Is being white as great as liberals say it is?
Is being white as great as liberals say it is?
Yes. I get up every day, and I can speak in full sentences, do math, earn my own money, and resist the urge to stab and rape, unlike blacks and hispanics. I can entertain independent thoughts separate from those of my family and culture, unlike asians. I don't smell like a grease trap and babble unnervingly at women, unlike indians, and I don't explode like arabs. It's fuckin' amazing.
>amerifats will never know this feel
it is ..
today I stopped into a rest area on the Massachusetts Turnpike.
I was instantly struck by the fact that almost everyone I saw was of some foreign ethnicity .. .. I was in a stall in the mensroom and just talking outloud to myself said: Am I in the United States of America? I don't even know where I am anymore." knowing there was someone next to me.... turned out he was Asian lol he seemed to find it amusing .. but honestly it dawned on me that the whole world has come to live where my forefathers created soemthing... being of ivy league wasp heritage I felt both immense pride and deep loss that the place where I grew up looks so different
Let me put it to you like this. Sometimes I think I'd rather be a lithe little asian. Sometimes I think I want big honking nigger genetics.
But actually I wouldn't trade it for being white.
It's ok, if you enjoy paying for everyone else's shit.
All whites died either in WW2 or of old age after WW2
It's alright
I just had a moment today where I thought "what if the police stop and search me and find this knife? oh wait I'm white never mind"
Maybe if we were all jews
>tfw white buger
>tfw white burger who kinda wishes was born nippon male getting that nippon pussy
Fuck animu stereotypes, tokyo seems so /comfy/ and utopia like, white womenz here spoop me, either mannish or cum dumpsters or bitchy womanlets. Nippon womenz seem so pure.
Ancestors shoudlve kept walking east instead of west, but atleast they got outta middle east whew lad.
>125 iq
>6-1, 215
>9" dick
my life is pretty shit desu.
That tight Nippon pussy is only great when you don't have a tiny Nippon dick.
Is there really anything god about a 9" dick? It seems like that would be an inconvenience.
I'd probably trade an inch of my 7" just to have foreskin.
Feels pretty fucking good to me
>walk into interview
>hand interviewer my white privilege card
>"you're hired!"
>walk into store
>grab white bread and mayo
>decide to get some ketchup to spice it up a bit
>hand cashier my white privilege card
>"Come back and see us massah!"
>see a darkie on my way home
>start recording on my phone
>"I'm doing this only because he's black."
>shoot black kid
>flash my white privilege card in front of the camera
>post video to Facebook
>30k likes instantly
No. We're actually the most oppressed people in the world.
>you will never no that feel nigger.
Pretty nice. Living in a paradigm where racism only counts if it's committed by use and a handful of media campaigns and government programs to boost non-whites' status comes across as a handicap to make things fair. I've never been a white supremacist, and it tickles me that all these progressive types hold white people accountable for not creating a perfect utopia of equality that has never existed before, as if holding one race to such a higher standard isn't an admission of superiority. If you look at it logically, the people blaming white people for the worlds problems are bigger unironic white supremacists than most of Sup Forums.
No idea, I'm apparently mongoloid.
Do you have course, sparse pubes? Let's investigate.
I never thought of it like that
It is but not for the reasons they spew
No idea I'm part spic.
>don't get shot by cops just because of skin color
>don't get loans denied just because of skin color
>don't lower property values just by living because of skin color
>majority of media aimed at you
>majority of social welfare goes to you
>skin cancer
>pathetic cock
>tfw white
>tfw 7 inch cock
>tfw every summer i tan without even getting sun
eat shit faggot.
It's a common genetic expression. It's not like I want to look at the Chinese guys I live with even though the like to run around in their underwear for whatever reason, but it's apparent that they have coarse, sparse public hair even without having to clean out the lint screen on the dryer.
>not good at thinking
ask me how I can tell you're not white
>every summer i tan without even getting sun
Then you are not white, I bet you are a mongrel.
Even Australians tan. The tannable master race will laugh at the untannables while they #black themselves.
I'm white as a sheet during winter.
i think my skins fucked from being a basement dweller for too many years. I'm 100% white but I've tried to have a "real life" for the last few years, going outside all the time, less vidya games/indoor activities, but my skin is like sheet white and when I go outside (even day after day, week after week) i just burn like hell, never tan, i go bright red. then it fades to pure white, then bright red, repeat forever.
Well, one of the things the environmentalists don't talk about is that the spectrum of UV light getting through the atmosphere is now biased toward burning rather than tanning. This affects plant life and makes it unusually painful to be out in the glaring sun.
You might not be able to take a tan, but the key to it is to go gradually. Never let it get red. If you're outdoors all the time, it should build up slowly as Spring turns to Summer.
Otherwise you need the suntan Jew to block the UV.
white is my favourite colour of the rainbow m8 and im not even wight myslef