What can be done about the crappy ISP monopolies in the US?
Should Congress fund an infrastructure upgrade and inprove internet access and speed?
What can be done about the crappy ISP monopolies in the US?
Should Congress fund an infrastructure upgrade and inprove internet access and speed?
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Dat ass tho
Start terrorizing media and tech companies jihad-style.
punch em in the ass
Fat chance of that. Comcast spends the second most on lobbying out of any corporation, beaten only by Northrop Fucking Grumman.
stop pushing your shit here chink
Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly laws need to return. But Cuckgress isn't interested in those.
vote democrat
i know Sup Forums hates lefties but the first thing Trump did about the whole ISP thing was put a certified ISP shill in charge of the FCC. you cannot ignore that. only a consumer-friendly administration can make the necessary push to increase competition and access
I'm so done with cosplay.
Fucking stacys ruin everything,
Used to be a neat little hobby, working on your custume, meeting up with others, seeing homemade stuff people worked really hard on
The democrats get paid off too. They'll make a fuss about it now while they're not in power, but the minute they get elected again they won't do jack shit.
One of the last things Obama did was hand over ISP domain sovereignty to the U-fucking-N. So... your kinda boned whichever direction you pick.
>Should Congress fund an infrastructure upgrade and inprove internet access and speed?
The telecom companies just horded the money to buy each other out. That's all they ever do.
obama's fcc guy, a former lobbying shill (tom wheeler) was running a train on the ISPs, blocking mergers, pushing net neutrality and advocating customer protection
trump's guy, a shitskin poo claims that competition is bad for the costumers
Huh? I live in Colorado and even we're starting to get 1g here
What's your ISP?
I have Comcast and they just raised my price by $20 a month for the same service, and my internet has been actually getting worse.
meant to breed
Lmao at all you skinny white boys getting cucked by chang, stpeach loves the big asian cock
I would very much like to engage in unprotected sexual intercourse with this female to the point of ejaculation.
reminder that unrestrained capitalism is a failed system because human greed is eternal
st peach