What are the most important languages in the world?

What are the most important languages in the world?

I'm thinking about taking some Mandarin courses at school. Will knowledge in Chinese be worth the trouble?


Are we talking about economic importance here? Because if so, the most important tend to be Mandarin, French, German and Japanese. Chinese is the most widely spoken, but Japanese is good in business, and German is the largest EU economy, and French is powerful in its own right.


No. You will never be fluent in Mandarin unless you spend years and years at it. Learn a European language like Italian or French. Or since you are in America learn Spanish.

Taking courses in any of these you will actually learn a lot and once you finish it is very easy to continue learning in your own time without help from teachers.

Chinese is not worth the trouble for personal use & travel, but is useful for business. I think has the best answer. Unless you're a weeb.

It's not worth it. Mandarin people use animal names for other countries, thailand is "cat people", france is "wolf people" etc. You are not even human in their eyes.

Seriously they're cunts ask anyone in the steel industry.

If you want to learn a language, learn english. if you already did that, german is pretty easy, and useful.

if you're dead fucking serious learn russian and get ready for one great literary adventure after another.

Well if you want to take a vacation to Europe I guess you'll need to be familiar with Arabic, but who would want to learn such an ugly language?
Chinese is the superior option.

Chinese is also good for business. They're expanding and their businesses are getting very savvy. For example, the largest infrastructure in downtown Los Angeles is invested by a Chinese group.

Maybe I'm just biased 'cause I've been studying Chinese for 5 years but it's very useful.

Learn chinese if you want an introduction to other oriental languages. Japan uses chinese in their script, and Korea has a lot of similar sounding words with chinese like "library" or "kitchen". At the moment china is growing economically right now I'd say its a step in the right direction but then again I wouldn't want competition from foreigners. Learn whatever you want

Really? Years and years? I've really wanted to learn to speak Mandarin or Japanese. Haven't decided yet, but if I do I would go hardcore at it. But taking years seems a bit intimidating.

>It's not worth it. Mandarin people use animal names for other countries, thailand is "cat people", france is "wolf people" etc. You are not even human in their eyes.
That's completely and totally wrong wrong.
Theword for France is 法国 (fa guo), law and country literally but it's based off of the pronunciation of France. Thailand is 泰国 (tai guo) which just means tai and country.

Don't make up shit and say it like it's a fact just because you think it is without doing the slightest bit of research.

Hey, fuck you. I like his version better.

Chinese and English. Spanish is one of the most important, though.

Speaking apart from super influential and important native swedish: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Will learn Chinese. Arabic would also be important due tobthe sheer number of speakers, but will not learn because it sounds too ugly and demonic.

But... English is the most important language, obviously. It has cemented it's place to always be.

I wanna learn enough languages to be likely to be able to communicate onnall continents, though.

Anyone who is under 40 and goes through life without knowing more than one language is likely retarded.

Chinks will eventually learn English. They're already trying. All those third world languages are useless unless you want to go there for whatever reason.


>Anyone who is under 40 and goes through life without knowing more than one language is likely retarded.
t. learned english

>implying there isn't a country full of them that use english as their first language

Welcome to singapore. 80% chinese, all english speaking. I dont know whether I want to slap our president for forcing us to be bilingual or hug him.

NEVER learn chinese, because you'll be the one who always has to deal with these assholes.
Seriously. Fuck chinese people, especially tourists.

mandarin isn't worth it
chinks want to do business with other chinks
there's too many of them in the states for you to be a language intermediary

What's used more Cantonese or Mandarin? Why the fuck don't the chinks just pick one to all use? It's like japs with their three different types of lettering.

Believe what you want but it ain't true.
But English as the world' lingua franca is just a vehicle for international degeneracy. We should encourage the use of different languages to stop the flow of new world crap.

English, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian

I know it's a hard question to answer, but how hard it it learning chinese compared to other languages (with roman alphabet)? If you have learned other languages, that is.

Really willing to learn Chinese, but their crazy letters scare me a bit. Im pretty lazy and learn easily from just hearing the language etc, but thinking it might not apply for such an alien language.

Ancient Greek and Latin.

Who do you think created the modern world?

Mandarin isn't worth it beyond learning for sake of learning. Its a tonal language so saying one word could mean like 10 different things. Which is horrible when you're dealing with other folks.

English is probably only real language you really need to learn. Spanish is a distant second because illegals refuse to learn English.

Mandarin is the official language of China.

someone get a user with the steel industry set

I've got a friend in Beijing who works for a mobile game company there and he says they're friendly as hell and look at him as if he was a type of god because he's white and speaks their language. But he's French by birth and speaks four languages so he's got a lot more going for him. I guess maybe it depends what types of chinks you do business with. He says the country ones are peasants and dumb as all hell.

Me? And spanish, and Portuguese. Will learn more.


In that order unless you actually live near an area where a large part of a community speaks one of those languages.


Learn Mandarin at your own risk

Really depends on how much time and effort you put into it. I know a girl who started with Uni courses and went from zero to translating
Mandarin live on German TV in under four years.

Also remember that it is not that you will be completely useless for the first few years. It will sound like shit but they will start to understand some of what you are trying to say after 6 months. After two years you will understand most of what they are saying. It may take "years and years" but it is something totally worth doing. Do it! But take Mandarin. China is the future.

Oh please. Spoken Chinese is very simple. The pronunciation will be tougher, especially that pretty much every region has a different one. It's the written Chinese that's next to impossible to master.

Sup chinky

dont go for what is most important. go for how you want to design you life.

Dammit. I can never read these large pics on my phone. It's blurry as shit.

It takes like 10 years to become fluent in Japanese

I was talking about China.

English, Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, French in that order.

Check the /into/ wiki. It should link to a site that compares difficulty of languages, assuming that your starting point is English.

What about Russian?

Because china is like the US in the sense that it was united through one government. They are all different people with different languages but the chinese script was used to standardize the country's language. You can pronounce 你 as 'ni' in mandarin or 'lei' in cantonese. Cantonese is used in places like guangdong.

Where do you think singaporeans come from? My grandmother is from china and she now speaks english fluently. Not to say most chinese cant speak some form of english because of exposure to foreigners, especially sellers on online malls.

They have picked one to use, it's Mandarin. The only part of China that you need ANY Cantonese is Hong Kong but they also know English there. The other 99% of China uses Mandarin.
Chinese doesn't have letters, per se. Each character, which there's up to 5000 used regularly, has its own meaning and its pronunciation.
It is hard, but not as hard as it sounds, because every character is made up of a few different radicals which are used in multiple characters. The radicals imply meaning or pronunciation usually.
For example: the word for rice/food is 飯, which is composed of two smaller characters/radicals. The left part is 食, which means food, the right is 反, which is pronounced fan and suggest the pronunciation of 飯, which is also fan, but with different tone. The meaning of 反, which is "against", is irrelevant to meaning to the character, but is important to phonology.
Writing and reading is the hardest part but eventually, if you put enough effort into it, you get used to it.

This. Im fluent in all of these languages and it is worth it. Gonna learn French next so I can speak to black people in their native tongue.

Am not Chinese, just a fan. I'm from Florida, the Australia of America.

Russians speak English as second language but if you really wanted you could tack it on after French.

All non English speaking countries teach English as a second language except shit tier African and Muslim countries.


Arabic sounds like it would be no fun though. All those Arabic speaking countries suck, religion will never let you be accepted.
No you.

Speaking and listening will pretty much just be like any other language. But it's not known as the hardest language for no reason. Writing and reading will be extremely difficult as you will need to just brute force memorize each character.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuure, Max Chen.

Hm, Arabic seems hot at the moment indeed.

>people saying to learn Chinese

You can spend your life and you will never be able to match a native Chinese speaker and learn the thousands of characters Unless you become a fucking professor and dedicate your life to it. Not to mention the tones and shit. Even after that, one of the only relevant cities, Shanghai, also just has Shanghainese which will render your efforts at mandarin somewhat pointless. Not to mention Hong Kong speaks cantonese.

>actually wanting to deal with chinese thieves and hagglers
fucks sake you people dont know what you are getting into

Han supremacist Singaporean poster? Maybe fuck him, it's between slap and hug

The only reason to learn a second language is business, Arabs have money. Knowing Arabic gives you an in for expat work for cunts with money.

Lots of work opportunities in the public and private sector. Really depends on what you want. And yes, the problem with learning Arabic is that you will talk to Arabs, and if you learn Chinese, you will talk to Chinese, etc. Goddamn foreigners.

>does a Mandarin minor for my major in college
>requires multiple classes to be taught in Mandarin
>requires me to go to Beijing for 1 summer
>when in Beijing, quickly realize literally almost everyone speaks broken English

Not really worth learning after I learnt that last part.



Believe what you want. I'm from Palmetto Bay in Miami-Dade County. Not sure how I could prove I'm not Chinese to you.
Don't you guys basically sell out your Asian roots just to appeal to international business? I'd slap him for forcing you to kiss foreigner's asses for money.


tl;dr the problem with learning Chinese is that you have to deal with the Chinese.

If you want to bomb NK, China's the only one that will let you, and judging by how NK has been treating their Chinese betters recently, that might be soon.

China's sticking to their asian roots didn't work out for them when they got stream rolled by the japs who had Westernized and industrialized though.

Sometimes I wonder. We have no culture but we hang on to traditions. We still have chinese weddings, chinese new year, in primary schools we dress up in chinese pao and all for one day a year.

And yeah I actually really hate the government. They like foreigners more than locals (not just whites, prc and brunei people as well) cause of cash.

>his anus will hug my dick as it slaps him from behind

Why the fuck would I learn another language?
All inferior races must learn my language just to get to my level as a child.
Nobody cares about any of your nigger languages, not unless they are millenial scum who want to work as bar tenders as they travel from one instagram post to the next.
Or whatever the fuck that dirt poor generation of aging childless gypsies is doing to impress one another nowadays.

Wang please, Singapore is a country located in SEA near the equator. It's not the traditional Chinese territories or sino circle. They, in a essence, are the immigrants to Malaysia. The muh roots talk is silly.

I used to love foreign languages but I came to despise the people who spoke them natively. Now my interests lie elsewhere.

>millenial scum who want to work as bar tenders as they travel from one instagram post to the next
The poorer the country, the truer this gets.

China is adopting some Western stuff right now without selling out their Asian roots and their currently scaring the socks off of everyone in Asia, Japan included. Now Japs are under the boot of American military and servicemen can rape as many Jap girls as they want, the government can't do anything.
On the one hand Singapore does well economically, but your government has sold your old culture out for foreigners. I'd say PRC government is doing better on that regard, since China is essentially still Chinese.
>Selling out your roots for money
Of course a Taiwanese would be thinking that way... And also I'm not Chinese.

So it seems Mandarin is gonna be too difficult. Maybe Korean is worth looking into. I'm wanting to learn a new language for my work and new job opportunities. My higher ups say Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, or French is what's recommended.


hai mars in spre mortii ma-tii

Surrrrre Cheng. I'm not a Taiwanese as well, just visiting.

The Cultural Revolution was all about tearing up the asian roots, including butchering their writing system. They've been M A R X E D.

A lot of the people came here from hongkong/taiwan and other southern china states. I assume by roots he meant whatever the immigrants brought with them. Many of the hainanese and all made their children learn other languages like cantonese or English because their community was too small so people like myself dont know any hainanese.

Well, we, unfortunately, bend backwards for minorities. Every fucking restaurant is halal and one time the muslims managed to get decorations in chinatown taken down because it was year of the pig. Fucks sakes.

Because you want to make money? All of you tards screaming English hurrr duhrrr just don't seem to have ambition. 200 years from now learning other languages will be moot since we will all speak Spanish, but until then it's worth doing for many careers.

>China is adopting some Western stuff right now without selling out their Asian roots

Bait ? China literally burnt its own culture during the last century, the only chinese place where chinese culture still lives is in Taiwan, mainland china is basically a hive of humanoid creature with an insectoid behavior.

He's just retarded, learning the alphabet is the hard part. I know people who's first language is mandarin and they claim to not even know all the characters. Speaking it isn't too hard, I learned a lot of conversational Chinese in like 3 weeks before a trip. I couldn't read a lick of it but I wasn't a lone on my trip so it didn't matter.

What are the most important languages? That depends where you're at and what field you're working in. For an American, it's probably Spanish since that's what all South American countries speak plus if you learn it, you probably can guess 90% of Brazilian Portuguese as well.

In Europe, it would be English, French and German.

Chinese - is that worth learning when dealing with 20 cent junk items wholesale and they are going to rip you off anyway? I think not.

Arabic - not worth learning either, since THEY want to sell their oil to us. Except maybe when you consider intelligence work, then definitely Arabic and Persian.

>Study Mandarin
>Go to Beijing
>Ask how much some bananas are
>Lady tells me "errr rrrra rrra errr arr"
>I reply "san quai yi jin, dui ma?"
>She replies "doy saa querrrr"

The fuck is wrong with that city. I remember being on the bus and the ticket lady said something that I swear was just "arr arr arr." Also food in Beijing sucks, pollution sucks, winters such because of that fucking wind, summer has sandstorms, people are rude as fuck and they have the ugliest girls in all of China. If you want to visit go to Shenzhen, Shanghai, Xi'an, anywhere but Beijing...

Also bullshit on people speaking broken English. Don't know where you were but the only English I'd hear was the damn tuk tuk drivers and pamphlet people saying "hello" and bothering me.

Stop posting

Your ancestors were from "international traveling island" aka Gain an island? Talk about upgrading.
I meant, bring your culture with you while immigrating is a sure thing but saying Singapore itself should be minor south China is stupid. And of course your government will bend over for islam and minor, your country is simply surrounded by Islamic Malays and quite close to India. It's a should not a could.

Tell me how to prove I'm not a Chinese and I'll attempt to do so.
The Cultural Revolution was fucking forty years ago. Isn't there a statute of limitations on shit like this? Sure it was destructive towards Chinese culture, but it didn't destroy all of Chinese culture, which is an accumulation of thousands of years of history.
Well that's just like, your opinion, man.
I guess that's the problem with minorities, especially Muslims. I've heard that Singapore is an "artificial country" where a bunch of different ethnicities are forced to live together.
Meanwhile PRC doesn't take shit from Uyghurs or Chinese Muslims.

There is no useful language to learn for a native English speaker. It's all based on your career goals and personal goals. Not even the Chinese wants to replace English with Mandarin as the lengua franca. Mandarin is very impractical to learn as a second language -- English is actually easier.

For an Amerifat, I would suggest you definitely learn Spanish though. The hispanophone is steadily increasing, and it will one day include America itself. By 2050, half the population will be of Hispanic descent. We're probably headed towards a Canada situation, where the second official language will be Spanish.

>China literally burnt its own culture during the last century

You greatly overestimate how successful the cultural revolution was.

Dude stop falling for the bait. No one really cares if you're Chinese or not. It doesn't matter. This is Sup Forums where we are all super badass alpha males.

Ah nice, I was looking for that image

This, dealing with Chinese tourists is a fucking nightmare.

Post your jew mutilated white dick then.

You could learn Arabic for the purpose of eavesdropping - they're always chatting shit about people sitting near them on buses in Londonistan

They have money but they're still tight as fuck. My dad had to do business with some of these rich mudslimes, they're always trying to get something for free

Just my father's side was hainan. My mother's side was from guangdong so I'm a chinese cocktail lmao. I got teochew/cantonese/hainan blood

Well, kind of. But thats also a perk, I get to have indian/malay food whenever because its really common. A lot of the indians and malays here run shops so even our local food is kind of a fusion thing

Do you have good Chinese food in SIngapore?

English/spanish, french, german, italian. In that order, if you learn any other language and you aren't a professional translator or a languages freak, you will lose a lot of your time to learn something barely useful.

>inb4 what about chinese

Unless you are native or bilingual you will never learn enough of it, and there is already a lot of competence. How many ching chongs already know either a second or even a third language? Plus you can have a B2 level on almost every european language on 2-4 years. For chinese or arabic you'll need a lot more.

Do you think I can go to Singapore if I have criminal records in my country?

What did you do? Human trafficking future rocket scientists into Italy?

Fairly good, things like kway teow or fried carrotcake are the food I normally eat. There's also hokkien mee, chicken rice for local food. If you mean extremely chinese like egg wisp soup or something its a bit hard to find, those kind of food are normally offered by hotels for weddings.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised. I don't if they factor in felonies into immigration but we joke about how they let in foreigners indiscriminately to vote for our ruling political party. Nearly a quarter of my class in secondary school were foreigners/children of foreigners. I used to have chinese-italian, chinese-canadian friends.

I fought against antifa and one of them got in serious injuries. Lol

Been in Venice yesterday, 80% eere chinese tourist, they are like a plague and use to react angry when someone pass by when they are taking pictures...

Well, I used to live in Guangzhou but at least in major cities of China I know criminal records can be problematic to get a visa

Actually I live in Venice. The shittiest city of Italy, I hate it. I confirm what you say.

eh not really. I learnt Japanese for 5 years at school, although, after the first 3 years I could only really talk about the weather etc. Last two years were when I learnt 95% of what i know now. I'm basically at a conversational level but intend to study in Japan for a few months as living in the country that speaks the language you are studying is the best way to learn.