I'm transgender and I voted for Hillary.
I'm transgender and I voted for Hillary
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this supposed to be surprising or what
just letting Sup Forums know where I stand
Well you'd have to be mentally ill to make such a stupid decision.
kek you voted for a criminal
post feet
No I did not but you did.
I agree
We need to stop these "doctors" mutilating transpeoples genitals
im 66 kilos and im moslemphobic
debase me
Mutilate any children with your sexual fetish yet?
Fuck Hillary
Video very much related
>translation im a self-deluding mental midget who does what the media tells me.
i didnt know trump had an email scandal. oh wait...
>Mutilate any children with your sexual fetish yet?
Well, I was (((((circumcised)))) at birth....
What is wrong with all these kikes and mutilating penises and children???????
>growing crisis of transphobic violence
I almost never hear any stories of actual verified violence against actual trans, it's always just fake news shit like I KNEW A XE WHO KNEW A XIR WHO SAID XE GOT TRIGGERED BY SOMEONE NOT USING XER PRONOUNS and DUDE TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEAT UP MY TRANS FRIEND OF A FRIEND BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL RURAL AND SUBURBAN WHITE NAZIS.. WHAT WAS HIS NAME? UHHHH *changes topic*
and whenever I do hear about actual violence against trans, it's almost always done by an unbalanced muslim flipping out because he fucked a dude
There, like, 25 trannies in America. There are more wiggers than trannies More metal heads than trannies. These people all have a specific culture. Why are they not protected? Because Jews, that's why.
You know who kills all these trannies? Niggers. The same people who do all the raping. You know who gets blamed? Whites. You know why? Jews. I'm black, nowhere near being close to being a stormfag, but I recognize a fucking problem when I see one. Jews are a FUCKING PROBLEM.
They've successfully blamed Whites for the slave trade and American slavery, when White Christians owned THREE PERCENT OF SLAVES AND FOUGHT AND DIED TO FREE THEM.
We need to unite, Blacks and Whites, for at least as long as it takes to find a "solution" to the question. We can work out or differences later, we, all of us, have a bigger problem to tackle.
And Fuck NIGGERS. The product of Jew Programming.
trans people in the us is just a social trend. there has been more trans people in the us in the last 5 years then there ever was in the past 100 years.
You fucking Jew tool. Don't think people like you will be forgotten, you fucking traitor.
>just a social trend. there has been more trans people in the us in the last 5 years then there ever was in the past 100 years.
well either that or the additives in the water supply are really starting to work
I don't know why you needed to be so redundant in your sentience admitting you have severe mental problems OP, but admission is the first step. Good on you.
theres a thing called sarcasm
I see a lot of black dude's red pilled on (((them))). Where did this start? Is this some branch of the conscious community? Either way, unironically le based black man xD
oh wait, the odds are stacked heavily in favor of that actually happening.
post boypucci and feminine benis
That'll be the tone you hear while you're being lined against the wall. Sarcasm.
>people with their mental brain fucked up are voting for hillary
color me surprised
HRC uses women and trans rights as a tool to justify western intervention in Middle East. Why don't we just let it burn.
She is a snake.
Whoa now!
Yeah what we gonna do about it ...let me see.
What do you want, a cookie?
And your the abnormal minority.
>tfw Drumpf gave away your secrets to the Russians
>tfw it was wrong
post dick
Literally 95% of transgender victims of violence are black (((women))) murdered by angry black men.
I keep hearing this rhetoric coming from the left about violence against trans ans SJWs screaming about how trans ARE LITERALLY DYING
Where is it? Where are the news articles? Where are the crime stats? Why do I LITERALLY never hear of a single trans person being attacked?
21 trannies murdered in 2016, 1.4 million trannies = 1.5 per 100k
Meanwhile, the overall murder rate is 3.9 per 100k
Then factor in that most trannie victims of murder are black, and that the overall black murder rate is even higher, and transgender people are actually far less likely to be victimized.
>going after that critical 0.01% of the vote
good for her, and right on schedule too
I support trump and I'm a repressor
that time the hillary bot started to seize up was pretty bad from what i hear. think they shot a IT guy over that shit
good to know where the mentally ill stands
Gas yourself. Twice.
So the mentally ill make questionable choices. This is supposed to be surprising?
your world is about to get rocked hard faggot
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>mentally ill person makes bad descion
Holy shit what a revelation, what will we learn next??
no one asked. i'm a gay male and i voted for trump. did you want this info? stop trying to get attention just because of what you are.
kek top suggested video after that was terry davis's trip to the store in his parents' car
>he thinks people care
adorable. now gas yourself in silence so you dont wake the neighbors.