Mongoloid ancestry

I think I might have a mongol ancestor. My beard is thin and very asian looking, unlike say my bro who has a full beard. Even more than that I got this weird hair that grows straight and outwards which I've seen only on finngolians before. Am I a descendant of a mongolian rapebaby?

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Yes. I'm happy to hear I have more cousins.

I've just seen a finngol on faceberg with the exact same hair that I thought no one else has but me. He was a bit slant eyed too.

Sure you are.

Mongol Masterrace reporting in.

You're making this sound like a bad thing desu

Nobody talks about the genocide of the Khanates. Only the holohoax.

same my entire family has mongol looks mostly in the eyes and hair but I look french and can grow a full beard . stop being a pussy about it the golden hoard was bad ass be proud of it.

Mongols did invade balkans tho although on smaller scale. Your point?

Well idc too much but I would like to know why I stick out like a sore thumb in any group of my fellow countrymen

You may have hungarian ancestors.


Also I forget to mention my eyes are slightly tilted but other way around ( / \ rather than \ / ) although I'm probably nitpicking.

My family is mostly from the south so I doubt it but could be.

Yeah it's probably the Magyars.

The Turks were pretty diluted by Byzantine/Iranid genes by the time they reached the Balkans. And the actual Mongolian expeditionary force under Subutai Khan literally did a drive by, so probably left zero genetic footprint.

>tfw partly Mongol

As long as you don't look it you got nuffin to worry about.

Uh. Mongoloid is another term for a person with Down Syndrome.

After reading this post, you may be so damn retarded, you have Up, Left, and Right syndrome too.

>Uh. Mongoloid is another term for a person with Down Syndrome

What does negroid mean :/

You're denying a relation to a closer ethnic group and saying that you're more likely to be related to one, that is thousands of miles away, c'mon mang.

It means kanz n sheit.

I'm not denying it I just don't see it. South croatians AFAIK are pretty unrelated to magyars. Someone in my lineage could be a magyar for what I know, but I could have simply pulled some ancient genes like some people end up looking neanderthal.

If you are really bothered by this and actually look quite different, consider a DNA ancestry test.

>inb4 giving DNA to (((them))).
Nobody actually cares.

Burger is trolling you. He's right, but using "Mongoloid" as an insult for Down's Syndrome kids came after the fact.

I have considered this and will probably do it eventually


What if I have poland ancestors on one side? Varg said they were probably from scythians who were in that area next to mongols. Am I part mongoloid somewhere? Can some euronigger please explain?

Scythians were an indo-iranian people, ie aryans.

If you're tall and have light hair and light eyes, you can rationalize it by thinking you're partly a Rus' rape baby.

What if I'm average height with dark hair and green eyes?

A-am I part roach somewhere?

A lot of Poles aren't very tall, but green eyes is a step in the right direction. You probably have plenty of something or other from the southeast.

Then don't have a beard and don't worry about being mongol. They invaded over 800 years ago. You don't need a beard to be a man, pic related

No reason at all to think this. Not from that side, at least.

I can't have hair either other than buzz cut.