How can one country have produced so much cancer?
Like, what the fuck? And it keeps spreading, even today. Should we just nuke Germany and be done with them once and for all?
How can one country have produced so much cancer?
Like, what the fuck? And it keeps spreading, even today. Should we just nuke Germany and be done with them once and for all?
Merkel is worse than all of them.
Do nothing
They are fucking infiltrated already.
w-we're like totally white t-though. m-m-master r-r-r-race
And before someone calls me out on >60%
I'm actually 1/64 German. I am the direct descendant of German peasants and whores who ran away when their country needed them the most. So hah! Checkmate athiests.
Jews are not Germans
Austrian Jew!
My father-in-law thinks it's some kind of biblical happening. He has literature showing that all cancer stems from Germany. He's also not a big fan of Jews either. Should I read some of his books?
Germany, like Russia before her and America after her, were merely vessels, (((they)))) produced the cancer.
Thanks to Germany being inferior betas we get to learn about how kick-ass America was in not one but TWO World Wars.
Freud and Nietzche (not Nietze you fucking retard) are incredibly influential and important figures in psychology and philosophy. The potent meaning in Nietzche's works will last forever.
But everything else is shit.
That s mine asshole
Literally only one thing on the list is both cancer and (even then only partially) produced in Germany you stupid Jew
Wasted trips
not cancer
Austrian Jew
see Marx
see Hitler
Obvious shill is obvious.
Zyklon B for you.
insane badass
you're anti white nationalism?
All authoritarian government structures owe their philosophical beginnings to Georg Hegel.
Hegelianism spawned Marxism, which spawned Communism and Socialism, which Mussolini began as a supporter of until he formed an offshoot known as Fascism while the Germans created a racially motivated nationalist offshoot called National Socialism.
Trace the ideological and philosophical roots back and you get to Hegel. Germany isn't the problem, Hegel was. Go back in time and kill him and see how much better the future becomes
>you're anti white nationalism?
Of course. Why would I believe in an ideology that failed so spectacularly and killed so many people?
>not German
nigger, kill yourself.
I'd agree but he posted a pic of Germany in its current borders.
I'm a pedantic German, sue me.
Germany went from economic ruin to most powerful nation on Earth literally overnight because of NatSoc.
You are a shitty troll.
Hitler and Freud were Austrians and Fascism is Italian.
Weren't Hitler and Freud Austrian?
Eh, I'll remove Freud, but I consider Hitler Austrian and German.
Nietzsche is the strongest philosopher of the modern era, Fascism wasn't invented in Germany, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism Socialism.
Kill yourself cuck
>doesn't know about Nietzsche's superior philosophy
>authoritarianism to hegel
Try imperialistic Empires and Absolutist Monarchies
they were not the most powerful nation on earth. military expenditure can only keep a country going for so long
America went from economic ruin to world superpower overnight because of anti-Nazism.
They had the strongest economic recovery, revival of industry and erasure of unemployment.
They became poisoned by their own success leading to them becoming the disease infested mess that they are today.
Watching their slide into destruction and collapse will be entertaining.
Any country on earth right now could conscript its citizens, expand and annexe surrounding countries, and create a market based on continuing this pointless expansion.
Russia went from an agrarian economy to a nation facing utter annihilation to making it to the moon.
Germany's economic recovery started in 1933 and continued until 1939, it wasn't until 1938 that rearmament started to pick up.
The economy was rebuilt on innovative solutions like the resource bills, industrial investment, infrastructure development and the personal genius of Hjalmar Schacht. Rearmament had nothing to do with the economic development in the thirties.
>annex surrounding countries
You mean when they peacefully unified with Austria, which is what both populations wanted?
Russia could only get to space because of German scientists and technological development.
> fascism
Burger education right there.
Wow, a based leaf.
Don't see that every day.
I wish you had been a Nazi in 1945
Jesus Christ shut up kike.
>Merkel is worse than all of them.
Might be their language which selects for conceptual agglutination.
Nietzsche is not cancer though.
Too bad you weren't in front of these guys
mustard race
Stirner is far stronger than Nietzsche. Nietzsche is pretty strong but he's been bastardized by edgy motherfuckers who don't instinctually, dispositionally or even conceptually agree with his worldview. They just like to feel cultured by namedropping him without having read at least four books by him. Heck, most of you idiots just read a Wikipwdia summary and say "golly, that sounds cool!."
National Socialism is pure squamous cell cancer.
Only the ones craeted by jews are bad, learn the difference it could save your live
>no nip panel
This thread is now a I Hate Communist General, post down below why you hate communists jews and why they sho6ld fuck off
Stirner is edgy shit appropriated by idiot communists and delusional libertarians.
You can at least look at practical application of the will to power and the rise of the ubermensch.
MUH SPOOKS and MUCH FREEDUMB is ridiculous, humans will always rule other humans because hierarchy is a characteristic inherent to our social structures.
National Socialism is not the ideal or perfect system, but it's far superior to marxism or liberal democracy.
I hate Jews because I'm jealous of them
Top kek
you're actually a kike. That's hilarious! How does it feel that the United States is slowly collapsing into oblivion and will leave the tribe without its primary benefactor?
There would be no communism without your intervention in WW1.
Germany would have never financed the Bolsheviks to overthrow Russia.
Without WW1 there would have obviously never been Hitler and WW2.
It was all the fault of the US.
We should focus on correcting our past mistakes and kill all the communists and destroy Russia.
Since you hate freedom so much, do you agree with your country's restrictions on the freedom of speech?
Russia is not communist any more
>he doesn't know who Charles Dawes is
>he thinks that Germany was not the most industrious nation in europe even after wwi
>he thinks debt somehow implies loss of industry
Hitler did nothing to revitalize german economy. He invaded territory and illegally seized land from France and Belgium. You claiming nat soc saved Germany is like claiming robbing banks is a legitimate form of work
No because such laws are based on illusory nonsense like "human rights" and "anti discrimination". These concepts tear at the foundation of a cohesive and strong nation state to begin with.
Law and State power should only be used to defend the body politic and national interest.
Cucks should be silenced and nationalism amplified.
I Am looking for a job if you are one if thoes who get paid for posting then I am interested, I want some money extra and I will post whatever they want me to post for money, a few extra dolars wont be bad
Catholic actually
Oh, and I'm an American. How does it feel to know that we destroyed Germany twice, self-hating Canuck?
>doesn't know who Hjalmar Schacht is
The versailles treaty was illegitimate and Germany was totally justified in taking back control of the Rheinland. Germany never seized any territory from France or Belgium until 1940. Hitler's recovery occurred from 1933-1938
>There would be no communism without your intervention in WW1.
You've sent Lenin to Petersburg with wagon of gold before that happened.
don't forget angela merkel causing world war 3 with the migrant crisis
>wahh treaty is unfair therefore i can break them and suffer zero consequences
typical nigger talk
It doesn't bother me at all, because you destroyed yourself in the process.
You can post photos of the fallen third reich all you want, it doesn't change the fact your own empire is crumbling.
>self hating
You're the only one who is self hating
>hates freedom
>loves taking it away from others
>hates it when someone takes it away from him
Top jej
They did break it and suffer zero consequences, France was too weak to go to war and Britain wasn't willing.
World War only broke out when Germany went too far and invaded Poland
Russia should be destroyed anyway. It is still a socialist shithole that does not use its resources properly.
US backed and supported Britain long before officially entering the war.
Except what I propose is actually good for the nation, and my political enemies are destroying it.
Therefore taking away the rights of people I suggest is actually beneficial, while my rights being curtailed just contributes to the destruction of society. However it's irrelevant because nothing I say is illegal, the only thing it's illegal to do in Canada is to incite genocide.
How can you as Germany accuse a country of not using its resources properly?
Not anywhere in the west are resources used properly.
>Catholic actually
>Oh, and I'm an American.
So mestizo?
You are a complete idiot. Germany breaking the Treaty of Versailles changed everything. The fact that the British didn't do anything isn't because they let Germany off but because they needed to buy time.
You are the type of person who thinks Britain gives a shit about its treaties with nations. Britain wanted to stop Hitler as soon as he got into power. The British Cabinet debated actions against Germany since the Ruhr crisis but stopped short because armaments were not ready
My great grandparents were German. Grandpa told me that his grandpa was tired of fighting for the Kaiser so he decided to immigrate to America.
The United Kingdom required political justification to go to war, they're a parliamentary democracy. The United Kingdom could never outproduce Germany in armaments, especially without the mobilization allowed by a state of war. If Germany wouldn't have invaded Poland the UK wouldn't have been able to declare war. They could have increasingly expanded their power base into Eastern Europe, and waited for the inevitable Soviet invasion.
>not understanding bismarckian politics
The problem with Germans is that they take every single fucking thing too fcking serious.
>It is hard to create a central authority like in France
lets create a very loose confederation named HRE
>the church is corrupt
lets create new religion
>new technologies changed the warfare
lets create a perfect war machine named Prussia
>every European nation is creating their nation states
lets attack Denmark, Austria and France, fuck the balance of power
>UK is getting industrilizied
Lets create biggest industrilizied country
>Industirization creates a poor class lives in very shitty condition
Lets create an ideology that aims to kill all rich and steal their properties
>UK has a great navy
Lets create a navy that will match will UK (if those stupids didnt try to that shit they would have won ww1
>A faggot prince get shot
Lets have a world war
>Europeans have a great civilization
We are the superior race
>Lost world war
Lets conquer the world
>Europe become multi cultural
Lets accept every single shitskin to our country
>Have better football team than Brazil
Lets score 7 goals
Just chill bro. You take things too seriously.
>lets create a very loose confederation named HRE
Doesn't the prove the opposite that they weren't that serious
>Nazi Party implements 400 regulations on Jews
>Economy makes a comeback within the same years as the regulations
we get bored a lot and fast
Nope. Europe has feudalism back then, but Germans had take it too seriously and there was a independent count or duke in every single village.
Germans made the first serious attempt to shed Jewish influence since the Roman empire fell under their hegemony when Martin Luther nailed his theses to the church door.
Good goys have pummeled them relentlessly with mindlessly self-destructive ideologies ever since as punishment.