Our country is a filthy crack whore, debasing and degrading itself in every way for another hit off the Chinese shekel pipe
Australian greyhounds forced to race cheetahs at Shanghai Wild Animal Park
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whaaa animals have feelings too, whatever mate
that's fucking rad
Fuck off Xiang
Bitch, Cheetahs need to fucking run. Cheetahs that don't run are fucked up Cheetahs. What the fuck problem do you have with animals getting appropriate exercise?
fuck off you hippy, bet you're against rodeos and live exports
>brah brah brah
kys you little yellow bastard
hip retort
>once they get bored
>Expecting Chinks to treat animals with any humanity
then how about don't keep cheetahs in captivity? oh wow never thought of that huh ya dumbfuck
>asians are honorary whites
Why is this a bad thing?
Gib more multi-species drifting
To be quite fair, the chinese eating dogs is the same as us eating cows
What is acceptable in one country may not be acceptable in other countries, as long as they keep that kind of shit in their country then we have no right to really complain about it
>inb4 multiple articles of asians eating dogs in western countries
I was a tutor for exchange students here. In the training session they said that there is one nationality that is pretty rude and don't be surprised if they don't even want to talk to you. That country was China. The Chinese girl wanted to be picked up at the airport and handed her apartment key, but afterwards was really rude and didn't want to have any contact, just like the rest of the Chinese. They only hanged around with their Chinese friends. The Japanese girl I was with was awesome.
I mean, Finns are autistic and don't want to socialize much, but the Chinese habits are awful even for us. They are like asshole robots.
We don't torture cows for flavour.
nice try Chang
Why are australians such sluts for chink cock?
>the chinese eating dogs is the same as us eating cows
do you keep a pet cow, user?
chinks are jew tier only uglier and weaker
I would if I could.
Damn big agro and their regulations!
oh my god just shut the fuck up for a god damn moment, there is animal abuse all over the world and yet you only seem to care when you see a video of a dog getting slaughtered on the internet which isn't as bad as all the other fucked up shit you see on the internet
harden the fuck up, if you want to do something about the chinese eating dogs then go start a petition on cucks.org
My dad did this once at a public park when I was 9... it was a really friendly duck too and I cried when I found out he wanted to butcher it for dinner. Made him let it go the next day so it wasn't all that bad.
American yes?
Just get a gf
East Asians have much higher rates of an Oxytocin-receptor genetic mutation that affects the shape and number of the receptors in their body, which results in a greatly diminished ability to empathize with others or fall in love. It actually explains *a lot* about how they act as a race and regard other living things.
The mutation (SNP) that causes this is located at rs53576. It is found in ~30-35% of Europeans VS 65-75% of East Asians.
finally it all makes sense
I want a cow, not a whale
This is how it starts, than liu's cock is balls deep down your throat a week later. Get it together kid, unless you want those tiny yellow balls slapping against your chin.
What if chinks start race mixing? Can you imagine half flip/half bogan people?
We don't torture animals to death unless you are a dogshit tier ((((mass meat production)))) farmer that also pumps the meats full of hormones and antibiotics that make the men who consume it grow flabby tits. Also it hurts more because I own 3 dogs
didn't the chinks cuck australias anzac parade?
I tried to find a link but cant find
I would be against mass meat production if we lived in a world with a rapidly growing population
It makes sense to eat dogs from an economic point of view.
fuck off you soft cunt
>animals have feelings too
you're a pansy shit for brains and I doubt you've ever been off the bitumen
go get yourself a stint as a roustabout on a station mulesing sheep
I meant to say "I would be against mass meat production if we lived in a world where the worlds population isn't rapidly growing
Dogs aren't capable of live and they emotionally placate adults who should be having children instead. Put all dogs and cats to sleep
If they don't ruin in the wild it's even worse faggot.
fuck off chink, put yourself to sleep
No fuck you.
Dog's are not some animal we domesticated for food. We trust dogs to guard our homes, to help those with disabilities, to sniff out fucking bombs. Dogs are not just some fucking animal, they're contributors to our civilization.
The best way to see the strength and value of a culture is to look at the way it treats those that support it. A degenerate, worthless society spits on the lesser individuals that contribute (dogs, janitors, teachers, etc). A good society respects them and their place. It's not even about putting them on some kind of pedistal. It's about basic respect. Don't throw your trash all over the floor when there's a trashcan right there so someone has to pick it up. Don't try to cheat your landscaper out of the money he's earned. Don't abuse an animal that protects your young, your disabled, your planes/stadiums/wherever else they sniff for drugs.
Stop basting the lamb from inside before you slaughter them you monster.
A kiwi is found with his dick inside a lamb roast. Is he charged with:
B: Paedophilia
C: necrophilia?
A. Neither, all of the above are perferable to kiwi women.
I am fucking enraged, but at the same time it's no more than I expected. Even in the Beijing zoo, which was done up for the olympics, the animals are just in bare concrete cells - except the Pandas, of course. Gotta get those decadent Western tourist bux :).
Chinks and humanity do not go together.
Of course there's an "ARE WE REALLY BETTER :(((. MUH LIVE BAITING :(((." bitch fest to be had here, naturally, but I'd say that fuck you yes we fucking are because we actually took action because we were shocked and appalled. This isn't a secret cabal of animal abuse done in the dark. This is just chinks being chinks.
>Dog's are not some animal we domesticated for food. We trust dogs to guard our homes, to help those with disabilities, to sniff out fucking bombs. Dogs are not just some fucking animal, they're contributors to our civilization.
I didn't say all dogs should be killed and eaten and I never did say they weren't good for anything else?
I mean dogs are great for pets and they have great features which is why we don't kill them, at least here in the west.
Everything you said is correct but you have to understand that you don't have any power to change what happens outside of our western countries, there's no point in getting angry over things you cannot change. Like as I stated much earlier, I couldn't care less about the Chinese eating dogs in their own country, not my problem but if they did it here, I would get mad
You guys have no idea how ironic it is that you excuse or indulge this niggerish brutality towards animals. You can always tell how civilized a society is by how they treat their defenseless, especially their animals. Animal abuse is a sign of true degeneracy and lack of intellect and humanity. You're not fooling anybody with that "fuck you hippies" childish shit you fuckin wiggers
I prefer the company of kitteh and doggo over your soullessness chinkyness.