Why are you not Mormon yet Sup Forums?

>Doomsday preppers
>Morally Straight
>Take care of their own
>Hate Large Government because of Executive order 44
>Large white population
>Out-breeding all other people
Come on Sup Forums give me one good reason why you shouldn't be Mormon

>Inb4 hurrr there crayzee

Other urls found in this thread:


How about do all of the things on that list but not adopt their backwards beliefs

Because I already follow the religion of truth: Islam.

>Retarded religious beliefs
>Mandatory 10% tithe

Girl on the right looks like a fucking brit bong.

>literally millions of planets and millions of gods

what the fuck

>creepy cultists
Take your Egg McMuffin with you and die, you freaks.

Traitors are worse than enemies.
>Mormons and Muslims regularly work together to support marriage, family and religious freedom issues. Several LDS apostles joined Muslim leaders and spoke at U.S. and international interfaith gatherings this year. The LDS Church also is a long-time partner with Muslim charitable organizations like International Islamic Relief Organization.

>still being stupid enough not to differentiate between evidence and faith
>still being greedy and materialistic/individualistic enough to bitch about giving 10% of your income to a cause you believe in

lol ok faggot have fun trying to start the ethnostate alone. also have fun trying to keep your wife when you don't make enough money that 10% of your income results in a significant dip in your quality of life,



>trying to start the ethnostate alone
The mormons are the biggest opponents to any attempt at creating an ethnostate, you piece of shit.

Kill yourself, cultist.

I am waiting for the Prophet to announce the return of polygamy.

I'm not even Mormon. I'm just being pragmatic. Mormonism is unambiguously the best chance we've got at securing the existence of our people.

Also Utah is already pretty much an ethnostate, what the fuck are you talking about?

Ever heard of deseret

Yea except for the part where they bring in the browns from all over the world they converted and have zero problem marrying off their daughters to them

Mormons think blacks are demons.

>Mormonism is unambiguously the best chance we've got
Then we have ZERO CHANCE at all. Mormons love brown people more than Obama did and would airlift all of africa and south america into the US if they felt the could convert 5% of them to their terrible religion.

>Utah is already pretty much an ethnostate
IN SPITE of mormon idiots. These fuckers are hand in hand with the catholics profiting off of bringing in "refugees," i.e. some african to replace you, fuckboy.

>America is already an ethnostate since we all share "american culture!"
Eat shit.

You a blackie?

Because its heresy not to believe in the divinity of Christ

Into the trash with the rest of them

Why can't I be all of that without being a polytheist cultfaggot who believes in magic underpants?

Also Mormons these days are huge cucks, they declared racism to be an abomination and they're literally importing niggers and Pacific Islanders to Utah if they convert to mormonism.

That hasn't been church doctrine in like 50 years

Just because a prophet says something doesnt make it doctrine

Mormons don't love brown people, they just love converting people because they're just obligated by their doctrine to convert people. And it just so happens that brownies and blackies have low impulse control and low intelligence and are thus easily manipulated into ANY religion. Need evidence? See the fact that they're currently worshiping white/semetic gods already. Fuckboy.

What about wife swapping for the "kingdom"? I know mormons are into this.

This picture makes me sad. My family looks great on the outside just like these people. Attractive all-American white people from the countryside. You would never guess how much has gone wrong among us, ranging from sexual abuse to fraud to simple jealousy and neglect. The ironic thing is that fundamentalist Christianity is the common thread among the whole family with the exception of my mom and I who are alienated from the rest. The more fucked up they are, the more Christian they are. The one who goes around talking about Jesus all the time is the one who spent his teen years trying to rape his sisters.

they'll self depreciate into a cult in 50 years once liberalism starts to eat them from the inside out.
Mormonisn only has been around so long because its forced unto children at a young age. Good luck trying to save yourself when one of your own burns down the church

WTF, i love mormons now!

Who has a fan on their fucking porch?

>Mormons don't love brown people
>they just love converting people
>and they're supporting/profiting off of illegals from the south and refugees from africa being stuffed inside america
>but they don't love them, they're just specifically bringing them into the US
And that changes anything how, you filthy retard?

Oh, they hate the brown people they're bringing in by the thousands and converting to their shitty cult? What a fucking relief! End your life.

Joeseph Smith is an obvious fraud we can clearly see evidence for blacks being demonic.

Lets bring back Orthodox Mormonism.

Muh booze!

For when its hot outside, but you want to sit on the porch with your rifle to shoot niggers?

You never lived in the southwest.

The difference between Mormons and global capitalists/globalists is that Mormons AGGRESSIVELY push family values and marriage onto a congregation that is white by a huge majority. No other polity or body can currently be said to be doing the same. Are they perfect? No. Do they have some cucky/neolib behavior? Yes. But if you're looking for a white wife who is loyal, submissive, and wants a large family, good fucking luck looking outside the Mormon church (unless you're willing to settle for a repressed, unstable roastie-in-training who will more than likely end up divorcing you or abusing your kids, in which case feel free to try "Catholic" girls).

This logic seems to be lost on the Christ cucks of Sup Forums.
>"hurrr my Jewish controlled religion is the only thing that can save the west donate your money to help save Israel or ur fedora atheist XDDD"

Best friend in high school was a mormon. Looking back they were really based. Huge family. Strict traditional values. Chaste girls. Not a shred of degeneracy.
They believe some weird shit, but fuck it. culture is more important to me.

Recently saw his dad in the WSJ for becoming the GM of Nemacolin Resort

sounds like you guys are protestant retards

>The difference between Mormons and global capitalists/globalists
Stop right there. Maybe you need to read more into who finances creatures like Romney, McMuffin, Beck, etc. Mormons ARE global capitalists/globalists.

>a congregation that is white by a huge majority.
Today. But they're working overtime to change that. And they're spending my tax dollars to do it.

>Do they have some cucky/neolib behavior? Yes.
A lot. It takes no effort to find lefty mormons.

>a white wife who is loyal, submissive, and wants a large family
I know plenty of mormons who have had marriages that ended in divorce. In no way do mormons have any special amount of loyalty or submissiveness over any other brainwashed christian.

Mormons did the first 9/11,in 1857


>allow children to be interviewed about their sexual purity by lay clergy.
>believe patent falsehoods.
>claim to literally belong to house of Israel.
>participate in ceremonies blatantly plagarized from 19th century masonic rituals.
>mandatory "donation" of 10% of income with no transparency or accountability by church headquarters.
>no coffee, no booze
>fetishization of infantile emotion--openly weeping during discussion of "spiritual" matters considered laudable
>geriatric top clergy of "church broken" yes men incapable of vigorous leadership
>whitewashing out outright denial of any unique or noteworthy aspects (polygamy, separatism, race relations, blood atonement, etc.) to the point of being nearly indistinguishable from any other corporate prosperity gospel mega church.
should I go on?

Because I grew up in Utah and they fucking weird me out.

LIstening to one infallible prophet is what got cathocucks into the problems they're in.

Not based to listen to one elitist fag.

Handing over your tax returns to a council of fags that aren't the government and can't shoot you for not doing so.

Fucking underwear.

nice photo of future school shooters, OP

Take a look at what happens in their super secret churches.

OP,jsyk. Amish are fastest growing religious group, their numbers double every ten to fifteen years.

pedocult, also blindly follow their dipshit faith like literally sheep. They breed and still live largely off the government like niggers. Fuck that