Day of the Grill fucking WHEN?
Day of the Grill fucking WHEN?
if you flip the burgers they win
This is now a neet thread.
Late night tendies anyone?
You're going to need a bigger spatula
At least i'm not Hans.
Fourth of July neighbor, c'mon down and celebrate!
How could you fags elect this thing into office?
How could you not vote for that cute boipussy
>grilling burgers somehow makes them worse
would be delicious right about now, actually.
What ru on aboot leaf?
How many of those countries went to the moon again?
Russia China India and Japan
meat patties aren't burgers, they are meat patties
shut up Australia
>we're the only country that put troops in Nam
>Canadian education
The USSR got to the moon first. Then the US decided it was a race to send a man there. Exploring space with robots makes a lot more sense but they wanted to impress the rural and suburban retards and they wouldn't have gotten it.
nice argument, leafy
>not wanting to walk on the moon just because you can
You will never understand us
People tend to forget about the French
Fair enough.
But threadly reminder that solar radiation have degraded the flags you planted there and they are now white flags.
So the moon now belongs to France.
Next time we'll just spray-paint the surface itself and make a flag visible from Earth.
Checkmate, sun.
Yeah good luck ever getting up there again.
A Fucking Leaf
Thanks! :^)
So diverse, with 6 men in the entire group
really makes you think
Everything about this is depressing.
The houses
The lower-middle class vehicles
The street signs
The burger being dragged by a truck
This is some people's life.
I think we should all come together and start donating to burgerland. I didn't realize they lived in such horrid conditions.
>inb4 burger gets ass blasted and starts showing me pics of upper class neighbourhoods he can never wish to live in.
>implying you or your inbred bloodline had anything to do with that.
Stop stealing valor
every day is day of the grill here. day of the diet is our biggest fear
all these fuckers pose for a photo op and the one man in the picture is making sure satellites don't crash into orphanages
>Canadian contributions to space exploration
well, Drumpf already said he's going to start bringing in thousands of refugees after getting cucked by Macron and Merkel at the Euro cuck festival, so you can consider that the beginning. AMERICA SWEDEN WHEN?
At least it works.
But your dumb shuttles keep exploding and it costs us an arm every time.
Freedumb :DDD :D
The next time you want a reacharound in space, you'll be thanking us.
>be leaf
>too stupid not to know American over-lords have been on the metric system for over 100 plus years
>be american, so smart have normie system and 1337 moon system
>how can other countries even compete?
>that picture
I am suddenly intensely disgusted with western society and am going to bed.
Thanks, leaf.
It's great for when the ISS has a itch right in the middle of its superstructure
>America still uses the Shuttle
leaf education
American tend to forget they refused to drop an A-bomb on Dien Bien Phu as we offered to sacrify our soldiers to kill the commies army
>hurr durr we can do better than the smelly frog who were ready so sacrify the entire foreign Legion
>colonies baaaaad
>democracy gooood
Oh yeah I forgot you need to ask Russia for rides now.
They give you guys rides too, since you're used to hitching with us and can't ride an arm into orbit
It is a shitty neighborhood, yes. But that's what happens when white trash congregates. No one fixes up the houses, no one can afford anything, no one does anything. Most neighborhoods aren't like this. Not mansions either, but places where people cut their lawn, get new siding when they need it, and generally take care of their home.
>can't ride an arm into orbit
O rly?
>Black doing his work in NASA instead of useing this photo op to slack off.
>Everyone else is.
What wizardry is this?
Yeah, but Space-X, man!
Yes, and honestly it feels much safer this way.
Get back to us when they actually work.
Is this what happens when Ents fuck Orcs?
It's always safer to stay home, friendo.
>Day of the Grill fucking WHEN?
In your fucking dreams thats when.
Hey north America don't argue with each other. You have to be nakayoshi.
He has a point
Grilling a burger just makes it more powerful and tasty. Bring it on.
but if you grill it enough it burns, just like your white house did in the war
>not leaving it on long enough to get some char on the outside
You gotta have a little char if you want real flavor, user
raking leaves removes the leaves
grilling a burger causes it to assume its ultimate form
"day of the grill" is a stupid meme. why would anyone want to eat a raw burger?
t. burger pro
I don't get it? Are you hosting a Memorial Day BBQ for us Americans? I'll bring a 12 pack. Thanks leaf. You're not all terrible.
Some of you are ok. Don't go to the leaf pile tomorrow.
the house that slaves built.
My eyes can't handle this much diversity in one place.