you kids will still insist muslims are bad even after reading this
its ok, you can stay here in your play-pen while the grownups deal with the facts.
it's adorable, really
you kids will still insist muslims are bad even after reading this
its ok, you can stay here in your play-pen while the grownups deal with the facts.
it's adorable, really
Other urls found in this thread:
>this week
Probably more prevalent in the European countries where they have mass immigration.
I'll just leave this here. If you can dish it out you can take it =^_^=
Source or gtfo
>not all muslims explode.
>people with actual illnesses
>people ideologically motivated
your point?
oh, i see. it's not infowars
so you aren't even going consider, huh
three of those people aren't even muslims, they're black. are you blind?
seriously, Sup Forums deals strictly in facts. Its why we are racists desu. think about it nigger
>.1% of the population kills more than 99.9% of the population
oh yes, this is very informational
thank you
So one conspiracy site is better than another one?
You seem unhinged.
Wasn't terrorism. Just like the Fresno shooting wasn't terrorism.
These people have no idea what words mean, do they?
>actually thinking it's a credible source
seriously user cut your balls off and jump off of a building, you're not gonna make it.
>tfw false flag white "terrorism"
Bull fucking shit. PROOF or kill yourself.
you can't prove anything except they're all pot smokers. it makes them violent.
You're not a grown up, nobody who uses the term adorable is. Whites make up the vast majority of Americans, Muslims do not. If you really want to test out your love affair with Islam then go and live in a Muslim country
They killed more than Nice + Paris in one week?
Wow white terrorist are a huge problem, I wonder why I haven't heard about it on the news, damn conservatives controlling main stream media.
I personally know a Muslim girl in Saudi Arabia who fears everyday for her life because she is a lesbian and she knows the moment her family or friends find out she is dead literally. So fuck you. You are shilling against your own fucking interests.