Tips for redpilling lost girls

Most of the girls in my class are extremely lost in the world of social justice and I've been trying to red pill them for almost 3 years now but all that happens is me being called a racist bitch or just "mean"... I only have two more months till I graduate, need tips in order to speed up the process

Yes, people who argue against any extreme leftism will inevitably be called mean. The trick therefore becomes to point out the extreme left's meaniness which doesn't actually exist in the moderate left, which means you're left with slippery slopes.


Three years!? It should take you three minutes... It's not the content of what you are saying, it's your confidence, body language, and personality that can easily sway someone, especially females.

Stop being such a little faggot.

Embrace Christianity and attempt to convert them. The only way to redpill a mudslime is by having them leave Islam. No exceptions.

Maybe you are a racist bitch, and also an asshole. Otherwise why would you go around trying to force your far-right views on your classmates, like it's your responsibility?



Are you telling me that SocJus has managed to worm its way into the Islamic world too?

Well, the problem is it's difficult to have a stern Hitler-like personality with such a petite figure and a soft voice like mine, I'm female too but i try to be persuasive but all goes to no avail

Beirut is pretty well known as a very degenerate city for the middle east. They're even putting on their first pride parade soon.

And outside of Beirut, everyone is full towelhead DURKA DURKA JIHAD ALLAH ACKBAR.

The only redpilled ones are the Christians.

Lebanon is a half Christian/half Muslim country, but the majority of the girls I speak of are Muslims, so yes

>Lebanese female

Oh d-g oh d-g oh d-g I'm sweating I should never have joined this thread.

D-do you live near the border? C-can we stand on mountaintops and shout our love to each other and squirm to see each other blowing kisses? P-p-please?

That LGBT parade was canceled due to Muslim Sunni threats, all they did was hand in bracelets.. Top kek

You still haven't told me whether you are willing to be my qt sandkebab long distance waifu

Clearly all your classmates are untermensch.
Have you tried gassing them user?

Hm, deal with the enemy you say?
Sure let's do it

Mass shooting was one of my ideas, but gassing... hell yeah

Thank you just please don't Ofir Rahum me when we meet up IRL. That would not be nice.

Which prominent border mountain is closest to your home? We can start by seeing each other through binoculars there.

The sad thing about social justice is that they're extraordinarily hard to argue with. Not because their arguments are compelling, but in the methods they use to argue or silence their opposition. Most of the time, the only thing that seems to work is some hard knocks from reality which makes them realise the truth.

You could do something sneaky and tell them that there's an evil, sexist, racist website out there called Sup Forums and they could come here looking to troll or argue. I've heard a lot of former leftists came here looking to do the same and were inevitably drawn in by the mounting evidence presented to them.

I just hate how all of the intelligent young ladies end up in college getting filled with Marxist garbage while the ones that don't go to college are all low IQ, alcoholic, slut drug addicted trash. It becomes seriously difficult to find a suitable partner as a young adult with all of this considered. I wish I could nab a dateable young 18 year old broad fresh out of high school and fill her with my seed before she goes and gets her crappy teaching degree with professor Goldstein. I find myself sleeping around with loads of drunk whores but none of them worth going into any real relationships with. Finding an actual legitimate girlfriend that you can actually stand being around in a way that goes beyond typical sexual attraction becomes a lot harder at 21. Seriously, I dated so many charming girls in high school, like the ones that didn't look at me like a drooling retard when I made any joke that requires half a brain to comprehend or ones with any interests that went beyond the new shitty Kendrick Lamar or Future album. Sounds like some obnoxious beta male MGTOW shit but I miss meeting woman that weren't complete fucking NPCs. to be perfectly honest I don't completely have my shit together right now but I've almost reached the finish line and am completely confused on how I'm going to find the mother of my children.

Single women are mostly trash. Women are only redpilled by being married. Even then, you have to keep them on a short leash.

>Ofir Rahum
Shit, he's onto me

I'll send a horse over for you, o' great White Knight, all the way from Iran :^)

Joke's on you, I work for Mossad. We do online sting operations to get sandkebabs to admit their plans. "Sup" has transferred your IP and your house has been targeted for a drone strike in... 1 hour. Enjoy your fiery painful death!

Theyre a lost cause OP. Move to America and marry a redpilled user.

I honestly doubt you'll be able to redpill all the girls, in such a short period of time. Instead of that, focus on 1-2.
Be moderate in all your points, don't start vomiting 1488 stormfront propaganda. Nobody wants to listen that, much less average girls.

Tits or gtfo

I will, anything to honor my country!

Why in fuck's sake would you expect redpilling girls to work? Redpill propaganda is tailored to turn ronery men into unhappy incels so that various quality ebook vendors can make money; it's not written for women.

For that matter, why in fuck's sake do you WANT to shove your idiotic political views down the throats of your fellow girls? If you, personally, like being inferior, it's not like there's a shortage of men who will give you an ATM once a week in exchange for 40 hours/week cleaning, cooking, laundering, and so on on behalf of a man who thinks cleaning his anus reduces his manliness. If you succeed in convincing all the social justice girls that they want the lifestyle you want? Then there actually WILL be a shortage of pig tops.

I have succesfully redpilled a few of my mates over the years..girls are in general more resistant to the change. Too much dick being thrown at them for them to wanna have convo

Such is life in the Middle East

No fuck off. It's actually pretty fun. Like the time when an assassin jumped into my grandpa's car during the 1970s unrests.

Its actually quite sad considering how hot isreali women are. I would risk getting snipped for many of them

Please put a wire down my penis until I make kummy

To be honest, I never started yelling like a freak out of nowhere, it all starts with some incentive, but over the years I've come to realize their retarded ideology. when someone comes spewing anti-white, anti-marriage, anti-life, Anti-nationalist propaganda, I can't sit aside and do nothing

>anti-white, anti-marriage, anti-life, Anti-nationalist propaganda
>in christmas tree country

so will future terrorists stop suicide bombing and raid tumblr instead?

Why, lebanon proxy gril? Nationalism is killing America; nationalism has driven millions of Russians to emigrate; nationalism is dominant in Africa and the Middle East, with the expected results: your countries are as shat up now as Europe was when our race embraced nationalism.

Show us your feet.

Are you saying taking pride in your country is bad? The hundreds of years your ancestors spent developing your culture, all the effort, and you think it's "shit" to be proud of it?
keep in mind, our history defines us and our culture is our identity.. without them, what are we?


Women are like children. You can't give them freedom because they misuse it. I know that sounds Mudslime tier but let's face facts.


oh fudge treeman is a girl

Speed up the process? You're in lebanon ffs go offer her dad a goat and bang the little ninjaghost slut already.

Beirut is a bit more modernized than that, even with Muslims, outside of beirut (capital city) maybe that would work..

>embrace christianity

Your proxy's country is tiny. How many people has Daesh killed in it this year?

My country has 300 million people, and yet our combined death toll from all alt-right groups (Daesh is one of them, BTW) is lower than Lebanon's.

America is an empire, not a nation. We had a chance at being a nation; we decided to annex half the continent instead. Loving and appreciating your nation is good - what is not good is enslaving people to the dream of the nation, which is what nationalism does.

It may surprise you to learn this, but adding 'lets face facts' to the end of a string of bullshit does not, in fact, make it true.

t. Sandra the rider of dicks

>a highly convincing argument
You're not very bright, are you.

I have come to the conclusion that one cannot redpill anyone else, you can only redpill yourself.

thats it

ive tried with my friends, ive even tried the a woman im quite scared of sharia law influencing blah blah my female rights etc...still get called paranoid and fear mongering...i gives up

You need fuck them all, beliefs are part of the sperm.

If u can't fuck them all you need to affect on their boyfriends

Trying to red pill a very attractive girl is like trying to thread needle while doing a backflip and on fire.

Redpilling a Meadium 5-7 is 40/60

redpilling an ugO averages to be as bad as an attractive girl because most turn out to be hardcore regressive leftists/"feminists"

Kind of hard desu from what you say being a girl,I knew a girl in high school who was to be a perfect waifu,not bad looking and pretty much stayed a kissless virgin,i saw the potential but i was too young and just was looking for pussy,fast forward,she is nurse with a good job due to studying intend of riding the cockcarousel and getting wasted and is already a mother of 2 while most other girls are still getting wasted and drunk like when they were 14.
I think it's sad but most woman will change for the attention of a man they like,same way that a lot of beta males will become what a woman wants with the hope of pussy.
It's sad but in today's world it's easier for a woman to get attention by being a slut and males tend to fall for it (or 10 others will)thus reinforcing the slutiness,i remember an indonesian girl who wasn't muslim and was regarded as a slut by the rest of bangladeshi muslim students(true or not I don't know)yet most of them were like horn pajeet following her as dogs...

shit post of the day

I kind of have pushed a few people,with tons of downloaded graphs and Sup Forums shit to back me up,thanks to the many happenings,and leading by example (hitting the gym and staying sharp as a knife,going to shooting ranges,storing my worth out of the banks and into precious metals etc)i don't push the red pills since for the most part I agree you can't convince someone but you kind inform them if you know what worries them.
A commie you can't start with fucking commies,you start talking about banks,about media about the owners about how they have subert ed their beloved communism into controlled oposition show them the way,to security guards and police who are worried about muslims,you start with those things and use iq tests etc that their experience will confirm....i dont go around pushing my ideas but people ask me whas up and i tell them and it's mainly either shooting,hitting the gym or buying gold and silver online from particulars to avoid paying taxes..
So while i agree you can't convince someone you can give them data,and show them a way.

Thing is, when the alt-right ruled European countries they enforced pretty much the same restrictions sharia applies. Muslims are a tiny minority in Australia; they CAN'T force sharia on you. Can you be equally certain that right-wing Christians will not have the numbers to force THEIR sharia upon you?

Perfectly aware of your countries failures, it's America, what do you expect?
As for ISIS, of course we'd have more terrorist attacks, Syria is our neighboring country, it's easier for them to get to Lebanon than the US

How did you become red pilled,i haven't ever red pilled a woman all the red pilled ones I have met were already red pilled i would love to know how does a woman turn red pilled by herself without simply following a man,I think woman are the key for any movement to bee successful since they are half the population,more easily manipulated due to being more c cerned about others and peer pressure and they influence the vast majority of man who are nothing but betas looking for woman's approval in the form of a place to stick their benis into.
I'm sure if woman craved for family or for strong and smart types betas would at least try to become strong instead nowadays thy promote acting like niggers and sluts and thus we get wiggers and degenerates

Where do you even find red-pilled woman?
All the ones I know are either leftists or apolitical.

Well, I've always had views that are different from others, I just kept for myself for the most. I am strictly anti-Islam because I was raised in a muslim house, so I pretty much could debunk everything, even as a 10 year old, the idea of Islam never stuck.. My family is accepting of this fortunutely (No I don't pray or wear a veil, I barely seem Muslim if you see me).. other than that, concerning feminism, I think it's the bullshit I heard that made me skeptic... it's easy to figure out how retarded the lies they tell are if you think to yourself, I also find it weird how I came to think this way without any outside guidance

>how do you even find redpilled women?
Never met one honestly, all I have are guy friends who are redpilled, which explains why I'm an outcast in the female world

>going to college in the middle east
Wtf is going on in Lebanon?

has OP posted her fucking soles yet?

I'm graduating school dude, but I plan on definitely going to college

wait how old r u?

17, almost 18


>3rd world countries are very nationalistic and this is causes problems
>let's invite the ihabitants of those countries and embrace their cultures

>I'm female too
Shitty bait thread


Conquistador genes are strong in me so I don't mine bleaching up honoraries also eastern Europe and russia and even nearby countries are ok if you're a strong headed man who can handle slav woman,I don't intend to go there fucking sluts so I got already married and I'm out of the game but to me europe it's not even worth look ing for,some of our south america rape babies have good values but like slav will find a strong man to give them the D and see you as a beta provider unless you can be their man.
As I thought without traditional values being cherished by society we are dependant on individuals and exceptions i of course think woman are able to be that way but most will simply be happy to follow social pressure and as such most will simply follow the values prevalent on the narrative,in asian countries they seek male providers to buy useless shit in high end stores,in europe and america nigger like chaos and in muslim countries retarded and obedient cattle man who will simply follow the codes of Islam.
I guess until we have a way to get control of the narrative we simply won't get normalfags and will simply be a mixture of people who like thinking for themselves and conspiracy theorists and social outcasts.
Stay safe cedar girl but i don't know how to red pill another woman being a woman.if you find out I'll be happy to learn


I do this when I have a few drinks in me and they are loose and open to ideas because they have had something to drink. The topic of trump always comes up in convos no matter where or when I go out. I am a man or mild attractiveness so his no doubt helps in my arguments. Basically if you want to reverse SJW engineering you have to give them a few drinks not be an ugly beta and challenge their preconceptions with facts.