Most Redpilled Religeon strawpoll

Alright pol lets settle this. What is the most redpilled religion?

Other urls found in this thread: fuck me

Zoroastrians you fucking mong.

Christianity was the first vote?

No just no fuck you OP. Someone vote Islam instead of atheism like I picked. I want to convert to islam because of OP.

>implying judism isnt the most redpilled since they rule the world

>become jew
>jew get's jewed by jew
>jew jewing jew get's jewed by other jew
>leads to one jew at the top
>top tier jew jews the jews to jew jews

black hair rules the gene pool it must be the one with the highest value of beauty.

justin bieber has the most sales he must be the best musician.

asia is the biggest continent that's why it has the most people.

You know how some species of carp muddy the water and cannibalise each other, but thousands of other species can life together in harmony and peace when they are not around?

Don't become a carp.

atheism/islam/paganism are the same though. only leftists here from reddit would choose any box other than Christian.

what do you mean ?

It's Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, everything else is pedophilic kikery.

>stop believing the "jews run the world" meme...Russian hackers fucked Hilldogs campaign with a few emails...Jews don't run shit.

As far right and south as it gets and an atheist. Being red-pilled doesn't demand to believe bullshit.

>no Buddhism
Fuck your poll

Damned right

>justin bieber has the most sales he must be the best musician.

how else would you judge art you dumb goyim?

A different kind of answer:
Original Thought, You can believe in what ever makes you feel better. Base it in realality as it exists to you!

>No indic religion

I wonder who voted (((Christianity)))
Pretty sure paganism covers it

>No buddhism

Spiritual paths are not a competition. You are either lost or found. You either are saved are you are not. You either have a heart for Jesus Christ or you do not. Desire the Lord above everything, put your idols to rest. Repent and have fellowship with Christians. Love the Lord and desire nothing more. Read the bible, pray on it, seek spiritual counsel from the Lord and those in His body. Ask the Lord to take your unbelief and doubt, to understand and be spoken to in His word.