Where's are money you ass backward yuropoors
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Bump for Trump
I thought Europe said they would never PAY DEBTS. What changed? How is Trump constantly able to enforce his will on other world leaders?
pay for my defense expenses please, morocco might invade us
Fuck NATO and fuck the US
Wasn't that 2% of GPD supposed to be paid by 2024?
turns out to be completely untrue when?
Nothing changed.
>get told by the US to increase our defense spending
>put all the additional money into getting flat screens for the barracks
I'm a liberal and I now destroyed you. How am I able to constantly BTFO incel conservashits like this? Anyone can do the math? You'll never recover.
These other 'world leaders' are merely leaders of European nations.
All of them combined don't have half the power Donald Trump has.
here's your money, ally
keep this shit up and we'll continue destabilizing syria and other african nations leaving you with no option but to accept those peaceful refugees
>Debt representing more than 100% GDP
they dont stay neither here nor in Bulgaria, the only one you're fucking is France/Germans, which quite honestly kinda deserve it
Pay your own debts amerifat or have fun going bankrupt in your 60% 3rd world shithole, full of nignags.
More like..
>Europe buys a lot of war technology and digital infrastructure from American companies
>Increase NATO funding
>America gets more business
In our beaufitul free healthcare and public education.
You wanted and empire? Well you got one, main consequence beeing dozens of vassals mooching off you. If you request more money from us it means you are weak. Are you saying you admit that?
Why is Trump acting like that money is going directly to his pocket?
good point greatest ally
You may only post in this thread if you pay your dents.
He better not ask us for more money or he is getting another beatiful from Erdoğan.
Lift restrictions :^)
You know after Trump leaves office in 2025 the Eurofags will just stop paying again.
Trump should have just dissolved NATO.
Less chance of the Kikes using it to war against goatfuckers if it does not exist.
Canada, France and Germany have no excuse for not paying fair share
we should invade somebody
Well, I can't speak for you Brits, but our military seems more than happy to stick with EADS and other European manufacturers, no matter how crappy their products are, how many flaws their designs have, how often the delivery is delayed, how much maintenance they require... you get the point.
Fuck off you kekistani manchild. Go die
Remember that time NATO protected europe from muslim and african invasion?
Me neither
Based Estonia.
>implying your people want that
i've talked to sweds on omegle and most of them think there isn't enough immigration lol
Even though I supported and I still support Trump, this is bullshit. We aren't in the XX century anymore, Amerifags. We don't need
>muh army
holy fuck i forgot about that acronym
God you Americans are so fucking insufferable.
leafs defend this
Romania invests 2% of GDP towards National Defense since the new 2017 budget.
I'm not one of those people, and you wouldn't lift a finger anyway. NATO is all about protecting israel and keeping germany down and doesn't give a single shit about protecting europe
Why the fuck would we want to pay for stupid weapons that are never fired so some arms manufacturer can make a profit. If Nato actually did something like bombing ISIS then I would support it.
Norways defence will reach 2% within 2024, which is the agreement. Every year we are investing 2b more. We are upgrading our defence buying f-35, p-8 poseidons, Hk416-17, tanks + upgrading our current ones and HDW 212s.
We paid more than enough in Afghanistan and refugees.
Best part is that when the fucking president of the US told Merkel in her face pay up or gtfo, she weaseled her way out of it saying we are still not going to pay.
Meanwhile Germans have not given an moment of respite for Greek government debt relief or access to to the european bond market (which we btw have payed for).
What a bunch of slimy and greedy bunch, Germans are. At the same time Greece is one of the top Nato spenders in defence and are basically the only military bulwark against Turkish Islamic horde.
that's the attitude of a bludger mate
Pay debts.
They still think they are strong and agile empire like Rome under Octavian, with 200 years of "USA stronk" to come.
When in fact they are old and sickly West Rome of the late 4th century. I am so happy to be alive during their downfall.
Pay em.
Man, Clapistanis sure are retarded.
Don't you guys have your own rather large military industrial complex?
Yes, something changed. I'm slightly disgusted by the G6 and NATO catering to an utter and complete moron.
Richt, because you did such a bang-up job of keeping the muzzies from swarming over your shores.
You're right about it not giving a shit about Europe. It's the U.S. keeping most of Europe under it's thumb so they don't shift away towards Russia or China. You belong to us. You are our property to do with as we please. Sweden will join NATO by the end of Trump's first term, guaranteed.
you pay up first, or else daddy Trump is going to scrap Nato and then say hello to your new Russian overlords.
That's just fucking shameful.
>"Merkel says every refugee is welcome to come"
>Expect Greeks and Bulgarians to be able to stop hundreds of boats in thousand km border without sinking the boats.
Its all on you Kraut boy.
Daily reminder that a percentage of fucking nothing is still fucking nothing.
Daily reminder that you need to pay debts pls or cozy up to Putin.
What I'm supposed to pay? 2% of our GPD we agreed to reach by 2024?
doesn't matter how much they commit, as long as they pay their agreed upon 2%. the usa could bankroll the entire nato army if it wanted to. that's not the point. we want the good faith that comes with the 2%
U.S. repossesses Luxembourg when?
It was you chucklefucks who waved them through onto the Balkan route in the first place.
Merkel's retardation had no influence on that.
At least Hungary has plugged the flow for now, because you sure as hell didn't.
No wonder why Trump was so friendly with Greece
Hungary didn't do jack shit you retard, the Syrian/Iraqi/Afghan refugees still passed through the Balkans and we are talking about 1.500.000 in numbers.
Greece, Italy and Bulgaria still has a fuckload of immigrants stuck in our lands because of your fucking retardation, and complete contempt for European borders. At the same time Germans cozied up with Erdogan to get your refugee fix.
It's all on you, and the German habit of blaming others for your own misgivings is starting to get old.
Russia seems like a much better alternative to these moronic burgers, to be frank
With your shitty GPD 2.4% is nothing
big deal 2% of the romania gdp is like $7
>a club where you have to pay
Its like Trumptard has no clue what he is talking about.
Don't want to spend so much on defense? How about you reduce the trillions for the us budget and stop driving around with your carriers everywhere. Or use money to feed all the refugees your bombings create.
give me your oil money, oil nigger
Apparently you missed this post:
Suck my dick whore
>use money to feed all the refugees your bombings create
Nah, we'll just let you take care of them for us. Germany loves the religion of peace, remember?
or how about you pay your fucking 2% you cock sucking faggot german slavic rape babby? the usa has been trying for years to reduce our presence in your cucked nigger country and you fucking refuse to build up your army and defense because you rely on us. you then have the balls to get mad at my country? after ww2 we put billions into your country with the marshall plan and built up germany faster than any other country YOU invaded. this was at the cost of diplomatic relations because the rest of yurop saw themselves as the victims and not germany. now you have the balls to spit in our face? you deserve to be eradicated
Greece, Poland, Estonia and UK pay enough. UK is default, Estonia is irrelevant puppet. Greece and Poland basically the only countries that we should examine and ask ourselves why. Poland why is obvious, because they always been the opening lamb to slaughter for war. Greece is bankrupt and doesn't uses weapons to protect itself from migrants. Nuff said.
Numbers dropped rapidly as soon as the fence was up.
The Erdogan deal was set up by Merkel and her morons so they could pretend they did something "humane" to stop the refugees, unlike those evil, evil Hungarians.
Ultimately, it was the responsibility of the EU border states to keep the Schengen area secure.
You had one job, Greece. One job.
>t shitskin with literally 0 army lol
Greece has the biggest and largest army in the EU.
Stay mad irrelevant faggot
if they don't pay it's just going to escalate to more hostile trade tariffs and eventually war. The USA spends like $500B+ per year on their military, we're coming to a point in time where they're going to start using it to shake up the world.
Cant pay, EU too busy fining us for billions over not being an economic shithole
I remember the time they stopped us from doing something about it
Isn't the US's Defence budget almost double your GDP?
>paying the United States of Israel to serve as their bullet catchers
Hmmm, perhaps the commie fucks do have a point afterall.
>Greece has the biggest and largest army in the EU.
USA has the largest American weapons on Greek land paid by Greece.
there were devastating world wars like 70 years ago and there has been constant middle eastern aggression ever since. Not to mention that Russia and China aren't exactly predictable and it's very possible for either one of them to take unexpected hostile action on a western country at some point in the future
>implying flooding E.U with immigrants is not a German plan
Our government is cucked like yours.They just doing what Merkes will say and Merkel will do what (((they))) say
Europe is a third world shithole without America paying for it's defense, paying for its new medicines.
Fuck em.
Even stop throwing them NASA hand-offs, we don't need a french made Mars spectrometer, do it in house, better and less money.
And your point is?
At least that we can agree on.
I really dread having Merkel as chancellor for another 4 fucking years.
Then fuck off already
Actually Greece agreed to it, since this way debt can be forgotten a little, but in return you have to accept refugees and corporations. Now Greece has no economy beyond what is available in Greece like coal and olives. Funny thing, you cut down 1000 year old olive trees for foreigner supermarkets, but you still got your religion, but religion can exist without Greece.
Pay debts faggot. We are one of the original 12. So stfu.
No one cares about you. Only reason you were allowed in NATO is to prevent conflict between you and turks. No one will come to aid a dead country.
Your 2% on defence doesn't mean much if your GDP isn't that large
>we have been trying to reduce our presence
Mmh..no you have not. Do you think we would care if you fly your drones from another country?
The army is for self defense, not for your crazy adventures in irak, afghanistan, syria or wherever. We are surrounded by friendly states and IF someone would act up our economical might far surpasses anything an army could do.
The marshal plan did help germany, yes. It also helped the US atleast in equal terms, we bought lots of shit from you.
Now trumptards are mad because they believe in the illusion that they don't have free healthcare because we somehow force them to buy good german products. Or because we want that you maintain thousands of nuclear missiles.
Kinda funny, you spend so much, yet a even bigger retard in north korea does not give a fuck because he has just a handful of bombs.
Lets assume for a moment the 2% goal is reached. That would mean germany spends more cash than russia (Who has several fleets, again thousands of nuclear missiles and hundreds of thousands soldiers more). This is NOT needed for a country that has no desire to wage war and the neighbours would be the first to be concerned if germany would switch into "war mode" again.
TL,DR: muritards are mad, can't do anything about it while the whole world laughs at them and their allies will now seek stronger ties with china. Well done.
To make new tax presents to your corporates or because your Orangutan-in-chief is hyperventilating?
yes, we have. didn't read the rest of your drivel
Id put my money in my mouth if I were you.
And still have better and larger army than you lol.The only thing you have are the nuke subs
Money isn't supposed to be paid to anyone, it's about spending equivalent of 2% of GDP for defense purposes.
So I have no idea how is money "pouring in''.
>didn't read
That sums up pretty much why muricans voted for trump and they the way they do
GTFO and take your soldiers in germany with you.
Here. Have dead cunts.
>no desire to wage war
Because you don't want war you think it won't happen?
>pls don't invade me daddy Putin pls we don't want you to so you can't do it