>Victoria apologises to Chinese community for racist policies during gold rush era

>Constitutional recognition still open for discussion, Aboriginal leader Pat Dodson says

>The Australian economy turns down and the consumer goes on strike

>The gloss is wearing off the China boom and we may suffer

>China credit rating downgraded by Moody's, Australian dollar falls

>Chinese investors turning away from Melbourne’s off-the-plan apartments

Yesterdays thread: Dickcord: gg/RgSvKQZ

Other urls found in this thread:

First for turnbull

I'll just leave this here


Oi cunts. Any of you reckon we should give the Middle East another crack? DESU I think it's a waste of time...... unless we get to do it our way this time. Thoughts?

>another crack
We never fucking left. And no. If we haven't won after 15 or so years, how the fuck will we after 20? We're fucking broke and in debt, we have no interest in this fucking war it's the most retarded thing ever.

>inb4 kill sandniggers hurr durr

Fuck off

ded thread?

Reckon it would be a bit busier hey

What are you upto user? Do much today?

watching the poosters get their shit pushed in by canberra

gonna have to agree with this guy, we got no stakes in the war and its a waste of our time and resources. fuck sand niggers, hope they all burn, but we gotta think about our situation here as well. too much to lose with nothing to gain .

Fuck me, Raiders been doing alright. They fucked old parra there. I though it was a sure win for the blue and gold.

Too right.
Just a giant pain in the ass for everyone involved. Literally no reason to still be there. Nothing has improved and nothing will.

I think we should develop our own nuclear weapons and tell burn anzus desu

poster removal squad report in

How long until Schapelle corby fucks off back into obscurity? Who the fuck actually cares about her and why the fuck are news shows pushing it so hard? They had a channel 7 reporter literally harnessed in the back of a driving ute on the way to the airport where corby was planned to land in a few hours. They seem to be hyping up this shit like it's the biggest thing to ever happen to the country. Now we have to put up with the next month where corby does the rounds on shit like the project and today tonight and all the fucking current affairs shows and magazines that pay her hundreds of thousands for her story, while I don't know a single person who actually gives a fuck about her

butt hurt post wall whores in bound


2 weeks I wager.

By deleting your post you just drew attention to it. I didn't even notice you left your profile picture in the other one, and even knowing it now it's not like I give a fuck to do anything with it

Why should society pay for her fertility treatment because she decided to spend her twenties and late teens being a cock carousel riding whore?

>Why should society pay for post wall women and their fertility treatments because they decided to spend their twenties and late teens being a cock carousel riding whores?

So guys, I had a thought about multiculturalism the other day. Dumb leftists like to spout how nice it is to celebrate other cultures and all the food we get, but can't we have these things without having to seed other cultures in our own?

You can get goods with trade (which would arguably be better for rapugees because they would have to produce something and get something in return), and culture is just a collection of ideas. Ideas can be exchanged. You can have both the ingredients for curry and the knowledge of how to make it without needing to import Pajeet.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? It's been bothering me for a while.

now you're just embarrassing yourself. Time to stop posting, maybe lurk a bit more

>Why should society pay for her fertility treatment because she decided to spend her twenties and late teens being a cock carousel riding whore?

also old women makes downie children. We need to look to the Spartans for guidance on this matter.

who unmotivated, depressed and no direction in life here

seeing the economy shit itself is the only thing that will bring me joy t b h

Praying for the housing market collapse every day. Dreaming of boomer tears...

Assuming god is real, why would he answer a selfish prayer like that? Why are you treating prayer like it's just some magic way to get what you want?

My theory is that it's to scare people. Hey look everyone we can put anyone we choose on national tv so you better be good little cucks.


The real war against islam is right here, at home. Yet no one will ever acknowledge this.

I bought a house at 27. Saved like a mofo
Im 30 now hope it keeps on ticking over slowly not crashing

It'll be more than just boomers. Lots of normal younger families will lose their house. It's sad but I don't really care. I'm sick of cunts spending to the absolute max and then some just because they can.

>yesterdays thread 404'd at 42 posts

fucking hell, that captcha shit ruined everything

btw how do i get around the afr paywall?

For real. I live like 7km from the CBD in Brisbane. I see nothing but middle class familes lining up to buy another house and shit around here. I cannot for the life of me work out where they fuck they get the money from.

Do they all have to get themselves into ruinous amounts of debt for 2 lifetimes to afford one?

I'm a goddamn student and work casually and cannot understand it.

Bu these are valid points
There should be consequences for cock carousel women, why should society and beta male tax payers pay for their fuck ups?

Herd behaviour.

You replied to yourself by quoting yourself and adding a couple extra words. You're an embarrassment regardless of whatever point you're trying to make.

Heavy debt on the hope for future capital gains. They won't pay both off, but hope a future higher sell price will pay off the mortgage plus extra

Beta males are just a tax revenue. They backstop societies finances. They are also cannon fodder.

My wife and I average 180k a year we arent super high earners. Both 30yo

My girlfriend and I want a FFM threesome.

We are both 20.

Are there any bad consequences from this or am I letting my dick decide?

I don't want the emotional side to change, I don't want a 2nd girlfriend, I just want to have fun with another girl with my gf.

anyone else in melbourne northern suburbs here?
did you just hear that?

180k each or combined?

If you bought in Sydney or Melbourne, you dun goof'd, we are looking at a 50% to 60% correction in housing prices.

20? Well if this gf is not the girl you want to marry go right ahead, I don't know what fucking two girls at once does for you beside's getting to see lesbians fucking before and after you sperg all over the shop. It's not lime you have 4 throbbing dicks to use at once is what I mean.

Taxi fag passing through

Cultural exchange used to happen through trade, you're absolutely right in that there is no need to have different cultures living side by side. All it does it generate friction, and is the reason places like Africa, and less recently, Europe, has all those border wars.

Importing people who actually, literally, do not understand our way of life, and in fact live in a way that is deemed criminal to our way of life, is traitorous in the extreme to our culture.

>aren't super high
I've been a low income earner my whole life, and never had any real issues. People in this country are just greedy materialistic cunts.

I don't think I want to marry her/have kids with her.

>People in this country are just greedy materialistic cunts.

100% This.
I make less than $40,000 a year after tax and manage just fine, I actually save quite a lot.

180k combined is pretty high mate, I know couples who live on a heck of a lot less.

thinking of becoming an estern football leauge umprire (afl umpiring) while doing a part time job during the weekdays, any experience with the efl

Well get in there, record some debauchery in your brain, also avoid getting aids /pregnancy feels // anything that will prevent you actually meeting the one you want to be with for good. It might be your current gf but when you are both now mature, who knows.

Also make sure everyone's the same level of drunk or fucked up on drugs

Thanks for the advice, alcohol will surely help.


Yeah the banks are giving them heaps of cash afaik. Or the buyers are lying on their application form. So they've got like 100 bucks a week or something left over after they've paid their bills.

When women get to that mature age they are absolutely frothing at the mouth for a house so they are the ones pushing for it.

That's my take on it anyway. Just from putting my ear to the ground.

That's why the government goes all out to make house prices go up no matter what.

I'm fuckin sick of the cunts in this country they can fuckin eat shit.

It's all going to backfire so spectacularly, the moment the RBA increases rates, every cunt will be declaring bankruptcy.

I would say that's a slightly above middle class income. Throw two kids and a house in there, retirement and shit, it's not that great.

Yeah I couldn't give a fuck. They slit my throat, I'll stab them in the neck. No doubt they'll be blaming everyone but themselves.

What's for dinner fellow Emus.

Never forget that Standards and Poors downgraded Aussie banks and that China just got downgraded to AA+ from AAA- as well. Things are brewing lads. Not to mention the government and good goys are totally drowning in debt.

mashed potato, mixed veges and a meat pie

pretty standard for me these days

Roast lamb shoulder, with baked potatoes, broccoli, beans and gravy

chinas gonna explode soon, get ready to fight off waves of Indonesian migrants escaping from the hordes of chinese migrants then the hordes of chinese migrants that follow them.

navy's looking like a good option to get some target practise in

u maybe wanna explain what a contact crime is

What pie? I had my first pie this afternoon in months. I'm not from here, what's up with the tin dish holding the pie, it just makes the pie base soggy when you try to pick it up.

It's going to be absolute bedlam, whoever is in government when shit hits the fan (Most likely Liberals still under Turnbull) will be the last time that party ever runs this country.

have you seen our minister of defense, a career politician woman with problem glases

the media hype alone will have boomers and cunts with weak hands panic selling

im surprised that the credit rating of the big 4 werent downgraded, if you read their balance sheet and income statement you'll see that they are way more over leveraged than the smaller banks

Alot of people with investment properties only pay the intrest, so the repayments arent that much.

Everyone will just blame the other side and so will their rusted on voters. It won't change much politically.

just a sergeants pie, the frozen ones you can buy from woolies

pretty sure the tin dish is used to keep the pie warm m8, also the bakers use it as a mold to make the pies

nice and cheesy

yeah I know but she'll be out soon and hopefully we get a Poland level defence minister

>It won't change much politically.

It will when everyone is bankrupt, no job and living on the streets.

It's going to be bad.

Me, lad. But that's because my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me last Sunday.


I roasted some chook and made a nice salad

Pies are warm out of the oven for a decent amount of time anyways. Seems like a waste of resources and makes pie eating on the go difficult

I had mi goreng. I made a whole heap of mess just for noodles with egg on top. I'm an idiot. I'm just going back to plain old western food.

Fuck, what suburb? I would have been in Resevoir tonight...

good distraction

Australia's media is absolute cancer and you won't see any improvement until Murdoch drops

I dunno I think most people vote like they are choosing a football team.

I think you mean hilarious

oi chuck us her number, i'll convince her to get back with you, aus/bro/

Not to mention that ISIS has taken over a city in the Philippines, so expect a lot of Pinoy rapefugees and stupid cunts saying "LET THEM IN".

We're fucked lmao.

Lamb chops

Take it out of the foil

I hate her. This stupid cunt made more from being caught than she ever would have if she had successfully smuggled her drugs.

The whole fucking family essentially got a winning lottery ticket and all it cost was 9 years in prison. Would happily do that if it meant I could emerge a multi-millionaire on the other side.

Just ordered a vape lads. First thing I got told was 'Nice mouth fedora dingleberry'.

You cheeky cunt, she already said she can't be convinced.

fuckin this

can anyone here report threads?
i'm just getting a blank screen

As I mentioned. The base goes soggy b

Did you microwave it? Cook in tbe oven then when its cooked remove the foil.

Me. I'm 32 and just going through the motions. I'm going to be unemployed in 5 months and I have no idea what to do with my life.

I set off multiple bug bombs at my local bunnings today. I'm expecting the police any minute now.

what happened mate?