Does anyone know how to pick up girls? I'm going to ask a girl out tomorrow but I have poor social skills and no idea what to say? Real help would be appreciated
Help me pls
We just use a bucket of KFC and a forklift
There's a difference between picking up girls and asking a girl out, ya know...
I got a date but I am a turbo autist tell me the secret redpill to getting laid.
Should I hide the Rhodesia flag, Mein Kampf, Art of the Deal, Bell Curve in my room?
One of my friends actually tried Chloroform, I ain't kidding but that shit worked really smooth.
Not Sup Forums related
Fuck off to /adv/
Grab her by the pussy.
It's easy just be like hey wanna go to the arcade or something
>no idea what to say
Just ask her out you fucking retard.
Only one bucket? Must live in Skinnyville, USA
I thought pol was the only board that existed? Thanks m8
Anyway, here are some organizing principles, since specific advice is unlikely to be of use:
1. Women are humans and can pretty much be expected to act exactly like men in most situations.
2. It is okay to admit weakness. Example; you can say that you have limited experience asking women out.
3. Women just want to feel special. Even if you stutter, you asking her out means you think she's special.
My darling I love you.
Let us walk together into the sunset of lifes day
if your afraid of failure, you already lost
women don't go for the needy and desperate
the only way to success is to fail faster faggot
Well you have your backup buckets at home of course, I just mean for the initial wooing, and then while she's distracted back the heavy mover up to her powered chair and lift.
"now lemme stick me finger up your craw, luv"
Listen to this nigger
>hi i think youre cute can I take you out?
two possible answers: yes or no
>dayum bitch you got fine titties can I get yo number
works everytime
You have to be able to relate to her, so I suggest you get your nails done in a pretty french manicure. When she compliments you on your sexy nails, you can tell her your bra size and ask if she'd like to take you lingerie shopping!
I'm honestly not sure of any other way to relate to women.
Post more! I'm half drunk and finding this shit way too amusing.
most of /pol are too old to have a pecker that works, or live a virgin life in a basement filled with porno, OP
Ask her if she likes the taste of hickory smoked sausage. Then tell her you love the taste of clam chowder.
>You look nerdy.
You look fat.
Wanna go to my place and bang?
Wanna go to my place and watch TV and play vidyas and then bang?
Wanna go to my place and watch TV and play vidyas and then TOTALLY NOT BANG?
And that's how I got laid on Tinder. And we still see each others sometimes but she mostly just likes to play vidyas online with. Which is fine.
>needy and desperate
Yet this is 80% (if I'm being generous) of all women, society today sees this as acceptable.
Don't hype it up, just be casual. Worst that'll happen is a polite "no" then you feel a bit awakward.
Women are just like, men with vaginas. Nothing big asking them out. Every man has been turned down before. You can't care so much.
just get rejected by a dozen other women and then you won't care about getting rejected about this one
the best advice i ever got was if a girl is pissed off when you try asking her out, it wasn't you who did that. a girl has her own life and one guy asking her out is a little thing
>if all else fails use rohypnol.
That's actually not a bad idea
it's part of growing up
be honest say you're interested in her no need for fancy BS, just be confident and one way to do that is to keep in mind that porn is free and real women cost money.