>tfw redpilled
>tfw also jewish
Tfw redpilled
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become like Brother Nathanael
Don't worry Rabbi, self-hate is extremely prevalent among Jews.
It's ok we're all in this together. Christians, Jews, Muslims. We're fighting each other now, but our real enemy has yet to reveal itself. Sadly, I think when they finally do, it won't stop the bigoted people from hating each other, but eh.
You aren't in the cult aren't you
>Also Black
I doubt this mountainfag has ever told the truth, especially about "being raised a Jew"
oh no so sad
whatever will we do about your conflicting beliefs
hint: you're going to get gassed fucko
Its alright senpai, glad to know truth is most important for you.. Happy to have you on our side. Don't hate yourself, educate others and improve your ethnic group. Spread the truth about Hitler and the holocaust. You can awaken many Jews and thereby destroying the globalists control of the average Jew. We all have a part to play in destroying this enemy.
Lucky you. Use your free pass to criticize the destruction of the west by mostly Jewish interests.
You can do more now for our cause/s than anyone here can.
good post.
>Implying jews wouldn't give the the 'Not a real nigga' treatment
I haven't ever watched this guy's videos before. I've browsed judaism forums online because i've been curious about it, and this guy seems pretty fishy. I've never really seen that much anti-gentileism apart from banter.
>not wanting to destroy whites
Don't worry, we'll let you join the winning side after most of the hard work is over and whitey is turning in his grave.
True enemy is Mudhammer the prophet. Piss be upon him.
Explain why everything he says can be found in sources both before and after him then, please. Like say...
There's millions upon millions more, but the controlled opposition can be dealt with after the (((real threat))) is neutralized
I'm a Jew and just wanna say that everything that guy says is false, I highly doubt he's Jewish, if he is than his parents did a shit job raising him
>I'm a Jew
>everything that guy says is false
you're not jewish my friend, jews dont exist anymore. they became christians and the rest that did not believe on jesus were taken into slavery by the romans in 70AD.
youre just a weird mix of different races and imbred too; probably not have any more hebrew dna in you than any regular white dude.
Fuck off JIDF. Stop pretending you are human and go eat a blood sandwich or something you cunt.
You don't have to be Jewish OP. Just refuse to reproduce, and your tribal genes will be overcome.
I do not doubt him. I mean, this guy claims to be a priest, but all of his videos are obsessed with exposing Judaism. I've been friends with several Jews for a while and I've never experienced anti-gentilsm apart from banter. This guy seems more like either a comedian or a propagandaist.
Stan Kubrick, Bobby Fischer, be like them.
You actually believe this guy? fuck if i could i'd go back and gas the kikes, but this guy is literally just a shill for jewtube monies.
>Kike scrambles to subvert
Ok....and who do you believe, Sven? Cause he's saying basically everything Sup Forums does about Jews. Oughta listen to him when he's off the script. He just loses his damn mind in anger at Jews.
Annnnd it's gone. Hee hee