Two good guys have been lost. Fuck this is so sad.
Two good guys have been lost. Fuck this is so sad.
Remember to fill all options
Such a terrible thing what happened....
>that low
um... no, go--sweetie...
You know Murcans don't take kindly to foreigners interfering in our domestic politics, right?
You guys need us to keep Russia from annexing you. Maybe fight that battle before you start dicking around in our backyard.
You are a disgrace to that flag.
t. Ukrainian
Where's Anti-Russia on that list??
>comment on US politics
>takes it as a threat
>plans to invade
your country is so so bad and you don't even care.
directly referenced either President-elect Donald Trump, his campaign slogans, or his infamous remarks about sexual assault.
> his infamous remarks about sexual assault.
So saying you're going to grab a woman by the pussy is an anti-woman trump related incident
that really puts these numbers in perspective
>>plans to invade
We're the only country keeping Ukraine from being invaded, in case you missed it.
Merkel won't let the EU intervene because muh gazprom.
Asian, African, and South American countries don't give a shit at all.
And I guess Australia doesn't even know who's attacking Ukraine.
"Resistance Report," lol, you talk like a fag.
I agree fuck bernie supporters they are unhinged, trump fans learned it too.
bernie should denounce the violence his supporters use to suppress free speech.
also your graph is retardo
>Chart by the Southern Poverty Law Center
>No actual data
>Founded by Democrats
>Muh racist, fascist, misogynist pig
Go back to Le Reddit
As always, three seconds in fact checking proves this fake news.
Lol. This bullshit graph. And the dude today was a Bernie supporter
Does it get depressing when you shill like this but it gets your "resistance" nowhere? Or do you accidentally red pill yourself when the truth smacks you in the ass?
Also says "involved in traffic accident: NO".
Plus, armed with 'hands, feet, teeth etc'.
I like how it's refugees and not niggers and spics.
op is a fag
>typical murders
no sauce
go fuck a sand nigger
>Australia calling any other country bad
fuck off slope
>trump related
Do they report the hate crimes blacks do against whites? Like the the black guy who raped a white girl and said "That is for slavery".
wtf I hate July now