back to myself years later, only to discover stronger methods of coercion have been created. I don't even remember my name, just that if I don't press this and that button and move labels into boxes, I will feel an electric shock. Sometimes my shit leaks out of the shitting tube, and I feel scared. This lasts for what feels like an eternity, the feeling a baby has in it's first year in the world.

I get used to the new system and earn credits for a while. But something is not right. I discover things, feelings, drugs.. and yet again the secret of life: that there is no true death. I am scared and educated for a second time and try again in vain to end my life...

This time, when I wake up, I'm just a head. My job is to test what advertisements are most effective, and they surround me from all directions. If I look at one it disappears. These lights are my new life. I don't even have eyelids to shut. I do not even dream.

The end.

Our neurons do not need to divide. It's the rest of our body that lets down our brain.

i like it. i like you.

take your shit to /x/

at best it is just a way to steal money from stupid people

There's a lot more to aging than telomeres. This is kind of like saying cancer will be cured forever because cranberries have antioxidants.

The cellular theory of aging is bullshit.

You can still get nigged on the streets

more like another attempt at tricking people into giving DNA

:P If it turns out to be true I'll check the records and send you some credits a trillion years from now.

I think it's more about subverting the idea that age is years alive since birth. Telomeres won't be the fully adopted measure of ones age but once we can easily activate the cells into remaking us there will need to be another method of telling one's age.

Yup. People are in a big rush to hand over their DNA sequence to anyone for a print out of some dubious bullshit.

As a Buddhist I know that death is immaterial and irrelevant

>le ebul corps want my DNA meme

for vvat purpose, le shitposter le

We're 100 years from a comprehensive theory of aging with actual permanent solutions for the human body replicating all cell lines and that's if research soars as people expect it to.

We're more likely to become "brain in a jar" robots first and that's 70 years away minimum and it's likely not to work for the first 10+ years of patients.

The commercials and services are there to take advantage of gullible aging women who are realizing that their only positive attribute is going to shit and they can't stop it.

it will inevitably fall in the hands of govmt for thought crime prevention once they isolate genes "prevalent in radical conservatives" but in the mean time its most likely going to be sold off for research

at worst you are potentially giving away your freedom to corrupt people, at best, you are losing out on thousands of dollars that some medical research trial would have paid you instead of the company that sold your DNA to them

That would never happen.

The body knows that you have to die to make room for the next generation.. immortality has a price, and life in the meta scale has adapted since the Cambrian to embrace death as the clearing of dead wood and the release of the spring eternal

I have a method. You ready?

How many years you've been alive.

That presents a major problem though. When do you retire. When do your force retirement?

A system of measuring a general mean indicator by which humans begin to develop physical ailments will be the determining factor by which retirement is mandated or suggested, in relation to the current day level of cellular regenerative technology.

It will be a moving scale.

>A system of measuring a general mean indicator by which humans begin to develop physical ailments will be the determining factor by which retirement is mandated or suggested, in relation to the current day level of cellular regenerative technology.
And if they keep undergoing the treatment?

Then your suggested retirement level (age and time will have changed) will adjust.

Don't expect Humans to achieve an infinite lifespan, user, at least not within a fully physical body.

At some point, when your human remnants are no longer the majority of your being, you can no longer be considered "Human", and as such, why should you be afforded the same laws as a mere mortal?

>meet a nice girl and have sex with her
>she had a telomere regen session a few years back and she's legally only 8 years old
>go to jail for statutory rape

>At some point, when your human remnants are no longer the majority of your being, you can no longer be considered "Human"
how does that change when you're just reversing cell age?

This is assuming that whites are still a majority in 30-40 years.

Do you really think we'll even get that far with the majority of western countries being less than 50% white in 2050? Technology will slow significantly and probably regress.

I have a method of determining when you're ready to retire. You ready?

When you can afford to retire without welfare while having a desire to do so. You force retirement when your employer notices declines in job performance.

The components necessary for keeping a human brain alive will be reduced to the bare minimum.

>articial organs

We're all thinking in here that cell death is the great enemy and war to be fought, but in reality it's less of a battle than figuring out how to keep the brain healthy for longer periods of time.

Cells will play a part in that, of course, but the rest of the body is going to be thrown away because it's going to be far easier to simply emulate them with machines.

Why would you want to perpetually reverse the age of a cell based body, which is extremely delicate, subject to all manner of death and harm, when you can contain the core element of the human soul-container and live for as long as that core element remains healthy?

And before you mention muh sexual organs or pleasure senses, contemplate upon our ability to induce pleasure sensations via injected chemical methods, then creature a culture around building intimacy with other human machine hybrids, BEFORE you allow that other being to participate in this activity with you.

Sound any different than building a relationship for sex, or the random hookup?

It's not different at all. Culture and needs will facilitate those aspects, which will remind us that we were at some point living, feeling human beings.

You assume people won't have a problem with becoming machines and/or digital beings.

I agree, time is irrelevant and the system is broken

God damn it.
Why did you have to be so detailed?

you should write science fiction, this post is already better than half the bullshit out there