When will Sup Forums admit that blacks desceneded from Egyptian Kings
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Oh my god they got a michael jackson one
Lol the hand on his head. Fucking great.
woah another clickbait tier slide thread that Sup Forums falls for everytime
really makes you think
I wonder what real Egyptians think about worthless negroes constantly trying to approbriate their history.
African blacks in general look down on American niggers. They basically consider them to be spoiled whiners.
you do realize the colors of ancient egdyptian paintings couldn't have survivived and what you are looking at is most likely a britisish colonial times RECOLOR.
>lets make a fun little series about superhereos in ancient egypt
>and make the characters black because why not white people make anime actors white all the time
*pol autistic streetching*
Niggers don't have that kind of leader potential
What exactly is the squatting negro on the left doing? Is that some kind of comb or something?
Tut & Cleo both were Eurpean admix /at the least/.
Modern Egyptians are highly admixed and not what they used to be.
How many videos of this kind you have?
The kike has them all.
I like reading these. Fuck off. Such a buzz kill.
Dude, why do you constantly post this shit?
By the way, you guys are slave descendants of great Nubian masters living in Egypt at the time.
You should show more respect to your lords and prostrate before them!
> he thinks modern race categories apply to humans 2000 years in the past
Who hasn't been kings of Egypt
Stop stealing history
Better get back to r_d where you can upvote
d..d-delete this
i wish i could sick pic related on you