Why haven't you started a family yet?

Why haven't you started a family yet?

Sup Forums

Women are weird

it's the jooz fault

Most white nationalists are too ugly and socially unadjusted to to anything else other than to channel their anger with shitposts on the web

because i'm surrounded by american women and it's awful

An unfortunate 5 year gap after college first with no job then with paying off debt. I lost a fucking decade on the college meme.

Hopefully by 2020 I'll have my first kid.

no more good women out there, just bitches, that will not take care of children properly.

I asked myself this once, then I looked in the mirror and got my answer

Because I look for women in the wrong places and always bang them the first time I hang out with them.

T. Degenerate

Engaged to a qt Mexican and gonna pump out half white children

6'4" genetic lottery winner too

Just gotta redpill my fiancee asap

I am useful as a survivor. Some humans will kill any of my children. Too dangerous.

Give me 5 years I'm only 20 years old

I cut off my penis

I "act too quickly" for them.

>Engaged to a qt Mexican and gonna pump out half white children

>half white

No such thing, Paco.

1 drop rule, stupid beaner.

Getting married in Dec. She was sort of a lib when we started dating, now she's all about the Conservative life.

8/10 wants kids, likes to cook, makes awesome puns. Feels good man.

Honestly. I'm white. Fat. Right wing. And far from financial security. At 36 I've aged past the point of acceptably fucking college girls or recent grads. In all, I'm good breeding stock, historically, but in my generation I have no redeeming value for propegation. The only women that even feign interest have multiple half breed runts. I'm not interested in replacing fathers they couldn't keep. So. I got a dog. And I gave up on it. I wanted to have kids. I wanted to be married. I have neither. Statistically, I lose a cumulative 1% likelihood every six months that passes for marriage and something like 2.5% for children. It's not that I didn't want that. It's just not there for me. Kek has not willed it.

too poor, no gf, health problems, hair loss.

Don't have the money or time to support a stable relationship, let alone children.

How many kids did she want when you started dating?

How many does she want now?

PR is a ghetto. I have to import my women from somewhere else . Women here are 19th century locomotives.


What happens when you get along with a 9 or higher? What then? You gonna abandon your kids? Force them in a single upbringing?
Why not marry a 10? Doesn't have to be a Russian supermodel just someone you really like

I want to marry a superior Japanese girl, but I'm a poorfag who can't afford traveling there. What do?

My sister had a kid 4 months ago.

I don't have the right someone to do it and it doesn't help that women are being bitches in this day and age now.

We don't want a huge family. originally she didn't want any. She had a shit childhood and has fears of putting her kids through that. She knows those aren't rational fears, and that we don't have the problems her parents did, but when you've come to expect something your entire life it's difficult to shake the feeling.

But, I've eased her into the idea, she used to do daycare at a church, and she's actually very good with kids.

Right now, we are thinking just one or two, that may change, we will see.

I was saying in the looks department, and in my book a 10/10 is something like a Russian Super model. lol. That's hardly a concern of mine though.

compatibility-wise I'd easily give her a 10/10. This is going to sound cheesey as fuck, but she's my best friend.

I tried. She divorced me because she thought she was holding me back from my true potential or some shit like that. You know, they tell you not to stick your dick in crazy, but goddamn if it isn't hard to go back afterwards.

I wonder if there's some way to make women on a mass scale go though the changes your fiance went though.

I have. One Daughter. White as the driven snow. Want son though...

To be fair, I think the main thing she had going for her was reason-ability. When we started dating, she believed in a lot of the retarded shit that most liberated women believe in.

Once I started exposing her to real facts, and nothe the social media filtered bullshit, she could reason through the rest.

For example, she believed the wage gap. So, I showed her Thomas Sowell and explained his reasonings behind the controls he used behind his studies when it came to measuring wages for men and women. She could recognize that he had the better argument than her feminist contemporaries. Thus, she now knows shes been spoon fed bull shit. And she's actually pissed about that fact.

If you caught your daughter kissing a black man what would you do?

Oh fuck, I don't even want to think about it. Maybe give up on humanity entirely.

The best part of being a man is that we have time to spare. You can get a 20 yld in your 40s so long as you keep in decent shape and land a good job.

> give up
Typical cuck attitude.
How about spending time with your children, educating them and explaining things? How about redpilling them early so they can recognize and ignore (((their))) brainwash and propaganda?

I don't know my joodar is going off, that family looks like a bunch of kikes

Trying to. Gonna be hard against this generation's left cuck education system. She already has a bad feeling about them though. No redpill needed, the little monkeys just behave natural and she doesn't like it. Although my old lady would be pissed if I tried teaching a 6 year old some shit like that.

>the little monkeys just behave natural and she doesn't like it.
Oy vey. Don't worry she'll learn in public school to be more tolerant.

>tfw your gf is a Palestinian Christian
>naturally redpilled
>looks like your average southern european, has black hair, light-medium skin, and hazel eyes
>Her father is an engineer and mother is a doctor
>She is intelligent too but wants to be a stay at home mom
>Can openly joke about evil Jews and muslims are at the dinner table with her family
>We plan on having 5 kids

Life is good

Crippling social anxiety and multiple health problems.

Only 18 months until I get my wizard powers.

M8 I don't mean literally telling a kid that holocaust never happens and Jew bankers control governments. Its about growing educated and open minded kids who are smart enough to understand such things when they encounter it in life and who are curious enough to ask questions and do their own research.

I was a beta virgin until my sophomore year of college. Got rejected from a frat, decided to lift regularly and take steroids, then by the end of the second semester I had fucked more than 20 different tinder sloots. Start of junior year I met my current 10/10 gf and the whole time we've been together plenty of sluts continued to try to pry me away. It's not too late

That's were it mostly happens at. Sometime when were at the park or some kid center pay to play shit. She'll come home and tell me about Rayqandu stole this from her or some other kid. Or Shireeeekain pulled her hair. Seems to pick up on the major differences.

Well, I have told her to try and question what people in authority say,even me if she thinks I'm being unreasonable. But again she's only 6 so I gotta take my time.

Yeah that obum niger shit himself all the time.

>too young
>no money
>socially inept
>still studying with 0 work experience (outside my family's business)