Terraforming Mars is virtually impossible

The low 0.38g gravity is prohibitive. Who in his right mind would go settle on Mars, if he or she knows that their kids will probably die an early death to the low gravity... and even if they would not die on Mars, they could never withstand the higher gravity on Earth.

We have enough space in Siberia to house another 30 billion people. Mars makes 0 sense for settlement. We need to look elsewhere.

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you're retarded. when you wake the heart up, the atmosphere will allow for what your pathetic mind thinks is "gravity"

dude we can't even land on mars, catch up dude.
NASA is lying.

Well duhh! Overpopulation needs to be solved SOMEHOW if they actually make a functioning second earth we'll just tax the shit out of it. A never ending pile of goy bodies will build us a tower to mars1

whatever happened to the marsone scam

Mars isn't even real you shill

We could just send some chinks and coal and it'll be terraformed within 100 years.

The Earth is flat, wake up SHEEPLE!

Nothing is impossible

with nukes.

>When more people rather risk death on another planet than live in russia

>Terraforming Mars is virtually impossible

Of course it fucking is. Even Zod couldn't Terraform it

We need to look elsewhere.

Also, the population below age 14 hasn't really grown for 25 years.

>We have enough space in Siberia
Fuck off, Hans, settle immigrants in your own land.

The gravity is the least of our concerns.

Air pressure on Mars is below the Armstrong limit, the point at which water boils at 98.6 F

Siberia is historically German clay.

Fuck off, Dimitri. Go stand in line for a loaf of bread, or whatever it is you poor slavs do these days.

mars will be colonized and will begin to be terraformed in our lifetimes.
its basically australia 2 electric didgeridoo.

I made SpaceX in order to do just that krautfag

Germany is historically US clay We bombed the fuck out of it, it's ours.

Don't forget that Mars is covered in poisonous perchlorates and has no magnetic field to prevent solar radiation from reaching the surface or its atmosphere from blowing away.

Mars is a shit choice for colonization.

Gravity is the only concern. Everything else (transforming the atmosphere and raising the temperature and getting water to Mars) can be solved. Gravity can not be solved. Just cannot.

Mo monies fo dem progremz, and shit, yo.

America is historically German clay. Most settlers in the US came from German territories. Give back that fake country of yours.


because no oxygen dumbass.


Natural selection and speciation *might* be the answer
Good article on the gravity/ radiation problem:

Just wear heavier shoes. Dur.

They came not as envoys of the German empire, but were instead escaping it. So no, it is not German.
We kicked England's ass, Spain's ass, and bought the rest from France and Russia.

No, it might not. The point is not being able to mitigate the problem, the point is that settlers won't expose their kids to this environment - just won't.

low gravity means more building strength
we could build domes miles across

...you do realize our own atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, yes? very little oxygen.

hello fellow Preußen

It would be better if you had joined us voluntarily... now we must take your country by force.


The best planet for colonizing is actually venus, it would only take a 100-200 years to get the atomsphere like earth's.

>very little

well apparently you havent been getting much

whatever man, if the ratio of gases were the same the air pressure would be about the same.

>The best planet for colonizing is actually venus, it would only take a 100-200 years to get the atomsphere like earth's.
This man knows.

Yes, I know it's 20%. that's just a fifth of the total.

youre the traitor, america is a german country, we should have allied with Germany in WW1. Woodrow Wilson was a mistake and most likely a jewish puppet.

True, unless Earth's environment becomes even worse. Unfortunately that's the only thing that will decide a significant number of settlers to do that leap

Check your gravity privilege you fucking kraut

>implying what we call earth isn't really the mars penal colony

This place has been excavated, then terra-formed. The stars never change their relative positions to each other. That's why we have constellations. They are lying to us about where we really are. Alex Jones is right about us being on a prison planet.

No we don't, your arguments are shit.

>even if they would not die on Mars, they could never withstand the higher gravity on Earth.
For the first native born generation of Mars colonists, getting to Earth will be as far off a dream as getting to Mars was for us when we first landed on the Moon.

>even if they would not die on Mars, they could never withstand the higher gravity on Earth.
For the first native born generation of Mars colonists, getting to Earth will be as far off a dream as getting to Mars was for us before we first landed on the Moon.

>ywn sleep on a comfy road like an abbo

Though you probably need to start with synthetic organisms, same as mars

>We have enough space in Siberia to house another 30 billion people.

Next you'll be saying we should have allied with Hitler in WWII.

>Not Venus

>We have enough space in Siberia to house another 30 billion people

No we fucking don't

Venus and Jesus?

Kek, true

Don't you know, room is all people need to live
I see it all the time when people insist Australia can take many more people Food, water and other resources actually aren't needed

mars is super small wtf? i thought it was half of earth not 1/4th

screw mars lets go to venus.

but isnt venus really hot and molten lava?

can't go to any planet with that defeatist attitude pal




Current population/ carrying capacity:
Aus 23m/ 40m
US 350m/ 600m
No, you still have resources
Open borders please

India 1350m/ 900m
Africa 1200m/ 1100m

> 92 times earth surface pressure
> Temperatures of over 400 degrees celcius
> Intensely caustic clouds

If you look that image up the RHS is a photoshop of the irish hill by flat earthers.
Silly conspiracy mong

>outer space exists

You would have to spin up Venus retrograde rotation. It takes ages for one day to pass. You could either simulate "day" with a sun-shield (which you would be using to cool the planet down anyway) or nuke the fuck out of it with asteroids for a more permanent option.

Honestly though if we ever get to space we'll be doing mini-cylinder thingies that simulate gravity with centrifugal force. It's more economical and space efficient than living on planets.

>what is terraforming.

>not terraforming the moon

Friendly reminder the ancient lava tubes bigger than some states can absolutely be compressed and do not hold the radiation the surface does, op is a shill trying to discredit the already present indentured slave manufacturing colonies already present controlled by corporations and elites. Check th em.

You aren't terraforming something that close to the sun. It's just not happening.

Mars has loads of oxygen. The problem is that it's all stuck to other stuff. What it lacks is nitrogen.

>this is the most likely scenario for human space travel and colonies

Venus is not that close to the sun. It's possible that early in its history it had a similar climate to earth before experiencing a runaway greenhouse effect.

Of coursh.

the earth is close to the sun too, so what its your point, the levels of toxic gases in venus makes the planet uninhabitable.

putting humans there is no joke either, given the core of mars is all retarded and shit, and doesn't produce a magnetic field, which means people get exposed to bad stuff coming from the sun and outer space; then there is the problem of getting people there in a space craft with no protection from radiation mentioned above

tl;dr politicians and enthusiasts like to talk about manned mars missions, but it ain't gonna happen when we could just send robots instead for a tiny fraction of the cost

It's understating the huge number of German/Swiss Mennonites and Amish in the eastern U.S.

It's core is dead. Only an idiot thinks they can put life there.

more like giant space wildlife reserves desu that serve as inter-solar taxis

>implying nukes actually exist

Top kek

>We have enough space in Siberia to house another 30 billion people.

Canada, Siberia, and even Antarctica could be homes to colonies of whites-only Aryan bubble-cities using nuclear fission to heat everything.


Who needs planets planets?

venus atmosphere is full of acid and disintegrates metals.

Why would you spend all the effort required to escape a gravity well only to jump down another? Space habitats is where its at.

>whatever it is you poor slavs do these days

electing us presidents

You mean Berlin is rightful russian clay

I'm usually pretty good at deciphering retardation but...


Overpopulation is a meme problem. We have passed the peak oil. We won't be able to feed everyone very soon.
In 2050 earth population will be reduced to 1 billion and no one will care anymore about the space travel meme.

Who says we have to live on other planets? Making a rotating space station isn't a far stretch of sci-fi imagination. It will be practical in a couple decades.

Good luck, paper tiger.
>yfw US military stationed in Germany can lock down your country and defeat your military in a month.
>yfw you realize just how big and well armed America is.

fortunately there's a much better solution

We will colonize space with our american partners, all that shitskins and hwite yuropeans will suck terrestrial dick


my fucking sides




Even more people to support with earths resourses, great thinking Bob

there is no realistic way to solve overpopulation

we're gonna go extinct on earth

why would anyone born on mars want to go to earth. Do you want to go to jupiter?

>We have enough space in Siberia to house another 30 billion people.
Great! It will come in handy.