I have known joy, happiness and justice in our time. When I was born, my first footsteps were on a path to my last. I have visited my last place, I have walked my final steps. Tonight, I step no further, My name, my record, my history is meaningless. But tonight I breathe my last. I wish you all well.
To keep it Sup Forums related: LOL, Eric Clanton is fucked!
God speed user. Hope you find what you're looking for.
Jordan Jackson
Bye faggot.
Elijah Johnson
>Sup Forums related >Eric Clanton
you're just an altright kekistani fag anyway. you wont be missed
Samuel Stewart
If you really wanted to kys, you wouldn't post this pathetic cry for attention. Fuck off back to The_Faggot
Cameron Hall
RIP friend
we love you
Benjamin Adams
>going out like a coward
Nathan Stewart
don't give up hope
Jace Evans
probably would have supported communism
Luis Gray
>killing yourself
Enjoy your eternal lake of fire, cuck.
Luke Morris
Don't do it without red pilling another ten Hillary supporters. Checkum.
Christopher Barnes
Stay and suffer with us you coward
Jaxson Torres
Took a drive the other night. Went for about 4 hours in one direction, ended up at a pier with a good view of the sky (city boy, nothing but dark blue nothingness above us here)
Sat there for about 2 hours just thinking. Cried a couple of times, laughed a couple of times thinking of my friends and experiences, good and bad.
I slept in my car for a bit and woke up to a beautiful sunrise. I dunno what the after life holds user, but don't go without experiences the beauty around you.
Or do it idk man you could be getting raped every day who knows. I'm just saying, hey
Brandon Nelson
RIP, but seriously it's better to live and see how the world turns out in the coming years. I feel things will get interesting.
Leo Williams
See ya Hillary.
Angel Foster
Listen to your Kek
Caleb Ross
Stay and suffer OP you dirty old faggot
Brayden Foster
why kys when you can just quit giving any fucks and live how you want?
Like literally stay drunk and high and just wander around not giving any fucks.
That is slightly more alpha than offing yourself. Just sayin.
Easton Watson
I just want you to know someone in my life killed herself last month. Not a day has gone bye that I don't think about her. I won't tell you what to do but what I wish is that you reach out to someone close to you. You could be BSing for all I know, but if it is serious the people you potentially will leave behind will miss you greatly.
Hunter Smith
Don't kill yourself lf yet nigger.
William Clark
Mason Parker
Don't cuck yourself like this Jeb. There is no guac on the other side.
Logan Ward
fapping can help get thru the day.
Jace Anderson
Doubt you're serious but if so livestream and post link faggot
Isaiah Peterson
Good man.
Nicholas Morales
God please reset the circumstances that have lead this poor soul to this point. If it be your will please guide them to a new start that reconnects them to the tactile reality around them without pain. Amen.
Landon Jackson
Don't go you poetic faggot...
Alexander Peterson
Don't do it faggot, we need your tax money to survive.
Jaxon Jenkins
Good man user
Colton Ross
Check yoself before you rekt yoself.
Brayden Morales
Do a flip faggot
Joseph Stewart
You've known of justice? Please tell me more.
Carter Wright
dont do it lad!
Thomas Jenkins
Eli Perez
Just go pee pee in the potty and all stress will go away. No need to off yourself.
Robert Reyes
See you space cowboy
Dominic Bennett
Stretch for 3 hours a day until you can do full front and side splits then reassess.
Oliver Gutierrez
Okay. Since you're going to kill yourself, could you at least try to take a couple muds with you?
Nicholas Rivera
>I have known joy, happiness and justice in our time. Glad that you've enjoyed your time here.
>When I was born, my first footsteps were on a path to my last. I have visited my last place, I have walked my final steps. That's what life is all about. Every step leads you to the end. It's how you meet that end that matters. How will you meet your end?
Also, take solace in the fact that we'll all be with you soon enough. If there is an afterlife, I'm sure we'll continue our grand tradition of shitposting and pissing people off.
>Tonight, I step no further. My name, my record, my history is meaningless. You are user. You will be remembered, not as an individual, but as part of 'this thing of ours'. Anons are already part of chronicled history, whether you or anyone likes it or not. What you've done here, if you ever did anything here beyond shitposting, will be your legacy.
>But tonight I breathe my last. I wish you all well. Good night, sweet prince.
Save the black pill for when you've given out all the red ones. Come to England. Choose life. Choose a chav with yesterday's fanny batter drying on top of the previous snail trail. Choose a school where a teacher will give you clamydia but won't teach you how to spell. Choose tea with the Queen of your choice in Soho. Choose paying for a rickshaw that cost more per mile than a private jet. Choose cocaine in the north straight from the dock so strong it will make you want to cum, shit and puke at the same time. Choose a fight with a pike and then a dentist who isn't NHS. Choose botox on one side of your face for the love of stroke victims. Choose life.
Aiden Martinez
>Don't do it faggot, we need your tax money to survive. Top Kek Jew! Top Kek!
Also, Don't be a such a nigger. Killing yourself is grade A faggotry.
Jeremiah Green
Had to ask, worth a shot.
Good luck with whatever happens after.
Isaac Ortiz
Xavier Rivera
You should watch all the Dan Pena YouTube videos first.
Alexander Jackson
can you livestream your final moments?
Adam Jones
Killing yourself is for degenerate s, and you can't help our cause if you do.
Noah Flores
How are you going to anhero? I'm still debating if I should do the exitbag or ODing on fentanyl.
Isaac Stewart
Youtube preferably
Henry Bailey
If you are going to kys at least think about taking a few commies with you
Several months ago I was contemplating the same shit you were OP. Hunched over at my desk, ready to just be fucking done. The mind can be quite the convincing son of a bitch. Anyway, I came onto Sup Forums and came across a massive WE WUZ KINGZ thread and burst out laughing for several minutes. Realizing how stupid the blacks were made me realize that life was worth sticking around for because them larping as Egyptians always fucking gets me.
Maybe it'll be the same for you. The WE WUZ meme laughed me out of a slump.
Lincoln Anderson
See ya tomorrow.
Jordan Howard
Is this OP trying to talk himself out of KYS? WTF. Split personality = KYS
Anthony Martin
Bye for now, faggot.
Angel Wright
you'll get over it and forget about her eventually.
Owen Harris
Just eating a 30-06 round my dad brought home from Vietnam in my Remington 700P.
Nathan Johnson
R.I.P. user. I'm sorry it had to be this way. But if you're done with everything, I understand. Life sucks. I hope the afterlife is good. If there is one.
Hunter Wright
Can you first write that story you were going to? Write the first three chapters and then rewrite them, edit them three times.
Carter Lopez
>Do it tomorrow.
It's bad enough he's going to off himself. Don't turn him into a procrastinator too!
Seriously though, don't do it. You'll go to hell. There you'll be buttfucked by niggers while Jews give you a bukaki shower. This will go on for eternity.
Connor Hernandez
I hope it's painless enough, user.
Angel Bennett
It couldn't be more painful than life.
Jackson Johnson
Is your dad still here?
Jacob Ramirez
>Just eating a 30-06 round Radical
Christian Watson
i've never felt so fucking lost im almost 30 now. its been years yet the pain is as sharp as when it arrived
Mason Allen
Clean your room
Then you will find something else to do, and something else to do after that
Nolan Edwards
>that picture >being this autistic
I better hope your dad is dead because he will an here as well if you kill yourself with something he gifted to you
Hunter Perry
You have a good point... meaningless life.
Gavin Perry
do a flip
Daniel Nelson
Been there, several times. I now have a wife and one year old. Not happy all the time and get the fuckits often but when that boy smiles at me just for walking in the door nothing else matters user. Make a kid smile for just walking in the door. You will be his everything.
Brody Edwards
Seems like a waste user. Kill John pedesta then suicide by cop if ur serious
Ethan Nelson
Have them burry you with your ass sticking out of the ground so we can all stop by for a cold one.
Oliver Sanders
user please, don't kill yourself, at least continue on living to spite your enemies and help us in the war
Owen Brown
Tight hips fuck up your posture and can make you depressed. Worth a shot.
Brody Edwards
Maybe this guy is right.
Or the other guy saying you could have a wife and kid.
Andrew Nguyen
I can't advocate this but almost.
Jordan Garcia
If you aren't larping you should stay around another week or so. A couple different people bought me extra time with their words and it was worth it. Just look at it as borrowed time. You can still kys in a week.
Hunter Stewart
>Just eating a 30-06 round my dad brought home from Vietnam in my Remington 700P. God damn, our suicidal depressives are fucking way cooler than the lefts...
Jacob Davis
I'm not saying kill anybody, but this guy has a point.
You can die a coward's death, or a warriors death. You could be looked upon as a hero to all, or forgotten forever.
But again, not saying kill someone. Definitely don't kill anyone.
Wyatt Murphy
I just want you to know, that photo you posted will forever advertise the name of Dan Pena, thus giving him free marketing to any YouTuber that does a stupid video on weird Sup Forums posts.
Carter Thompson
Take out some shitskins if you're gonna an hero
Aiden Morgan
See ya faggot. Make room for the rest of us in hell. God knows we're gonna join you soon enough when we finish what we need to do.
Adrian Adams
Josiah Stewart
Aids skrillex did it for me. Funniest thing I ever saw
Henry Green
would anyone believe that when you die your just dead? You don't go float off somewhere . Heaven is for God and his spirit creatures . He made humans to live on the earth . Everything you ever thought you knew about why we are here , your completely blinded . With all due respect . I was blinded by " Babylon the great " ( the entire world empire of false religion ) as the Bible calls it . But it will soon be destroyed and so will all the wickedness with it! The meek shall inherit the earth , just like it says . This isn't a fairy tale . It's a promise . After Armageddon everyone who wasn't destroyed at Armageddon or directly by God previously , will be resurrected back to life on earth for ever ! Think about it .. we're not angels we belong on earth and Gods purpose for the earth will be fulfilled when those humans that choose "life" and choose righteousness over evil will enjoy life forever on a paradise earth and we will never ever die again . Let me prove this to you please . This world is ran by Satan at present but he will Be destroyed soon .
Isaiah Foster
Zachary Foster
Spoken like a true Puerto Rican
Jayden Nelson
>Aids skrillex did it for me. Funniest thing I ever saw
Tyler Rogers
He probably can't be reasoned with. You can't fight a war in that mental state. It's not so much a single decision as it is the end result of many decisions over the years. The rest of us have to stay sorted so we don't end up the same way.
Andrew Reyes
You're fucking a white male user
Nolan White
Parker Martin
Jaxson Murphy
>Man kills himself after watching Dan Pena
Cameron Brown
We will sink your countries economy
Nathaniel Turner
My son has just got up and I told his mum to go back to bed. We are sitting on the carpet with the dog playing with his toys. He's holding his blanket and keeps looking to me to see what we're going to laugh at next. Never thought I would have this. There's lots of light down the road just out of sight of the current shit sandwich.
Thomas Wood
You're making me jealous. That's what I want!
I'm only 20, but I can't wait to be in the same situation.