Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Addresses Military @Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy 5/27/17
>Air Show @G7 5/27/17
>Day 2 of G7 5/27/17
>SoS T-rex and Boris Press conference 5/26/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #18 5/26/17
>VP Pence commencement address @US Naval Acad 5/26/17
>Pres Trump's day @G7 5/26/17
>Pres Trump meets w/best bro Abe 5/26/17

>Trump shoves NATO out of the way
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin:

Other urls found in this thread:

Almost everywhere Clinton goes, it seems, someone starts crying. It’s not just friends and staffers. And though it was more intense in the weeks immediately following the election, it hasn’t entirely let up. At restaurants, in grocery stores, on planes, and in the woods, there are lines of people wanting selfies, hugs, comfort.
“It’s been unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” she says. “I mean, it doesn’t end. Every time I’m in public. I was having lunch with Shonda Rhimes last week and a woman stopped at the table — well-dressed, probably in her 40s or 50s — and she said, ‘I just can’t leave this restaurant without telling you I’m just so devastated,’ and she just started to cry. I was on the other side of the table, or I would have done what I have done countless times since the election, which is just put my arms around her. Because people are so profoundly hurt. And it is, yes, predominantly women. But men say it in a different way. Men are, ‘I voted for you and I don’t know what the hell happened.’ But for women who supported me or who feel bad that they didn’t, not because they voted for somebody else but because they didn’t vote …”
This is the dynamic that is perhaps the most intense for Clinton. “Not so much anymore, but in the immediate aftermath, from after the election to probably the first of the year,” she says, “I had people literally seeking absolution.”
I look at her, surprised. “Oh, yeah,” she says, nodding. “ ‘I’m so sorry I didn’t vote. I didn’t think you needed me.’ I don’t know how we’ll ever calculate how many people thought it was in the bag, because the percentages kept being thrown at people — ‘Oh, she has an 88 percent chance to win!’ I never bought any of that, but lots of people did.”

Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.

Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.

I've been living in Sweden for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Sweden and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Sweden took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.

And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.

Release the attack jews donald

for TT

> I'm here but go ahead Portugal bro

I likely won't be here for 300 so you can carry on baking.


In particular, Clinton recalls one night at the theater. “It was intermission, and a woman came over holding the hand of a young woman. She literally dragged her daughter over to see me. And she said, ‘My daughter has something to tell you … Tell her.’ And this girl says to me, ‘I am really sorry; I didn’t think you needed my vote and I didn’t vote.’ And her mother says [yelling], ‘Yes, she didn’t vote! You didn’t vote! You’re part of the problem!’ I said, ‘Okay, well, next time I hope you’ll vote.’ And she said, ‘But I marched!’ ” Here Clinton smiles. “And I said, ‘I’m really glad you marched. I’m so glad you marched.’ ”
There is twisted irony in the fact that the millions of women who poured onto the streets in January would have changed the outcome of the election had they come together before November, yet the march never would have happened had Hillary Clinton not lost the presidency. This is often the backtracking path of progress for the women’s movement in this country.
Similarly, since the election, the outcry, the march, the organizing, the resistance “has been really powerful,” says Clinton. She is hoping to build on the momentum with her new 501(c)4, Onward Together, which is supposed to direct the fire hose of fund-raising dollars that powered her campaign to grassroots groups working to oppose the Trump administration. One of those groups is Emerge America, which trains female candidates to run for office. Another is Run for Something, a group designed to draw young people into politics; its 27-year-old co-founder Amanda Litman worked on Clinton’s digital team. “It has to be sustained,” says Clinton. “And here is my big worry. The other side is sustained by greed and hate and power and ideology, and they never quit. They get up every day looking to take advantage and drive their agenda forward.”


Mr. Macron is childless. So is German leader Angela Merkel. So is British Prime Minister Theresa May. The President of Italy has three kids, but Italy’s Prime Minister is childless. So is Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of Holland. The current Prime Minister of Belgium has two kids, but the previous one was a childless homosexual.

Why would we expect these barren politicians to think hard thoughts about the world of twenty, fifty, eighty years from now? They have no personal stake in that world.

This is now a beta thread

Exactly, why the fuck you blaming us ?

pickly on stickly

Long Live Sisi

You smell like 30 year old nasty twat. You fuckin twit. Go to i king sleep you child.

>One or two niggers can derail you chimps for hours

Fuck off Mehmet, your taqqiya doesn't work here. Islam must be destroyed.

Having been on the receiving end of the right’s anger for decades, Clinton knows from relentless hate. They still chant “Lock her up” at Trump rallies, just as they did at the New York Stock Exchange as she gave her concession speech. “You know, these guys on the other side are not just interested in my losing, they want to keep coming after me. I mean, think about that for a minute. What are they so afraid of? Me, to some extent. Because I don’t die, despite their best efforts. But what [really drives them] is what I represent.”
Clinton knows that had she won, she would have governed in a time of deep anti-feminist backlash. “You know what?” she says. “I would have loved to have had that problem. Look, I know what’s out there. I have lived it. I have come of age at a time when expectations and norms and institutions changed for women.” Clinton understands that for many in America, she embodies those changes and has spent her career absorbing the anxiety they provoke. “Part of what my opponent did, which was brilliant,” she says, “was blow the top off: You can say whatever you want about anybody else, and I’ll tell you who to be against. I’ll tell you who you should be resentful of.” The stories her campaign tried to tell, she says, “were boring in comparison to the energy behind malicious nostalgia.”

Thank you for baking.


Clinton is no longer trying to win Ohio (which is a good thing, because she lost it by eight points), but she still is trying to figure out how to tell those Democratic stories. “Forget the detractors, forget the kibitzers, forget the nasty guys and women,” she says of what the left must do to move forward. “And figure out how we communicate with people who feel what we’ve been talking about, who know there’s something much bigger than me and my campaign. The values that 66 million people voted for are worth fighting for.” But she acknowledges that the message is more difficult than ever to get across: “We’re up against suppression, we’re up against an even greater domination of the media by the right. We are up against the propaganda machine. I mean, they have a reelect campaign already started! They have raised millions of dollars. They know that they’re in a fight.”
Tapping into a comparably powerful energy is one of the challenges ahead for the left, says Clinton. “We just have a different set of values. Part of our challenge is to recognize that, honor that, but keep people focused on the fact that we are in a fight for the future. We can’t be them, and we have got to be better at being us.”

>Hilldawg claims "the right" is dominating the media
>totally delusional


>They still chant “Lock her up” at Trump rallies, just as they did at the New York Stock Exchange as she gave her concession speech



This was posted on:
He claims it was leaked to him but does not tell us if the document is secondhand or further down the line. I'm going to assume that whoever made the digital redactions was the individual who passed it down to Rambo.
If you pay attention to the redaction method it doesn't make much sense. The key information is left behind with a few curious anomalies that don't make any sense on first glance.
Why the fuck would anybody leave the name "Seth Rich" there but only remove the "h" and "R"? If the person is playing with us, it would make sense he'd point at "Hillary Rodham" by using Seth Rich's name. Whomever created this document and made the redactions is incredibly obvious in their storytelling. Leads me to think it's a fucking fake, unfortunately.

absolutely based. he shouldn't have been a feminist defending the girl and he would've lived. it's better better the boy and his parents are doing just fine too. i'm sure his own parents went on tv to praise islam and welcome refugee afterwards

I know this is intended to trigger me, and designed to do so....but works.

> She literally dragged her daughter over to see me. And she said

> My daughter has something to tell you … Tell her.

> And this girl says to me,

> I am really sorry; I didn’t think you needed my vote and I didn’t vote.

> And her mother says [yelling],


Dear god, America was this close to have these people in charge. Always thank god for Trump

Niggers are disgusting creatures.

Tapping into a comparably powerful energy is one of the challenges ahead for the left, says Clinton. “We just have a different set of values. Part of our challenge is to recognize that, honor that, but keep people focused on the fact that we are in a fight for the future. We can’t be them, and we have got to be better at being us.”
On a cool May morning, Clinton returned to Wellesley to give another commencement speech. It was 48 years since the address that introduced America to the woman who would eventually come within 78,000 votes of the presidency, and it was just over six months since the speech in which she conceded that her dream of being the first female president would never be fulfilled. It was clearly an emotional experience for Clinton. When her voice got scratchy and she asked for a lozenge, she joked, “We’ll blame allergies instead of emotion.”
She acknowledged to all the younger versions of herself in the crowd that “things didn’t go exactly the way I planned,” just as things may not go as they plan, either. “But you know what? I’m doing okay … Long walks in the woods. Organizing my closets. I won’t lie: Chardonnay helped a little, too.”
But as much as she joked about her loss, it was not a speech of retreat. Here on her home turf, Clinton was much more fiery than she had been during and right after the campaign, drawing sharp comparisons between the era in which she was at Wellesley and now, noting that back then “we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice after firing the person running the investigation into him at the Department of Justice.”

Please stop spreading islamophobia, thanks

I do.
Every day.

The vehement detractors of this board confuse me immensely with the fact that they seem to much prefer these people in control. It boggles the mind.

She reiterated the message to young women in her concession speech: “You are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world. Our future depends on you believing that,” she said. “Don’t be afraid of your ambition, your dreams, or even your anger. Those are powerful forces. … Be bold, try, fail, try again, and lean on each other, hold on to your values. Never give up.”

*This article appears in the May 29, 2017, issue of New York Magazine.

Wow. This article had a lot of gold. Hilldawg is a total mess

They spread it pretty widly and at high velocities already.

Looks like a hoax. They would not redact part of someone's name, either the full name or not at all.


>I went into the belly of the whale and accidentally killed my father and rescued the Dragon

Said every white girl ever

Islamaphobia is not a word because phobia denotes an irrational fear. We hate them, not fear them, and it anything be irrational. They are cancer of the highest caliber. Their differ very little from their mentally ill barbarian childfucking warlord of a founder.

>it anything be irrational
and is anything but, sorry.

Wrong kind of hate I'm spreading matey

The redaction is like the inverse of every other redaction I've seen. Usually they cover the important parts and leave the unimportant parts revealed. This is the exact opposite.

Why do you think it's fake?

Guile's ok but Balrog's fucking broken. Anyone would be a fool to not pick him until the next patch. (Actually the next-next patch because the next patch does fuck-all to fix him)

That's why the redaction of Set(h) (R)ich would only make sense if the individual is pointing at "HR" or "Hillary Rodham". That, in itself, makes me believe it's a storyteller and not an individual attempting to leak a proper document...
or the leaker got his hand on this document and thought it'd be funny.
Either way, it smells like shit.

We'll find out really quickly. FOIA is easy due to the doc ID being there.

>ywn stay the night at the white house and fuck tiffany in front of a ghost

How long until you're raped and you can say "rape isn't terrorism so stop blaming them"

Listen up faggot, terrorism is just bad enough in one hit that you can't pretend it is another day in paradise, everything else is treason. You should have been swallowed you degenerate muslim fucker.

>Zak Bagans asked Trump to investigate the WH through a tweet
>You start fucking tiffany
>He pops out of the closet
>You rip Tiffany in half from excitement after hearing Zak's battle cry

Then help us figure out its authenticity

Now that Trump is president, there are several actual reasons why Trump could be impeached. He has already committed a number of acts that would absolutely make him eligible for impeachment.

1. Trump's business entanglements, the Emoluments Clause
2. Definitive proof that Trump's campaign coordinated with Russian operatives to interfere with the 2016 U.S. election. Paul manafort, Michael Flynn. Trump also reportedly asked former FBI Director James Comey to back off the investigation into Flynn
3. Trump revealed classified information to Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov.

Impeachment soon lads, I will be here when it happens and I will not get enough of all those Trump supporter tears here.

>Inb4 proof

Do you have proof that Antarctica exists?
NO but everyone tells it exists and everyone reports about it and pictures are made of it.

Same with my points. Everyone reports about it. Neutral intelligence agencies agree.

Redditor with 150k+ link karma here. What you 4channers don't realize is that without "that Reddit crowd" you are so fond of making fun of, you wouldn't even have a site.

It's not exactly secret that Reddit and its users control the majority of online discussion, be that on Reddit itself or any other smaller sites like Sup Forums.

The days of your "secret club" are long gone, hell just this week I capped and uploaded over a dozen screenshots of threads to /r/Sup Forums

This past week I have been gifted reddit gold 2 times due to the outstanding quality of my posting.

What have you done with your life?

>sheboon refuses to denounce the IRA

>This past week I have been gifted reddit gold 2 times due to the outstanding quality of my posting.
>What have you done with your life?

And I thought MY life was empty.

God damn she's like the British Maxine Waters

I don't think I can issue an FOIA. You do it you're American.

What's going on, /ptg/? Back again staring another week while catching up on the happenings for the past 60 hours. I am pleasantly surprised that the race in Montana turned out for the best despite a jew getting in the middle. I'm a little disheartened by the attack in Oregon which the liberals are coming out of the woodwork in signaling. Is it true that he's a kike?

Anyways, how y'all doing?

The stabbing was done by a Berniefag who false flagged a few times as a Trump supporter. Its been widely debunked at this point. The media will never cover the update, however.


Jezus you're a dumbass.

>You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU)

That is about borders for EU citizens, and doesn't apply to people from outside of the EU. The EU has in principle outside borders, the politicians now just choose not to enforce them.

> We have the capabilities of taking them in

You have the capability of taking hundreds of dicks up the ass. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

>the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society

No they are not. The average non-Western immigrant, refugee or not, is a huge net burden on society and takes up a shitload of public funds, while contributing very little. This even is true for 2nd en 3rd generation.

>don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful

This is factually wrong. More than 0.1% of people both here and there are not peaceful. For refugees, it's much worse than the general population.

Back to your cuckshed Sven. God damn I hate you so much. If I was just you I think you have the right to go live with as many of them as you wish. You pay for them. You be the one getting murdered or raped. Not only do you want to force your countrymen to suffer for your feels, but also other countries. Why instead of having half of the middle east move over here, you and cucks like you don't move to the middle east? You'll get a taste of what you advocate for Europe.
He's a faggot (bakedalaska) but the accounts are accurate. There's a lot more, if you want to see. There are videos of the guy chimping out acting like a 1488 Nazi and he was kicked out by other Trump supporters from events.

> I am pleasantly surprised that the race in Montana turned out

You doesn't seem to understand American then kek. He likely secured the election with that body slam.

"Body slam" was poor persuasion on the part of the journalist. It makes one picture Hulk Hogan beating Andre the Giant.

Here's a relatively decent write up on the false flagging commie:


2015-2017 Political Theater Street Fighter game, please Capcom?

None of those things as you've stated them would be grounds for impeachment you liberal dipshit.

This was at a Broadway show, no? So it doesn't fucking matter if this girl didn't vote, she already won New York. I doubt Hillary was seeing a play in Wisconsin or Michigan.

I guess I don't, but I heard any media left of fox news was pretty salty.

Typical like logic.

It sounded like a wrestling match that GoP dominated, yes. kek


fucking muslims

kek, true.

> from mayor of suplex city to the House of Representatives
> vote for tiur new champion

This ad would increase his share of the vote

Someone in the last thread accused me of being a leftist because I asked for help redpilling my friend.

If there were an Olympic competition for mental gymnastics, that lad would bring home the gold.

The G7 thing has been pretty good yeah?
My libcuck brother tried to tell me it was another shoah from the God Emperor but I've been out of the news for a bit.

God damn Clinton and her minions are pure fucking evil

Fox News was pretty butt hurt about it too

Are you guys getting a two for one deal? Summon Ebola chan, get Zika chan for free?


> In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***
kill yourself for posting this reddit-tier pasta

Apparently disagreements and contentions had risen greatly and the released statement was 5 or so pages to 30 or so pages.

>Bernie Sanders podcast

huh interesting, hopes he helps make his team less crazy instead of going full corbyn

> trump shifted the focus from "saving refugees and migrants" to "fighting terror"
> trump all but killed the Paris climate agreement

All in all it was very good

*as opposed to 30 or so pages the year before.

Eurofags like you are the problem.


My favorite new Trump news.

was drinking with one of my european friends
all he talked about was that clip of Trump shoving his way past that other guy
and yet interestingly no talk of any actual policy points or decisions at all

and there are people who still think Trump isn't an actual genius

Oy vey, let me tell you about all the free money you can get, goyim!

why are yuropoors so stuck up and disrespectful? they wonder why the eu is failing. i can only imagine how they treat eu countries they don't see as their equal

donald trump is going to be impeached :^)

The travel ban is happening whether or not those faggots judges allow it.

Tbh that's how they always are. They just never had to deal with a sudden invasion of sand niggers before.

Just a firm reminder of why there was no need to panic over the bans. They'll get done, one way or another.

name me a leader who is more in love with trump than sisi

netanyahu is one oven away from sucking trump's dick t b h







Kek, this