Serious question

Serious question.

I have been asking you guys "How Japan recover from economic depression without immigrants".

and NONE of you answered it

What does it mean?

Automation and a return to strong family values.

It's not hard faggot.

oh no, the population is declining.
who will buy property? I guess we'll just have to lower real estate prices. What a nightmare.
who will fish our lakes and create landfills? I guess we'll have to watch council rates fall and pollution decrease. What a nightmare!
who will work unskilled jobs if there aren't enough people to do them? I guess we'll have to increase wages. What a nightmare!!
with smaller populations comes more tightly knit communities. Who will commit crimes? What a nightmare!!!

Cheaper real estate, less pollution, higher wages, lower crime... HOW WILL JAPAN SURVIVE!?

automation will decrease C.

how does it increase GDP and recover from depression?

family can not have child because child is too costy for them.

just BREED MORE you fucking nation of autists
>itt I pretend this isn't bait

They will find a way.
It might mean less people but, they will make it work. I know they will.
Most people here obsessed with how the jews are ruining everything and pointlessly defending Trump against Shills.

How will immigrants do anything but push wages even lower and make things worse?

At least the ones that can afford it wouldn't have to fear their children getting raped and killed by niggers.


Average child cost to be adult is 300000$(30000000yen).
Average income for young japanese is 30000dollar-40000dollar.

They can't have child

>Return to strong family values helped with the economic depression

I've seen some stupid posts in my time, but this one takes the gold.

Fuck you, stupid samurai.
You need to spend some time in South Sudan or Haiti. You'll then realize that Japan is doing ok.

immigrants will CONSUME. This is different from AUTOMATION or ROBOT.

and immigrants tend to be poor, it mean their MPC is higher than Japanese average.

good! good! good! they are good

Pretty much this.
The world has been duped by the greedy model of "always make more! more!" for no discernible reason except for the companies and corporations to keep their profits increasing year after year.
A lower population is good news for the people, not so good news for the corporations.

so... "Let's make them pay 50% consumption tax!"

lel. totatlly tolerant for that child.

kek, stupid korean
newfags please read the inforgraphic before replying to this retard

better flood your country with millions of foriegn muslims so you can get higher gdp. prolly good idea


come back to Sup Forums when you finally update your outdated meme.

yeah, we surely would be happy to be taxed 50% consumption with no job^^

I am pretty sure.


You need more people contributing to the economy so all your old people don't sap it right out the gate. What about the work culture where every japanese is expected to work long hours and sacrifice so much until they stress the fuck out and withdraw from society? Who would want to start a family when work takes up so much time and energy already?

The government could offer economic benefits and tax concessions to newly weds to encourage them to have children.

Most of Japan's debt is owed to itself this alone is completely do able, ajd government campaign to return to family values would also aid with the economic incentive

So how come China manages to spawn like insects while being dirt poor?

Need to get back to your roots senpai

>stupid korean has been around for 4 years
you think we don't know by now? stupid zainichi

China has a worse age problem believe it ir not

developed nation and developing nation have DIFFERENT structure of society.

In developing countries, farmers are volume zone of the society. and for them, to have more child is beneficial.(they can be labor).
Plus they can take care of parents. this is commonly seen in developing nation where social welfare is not sufficient

But in developed countries, child is just costy.

The two evolutionary "strategies" are termed r-selection, for those species that produce many "cheap" offspring and live in unstable environments and K-selection for those species that produce few "expensive" offspring and live in stable environments.

Don't ever say this outside of science class.

so you are basically getting paranoia that I am a korean guy who posted it 4years ago?


go to hospital before post on Sup Forums

You seriously have nothing to do besides creating these threads every day? Go away and catch some pokemons.

>What does it mean?
That i need to set up an autohiding script.

what other retard would post every day?
only retarded "zainichi yakuza" would do this kind of stupid thing.

in all threads you pretend not to be korean, but everyone knows, only idiot newfags don't know.
I have a serious question for you, why do you still stay in Japan?

and i have been asking how poor people who cant afford plane tickets will fix a economy? and you never answered

europe has been letting them in and not getting even 1% gdp growth for any 1 quarter for any country in the EU

so... why zainichi yakuza have to post in Sup Forums?
It's beyond stupid, if you SERIOUSLY think someone post on Sup Forums to harm "Japan".

I am posting here to practice english. nothing alse.

I have to finish my uni degree. you moron


Let's look Canada, Sweden, Germany.

Those three countreis over-performed OECD average growth rate for over decade due to immigrantion effect.

and guess what happen to Japan where almost no immigrants.

We need blue collar workers. we need more consumers and they can be.

Abe solution is tourism so now Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto are overrun with terrible chinese tourists. I couldn't believe how bad it has gotten in some places.

Okay but how then is a migrant supposed to have children in these conditions? Oh social aid will help them. Making you poorer.

As your culture is also destroyed. bit.

sure... posting for (((((english practice)))))

your english sucks major balls so obviously it isn't fucking working, why don't you talk to some actual gaijin in japan you brain dead fuck?

You're a fucking proxy shill that tries to make Japan's situation seem worse than it is.

It's already dealing with its population issue by moving towards automated work.

don't worry. We WILL ACCEPT 200,000 immgirants untill 2100.

Basically it does not matter they make kids or not. we will take MORE immigrants.

problem solved.

Because I am retarded low IQ. I guess^^

well, our government, centural bank, OECD, IMF, UN, World bank etc share same view with me.


the only things a declining population hurts are banks and big business (in other words (((them))) ) which is why it is precisely banks and big business that lobbies so aggressively for more immigration

I hope you get raped and killed by an immigrant.

stfu ESL parasite


My country's economic "growth" is a meme. All of our value is tied up in a single asset, our over-valued housing / real-estate market.

When it corrects, get ready for a ~$0.40 USD Canadian dollar.

You are going to take a bunch of immigrants who are just going to spawn like crazy and then not actually provide or work?

Then the next generation are going to do the same

50 years time japan will be s 3rd world country then i guess

you don't recover until after the war. nobody does.

we ww3 now

have more children
Abe is doing his best to indoctrinate everyone

if they are poor how can they consume...
this distinction always mindboggles me

Clear up your corporate debt. Breed more.

they are poor? good.

We have many demand for job market!
they work, they consume, Japan is stronger.

As an expat, this is the problem with our country (culturally at least, I'd need like 5 posts just to touch on how fucked things are politically):

>work culture is insane, you're expected to work yourself to the bone, with plenty of unpaid overtime, and enjoy it, you barely have any time for yourself or family. Kids grow up barely having any interaction with their parents, father esp. because they often work until the late hours of the night, or go drinking after work because of the likely crushing depression and lack of self esteem the average salaryman is holding in like a thermonuclear fart

>parents too coddling and enabling to their kids, leading to hikki NEETs who don't contribute to society and do nothing but consume shitty media and junk food. I was in this boat for a while, and I'm much happier for breaking out of that rut. It's self destructive and depressing as fuck.

>because everyone overworks themselves or are just shut ins, no one has time to seek and maintain a relationship, or doesn't care about one because 3DPD, as a result no one is fucking to make kids, so there are less young people to drive the workforce and the economy

>Massive elderly demographic because we live so goddamn long on average, also because of above

>refusal to adapt, business wise in general we stubbornly stick to tradition and 'what works', instead of trying new things and finding something that works better

I don't think that opening the floodgates to immigration is the answer, that's just asking to be brown tided like Europe and you know that's exactly what (((they))) will do given the chance. As Europe has shown, they won't solve shit, they will be yet another section of the society that does nothing but consume with nothing contributed in return, and they'll cause heaps of social problems as well. You think it's bad when the US troops at the bases come and stir shit up in town and end up raping some unfortunate woman? It'll be 10x worse if the brown tide comes to Japan.

Immigrants from fucking where exactly!? Don't say the middle east...don't say the fucking middle east.....

Every fucking where. if they want to be here. let them in

1. ban manga/hentai and all this anime/cartooncrap
2. baby-program, 1000$ cash per born baby in married family + montly 200$ per baby


i want to migrate to Japan, but sadly i do not know how to speak japanese.

You can't, you have to choose between economic security and you culture. After a few decades if the population keeps dropping you may have a small bounce-back.