What should we do about the obesity epidemic in western countries, mexico, etc?

what should we do about the obesity epidemic in western countries, mexico, etc?

i think that obese persons should be placed into a separate insurance pool and if there is not enough money to go around for fattie medical care for fattie problems then they get to experience the consequences of their actions. i also believe in fat shaming and bullying. Look at east asian countries.. they fat shame shamelessly

She has beautiful eyes.

>*blocks your path*

You win. This thread is over.

It all sorts itself out in the end. May Lord Beetus take them soon.

Tax it. If I'm taxed for buying liquor, gambling, or buying tobacco, an obese person should be taxed for burdening the healthcare system. Say, levy a linear-scaling penalty every year the person is above a medically accepted weight range.

Tax junk food and institute mandatory athletic programs for all adults between 18 and 50.

send them to weight loss clinics in nigeria or liberia

somewhere they have cannibalism and famine and shit

Make modafinil rx only, and give it to fatties.

Also, make low dose amphetamines more easily available for everyone besides toddlers.

For the last bit of mega-fatties who somehow continue to eat even when their brain tells them no, drugs like Rimonabant(basically the opposite of marijuana) should be freely given out. A fattie spazzing out or committing suicide will be far less of a burden economically than being fat.


Im from shareblue btw and i like curvy women.

Agreed. It's a fucking disgrace that that taxpayers are burdened by these fat asses. Especially here in fucking leaf land where taxes are sky high. I'd say send them to concentration camps or gulags in an ideal world.

We need to kill her & melt her down for lamp oil.

All you have to do is set strict laws that ban the unhealthy shit thats dumped into all amerifat products and regulate the production of shit that would be consumed by amerifats & mexilards.

HFCS (High fructose corn syrup) is just plain fucking poison, it cant be burned as fast as regular sugar so it piles up into fatty rolls.

I sincerly dont know why people keep buying this shit, and they fucking use it for everything, from coke to cupcakes, from cornflakes to chips.

You fat fucks need to get red pilled on this shit ASAP.

Read all the negative effects & how it fucks with your health.

Here's an example of what a (((HFCS))) fed mouse looks like and another fucking mouse fed with plain ol sugar.

>Insert Humble (((Merchant))) Image / General Kikery.


On Mexico, more security lead to the people to go outside, and more physical activity then.
and ban the high fructose corn syrup

Stop giving them taxpayer funded healthcare.

>dur what should we do?
leave it the fuck alone you armchair activist. We don't need to socially engineer anything. Fuck off back to XDeddit

t. Pharma rep
you are fucking cancer m8. Amphetamines to 5+ y.o.? Seriously kys


leave modafinil alone!
Just need exercises and NO HFCS, tax cuts for healthy people.

How is this even acceptable as a human?

We're wasting tax money on people's gluttony and diabetes meanwhile the obese population overtook the overweight population here. If you don't set a health standard, how can you even think of having functioning universal health care? 80/20 rule. The majority have to pay taxes that is wasted on a few fat fucks. They are literally weighing down human progress.

This is exactly my argument with the NHS, if you give people NO reason to take an ounce of self responsibility and in fact encourage them into the nanny state mentality don't be surprised when you end up with an army of marshmallow people abusing the system given to them. Over here the NHS could be fixed simply by starting a motion to stop treating those who cause own problems and refuse to do anything about it, politicians however are to scared to lose the votes now that the fatties make up such a large portion of society.

Fascist militarism. Ideally with an emphasis on religion.

Also literally starving fat people of food for a few months. Afterwards, they can be reintroduced to food in a new, healthier way.

>HFCS (High fructose corn syrup) is just plain fucking poison, it cant be burned as fast as regular sugar so it piles up into fatty rolls.

And this kind of shitty soccermom tier health education is why Americans are so fat. People think HCFS is a magical devil ingredient that makes you fat. Not the 4000 calories you're shoveling down per day. Nah, couldn't possibly be.

Until CI

Your body processes calories as energy equally, regardless of the source.

3000 calories of HFCS per day will cause you to gain just as much weight as eating 3000 calories of celery sticks per day.

>your body processes calories as energy equally, regardless of source

but that is blatantly false, faggot. while "high" and "low" metabolism bullshit is just that for the vast majority of people, there is clear and abundant evidence that the human metabolism reacts to different food sources differently, and even that the reverse effect is true: food can affect change in our metabolisms.

Yes, 2000 calories is 2000 calories, but the body can choose which source to find those calories when it needs them, and in the case of abundance of calories, it can choose how or even if to store them as fat.

>it can choose how or even if to store them as fat.
It doesn't "choose" to store it as fat, it just DOES. If you take in excess calories it gets stored as fat regardless of it's source. Your body can't magically get rid of caloric energy unless you eat something completely un-digestable. I really don't see why people can't grasp this simple concept. 10 years ago you'd be trying to tell me eating fat makes you fat.

Sorry, *for the normal person

Obviously if you're highly active that energy can go towards building muscle. Feel free to hit me with your DYEL broscience though