What exactly has happened to America when the right has been so poisoned against the left that they would sell America to the Russians and elect a 70 year old lamebrained ex-liberal anti-vaccer Wall Street elite with a history of lying?
What exactly has happened to America when the right has been so poisoned against the left that they would sell America...
Exactly how did Trump sell America to the Russians?
I do know Hillary sold 20% Americas uranium reserves to Russia..that's a proven fact.
But what did Trump sell to the Russians again?
Noting lame brained about a billionaire...nothing at all.
Trump saved America from this sick murdering idiot.
There's 0% of the uranium meme.
There's unconfirmed proof that Trump accepted stake in Rosneft which is being laundered through a long chain of investments.
stop with this whataboutism horseshit you faggot.
That story is a big fat nothing like every piece of shit you pull out of your ass.
Hillary didnt sell americas uranium reserves. Hell she wasnt even alone in the decision. This is more of that pizzagate nonsense thatasshats circulate to derail logical arguments with whataboutism.
So no proof of Trump and Russia and a deflection from hillary. Thanks shareblue
yeah theres nothing on those dnc emails that anybody is going to kill for. go back to alex jones you brainwashed cocksucker.
I forgot to mention, I absolutly love the plebbit spacing. Keep up the great work.
>unconfirmed proof
>unconfirmed proof
the stupid is strong in this one
America turned cowardly for the most part. Hel, people even cheer when niggers rape their women and SWAT teams drag their kids away for jew prisons. It can be said that America died for the great causes of peer pressure and the fantasy about being able to sit at the cool kids table they saw in a movie. Bye Bye
love that video
>oy vey muh Russia
Let me guess, you're one of those people who barely knew how to write your name when you left high school and everything you write is a single huge blob of text.
Lurk more redditfag
>He invited me to lunch explain his master plan to get revenge
I just can't even anymore shill. I've seen some bad one's, but this takes the cake.
Y'all seriously need to stop smokin so much dope and take a step back. Things started veering off the road with John Kerry (04) and it's gotten worse by magnitudes ever since.
>Unconfirmed proof
>dnc emails that anybody is going to kill for.
Just a lot of coincidental deaths then.
Keep saying that.
Someone, someday will believe you.
And the Clinton Foundation was shut down why?...because she had no more influence to peddle.
>unconfirmed proof
check out my unconfirmed proof that your a faggot
We had so much fun memeing her into sickness, we came so close...so close.
>celebrating causing harm on someone
>actually believes he caused harm on someone
You need to leave the basement more often.
revenge...I am cool with that
>no proof
That Clinton Cartel death list needs updating.
It's hard to keep up.
Fuck off, shareblue cunts
good we should take revenge on our enemies
define trump and russia?
Do you believe that Russia didnt side with trump because his foreign policy included ruining nato and letting russia turn eastern europe into its puppet states?
Or how about theres no collusion, because thats where we're at right now. We know Russia helped, we know they watergated the dnc, we know that trump PUBLICLY ENCOURAGED IT. We dont have proof of collusion, not yet. Thats why there's an investigation underway.
now I could go either way on this. Trump is dumb and egotistical enough to not give a shit that Putins helping him destroy nato, and maybe his criminal activity to obstruct justice is just ego. Like he only cares about defending the validity of his goddamn election win. This explains why he has to lie about everything even the fucking popular vote results.
Then again he's perfectly capable of being that much of an asshole that he'd sell out his country to suck up to the oligarchical douchnozzels he looks up to. It could go either way.
The main problem is he doesnt respond to anything like an adult. A fucking grown man could benefit from the dnc hacking while not condoning it, and publicly calm everybody the fuck down by not sucking russian cock at every fucking opportunity, and actually treating this attack on our democracy with the gravity it deserves. He cant do that because hes a raving egotistical child whos fucking not fit to serve.
>"ruining nato" ... "helping him destroy nato"
>implying Trump's policies have been good for Russia
turn off MSNBC and kill yourself, you retarded faggot
Literally fake news. Fuck off back to plebbit retard land where you can post all your garbage and got lots of "points"
Is Nato obsolete and should it be removed in your opinion?
If it is then there are two options for European defense against russian aggression, they can either form a European alliance/army or they can ally themselves with their powerful neighbors for protection.
It doesn't seem likely that in this atmosphere of intense nationalism people in france are going to want to go to war for people in poland or Ukraine, so that means if the alliance falls apart many eastern european nations will be forced to submit to an alliance with russia.
its almost like it nationalism and racism benefit russias foreign policy goals :O
>unconfirmed proof
Which part is fake? please be specific.
You're confusing them, this goes against their narrative.
The parts that have no evidence to support them. AKA the whole thing
Poster does not realize the left is protesting Trump and the right, all while wearing black and masked beneath the hammer and sickle banner....... Well captain obvious knows who are the Russians. So does anyone who has actually read a world history book.
So none of Trump's people have lied about Russian contacts?
Trump didn't fire the FBI director and lie about the reason, then admitted himself that he did it? Then he didn't tell the Russians he fired him because of the investigation, and the White House confirmed it?
How many blatant pieces of evidence can you deny?
i can literally show you video of trump encouraging the russians to show more
You have provided none. Or do you have more unconfirmed proof?
>says has proof
>Still doesn't post it
So you're saying that the things I said never happened, even though these are undisputed facts at this point since they came from the horse's mouths.
You're either Russian or extremely stupid.
Yes that's a lovely fake letter but it's a well-known fact that Hillary was in no position to allow any kind of exchange.
Seriously, who are you trying to kid with that blatant photoshop? I could erase that text and type on top of it too.
*Unconfirmed proof intensifies*
>accuses of denying fact
>denies fact
You can literally go watch Trump and his officials admit to everything I said.
I can literally type on top of that fake letter.
Yes how lovely that they wrote an article with the fake letter.
>anything i don't like is fake
and they left this fake letter up for 2 years and nobody sued, hmmm
Aaaaand back to the shadows they go, They fail miserably here, abandon thread, create the same thread again and go back to being retarded.
i need a job, should i just phone David Brock direct?
I could do a way better job than these nerd-virgins.
Hi Shareblue!
Tell your boss David Brock that he's going to prison along with his faggot husband (Alefantis), and Ol' Skippy Podesta for being toddler raping sons of bitches. Just a friendly bit of advice for you from one user to another-- start looking for a new job!