We should be spamming the normie social media with #onlywomenonly...

We should be spamming the normie social media with #onlywomenonly, saying all of Wonder woman screening should be women only. Numales and SJWs gonna take the bait and turn it into a thing. And the studio is gonna backpedal on that sexist idea when they understand they're losing half of the market.

its illegal - but nobody sues them thought you americans always sued everyone

>go to screening
>i identify as a women
>make feminists rage when they let you in
>sue them if they dont

>Implying any man cares about Wonder woman

I swear they are doing this just to crash the DC movies. Why is everything stacked against one mega corp making shit movies for kids while the other gets universal praise and high scores?

I mean look at kids films back in the day, they always had bad critic scores - now Marvel gets 90% plus

The real question is, are the men still going to cuck and go see it?

We already know the answer.

> Women only
> wonder woman
Noice, finally I can watch boobs only in the cinema. Thanks feminism.

Crap this movie must suck. I would watch it but they are going to try to kill it like this that means they know they're going to lose money on it and try to rush it through theaters. Fuck I wanted this to be good for me and my sis. Fucking Ghostbusters all over again. Fuck Hollywood they really are going after everything with an ax.

we need to ally with the mudslimes and put them back in burkas

>All woman screening
>all the women are on their phones for the entire movie
>talking and giggling about stupid bullshit the whole movie
>multiple selfies being taken with the flash on

We all know women despise other women, They are going to have an awful experience

This film looks so shit, just like all the super hero films Hollywood keeps making. Worse yet I see it's latching onto the Great War to shill itself as relevant. Nothing is beneath them.

Women only screenings are fine. So are men only, white only and heterosexual only screenings.

You're retarded, that's just free marketing. Don't bring attention to this shit.

Think of it like this: would you even know the movie was out if not for the women only screening publicity?

This guy is going as a man.

Shoo Mudshit Bros shill.

oh yea I think I saw a 4 reply thread here earlier about the big outcry. It was insane.

This is marketing you stupid fucks

They'll be chatting to boyfriends, even facetiming them, unable to go more than 5 minutes without male attention.

> Omg this film is ace, girl power! Like selfie with my girlfriends? Aren't I the prettiest? My friends are so fat, omg, I'm not fat am I? Say I'm pretty?
> Wtf only 877 likes on the selfie I took 8 seconds ago I thought I had more beta orbiter friends
> Best take another selfie. More cleavage this time!
> Girlpower!

Nope, i had no idea. Thought it was coming out in August or September. Im interested in seeing it, but as a adult woman I have zero interest in this woman only screening crap, especially since now all the women attending are coming out crying from how powerful the experience was. It's a movie about a comic book character, they need to get over themselves. It's all bs.

sorry, not gonna post tits...i'll see myself out.


What the fuck do they gain from this?
What point are they making?
At this point feminism is a dead carcass piloted by parasitic organisms

will someone do like that orange hair dude at that batman screening ?
next thing you know white men are outlawed in cinemas .

All the normal women would like to see it with their boyfriends or husbands anyway. Brb can't bring my man inside to watch a stupid movie...They will just lose money since they target it towards ugly, loud feminists who can't find a man. And feminists only like to whine about things, not like they care about paying to watch a movie or anything as long as their point is made

Does this mean we can have a man-only James Bond marathon in theatres?

That shit would be absolutely cash.

It's completely not.

How is it that Christian shop owners are being sued for not providing services to gays and muslims but movie theaters can refuse based on gender discrimination?

just read story about those photograps or what denying doing gay weddings. they got sued. same with that cake for those fags. remember?

because a thousand boyim aren't worth one female fingernail

who cares. stop being butthurt about this. it doesnt matter. just have a laugh with it


emphasis on the real. wait for the SJW outrage, have a good laugh. instead of doing what youre doing now which is being really pathetic whining about le oppression and sueing and shit. dont be such fags for once in your lives

Quit falling for their viral marketing B.S

Because DC is pure shit and Marvel is making kino.

Should have gone with a bunch of men dressed as women and when they inevitably forbid you entry just call them out on assuming your gender.

Nobody is really butthurt. But Harvard recently segregated whites by having black only ceremonies. Now males are being segregated. The white male is not privileged, especially those in the lower classes but they treat us as such and get away with it. The question we have is, 'where will it end, where is the boundary before it is too late and we are oppressed?'.
European leaders have stripped us of our rights bit by bit over the last few decades convincing people that it was for our own good. Now they are 'restoring balance' between genders, supposedly for our own good. We will be fucked in a decade or so if we do not say anything.

nah ppl itt are very butthurt and its obvously coming from newfags who dont get it

also why do you give a shit what burger faggots do. are you an expat or something? get out of europe if you are so much about what ameriniggers do

maybe someone should sue you for this post

The irony is that Wonder Woman were created by men