I fucking hate this things

Going out on sunny day, looking around; every single person has their face stuck in this shit, most aren't doing shit in it they're just addicted to the bright light at this point.

Trying to hook up random cunt, nope they're all in their own personal bubble, wanna strike a conversation with a stranger, nope too busy popping random shit on the latest Jew game.

Mobile phones are a curse upon humanity prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself now it will only get worse


they're literally pocket computers. if you have a problem with computers then how the fuck are you posting right now?

Why are you trying to talk to random strangers. Leave them the fuck alone they dont want to talk to you, and if you're trying to hookup theres like 10 different apps and each you get you better results than just some random broad. If you want tot be a luddite thats fine, just leave other people out of your shit.

Kill humanity they're too blue pilled on this shit

I fucking hate myself too wtf

basically a vegetable

>the autistic masterrace has succesfully subverted the normies


>I say as i post online from my bright light device

You are absolutely right

What is human interaction idiot?

> muh personal space
> muh apps to do everything

Fuck that shit, such synthetic relations were not meant to be, it's fucking unhealthy to think just by putting your face on the web you'll get a woman, man were supposed to go out and hunt for relations not expect a fucking app do that for you

This is what I believe and kek agrees with you

>Fuck that shit, such synthetic relations were not meant to be.
>were not meant to be
neither was penicillin dumbass, but it certainly made our lives better
and I've hooked up with more girls though apps than i ever have though "social interaction."

>Trying to hook up random cunt,

You fucking creep, go kys faggot.

Fuck off chink

Personally i don't give two shits about people using phones in public for the most part.
Using them at a table where people are eating, recording people without permission and looking at them instead of where you're going while crossing the road or operating a vehicle are all low-tier behaviours though my senpaitachi.

No defending chatting up girls in public like a fucking perv? Oh right, that’s because you can’t!


as soon as the Computer was invented it was inevitable

smart phones fulfill too many roles: communication, planning, entertainment, access to the Internet and therefore acts as a portable library, it's got a camera, a calculator, music, news, weather

I don't see us ever stopping using them unless we get something even more convenient

Talking to girls in public is pervy to you?

You are everything wrong with the world

I just wish humanity goes back to stone age one day. the we'd beliterally shitposting on cave walls

You tried that, it didn’t work. Now they have nukes. Good fucking job you faggots.

golden days 2bh fampai



No, people blaming smartphone addiction for girls ignoring them is fucking pervy.

>didn't work

It worked great. Round 2 will be way better.

>use hookup apps
kill yourself immediately

i fucking hate everything that comes with that shit the fucking "phone culture" the fucking facebook instagram i just fucking hate every and all things that comes with this phone so i feel you brother i feel the feels you feel i want to annihilate this entire fucking generation for using this shit

It's pretty enjoyable to be in a filled room and lock eyes with someone old enough to see through these shenanigans though,

the chinks have been feeding the kim regime and buying their exports for 20 years. the chinks are to blame for the nork nukes and they should burn as well


They will nuke South Korea and Japan. Then when the shit calms down in another 50-100 years the new NK-II will be threatening the world with H-bombs, weaponized viruses and bacteria.

>thinking things were ever any different

You are ignorant as fuck. NK has means of acquiring cash on their own: cybercrime, drug production and export, selling weapons technology. Besides, denying them little income that they have from their official exports doesn’t mean that weapons programs will stop, it means that ordinary people will eat less / shittier food. Is that what you really want you genocidal retard? To kill as many asians as you can?

>Mobile phones are a curse upon humanity prove me wrong
>add all your local variants here
I haven't been able to stand this in 6 years, I like many here I assume, haven't used such phones in... how long now, over 3-4 years.

Sad shit is that I used to make (useful for businesses) apps for these pads and phones. All discarded now, as we all know how easy it is to rape these things.

That was the sec part, now the social setting, just visiting people or hanging out
>hahaha did you hear that Anundsen didn't get a single fisk again

People in their stupid phones
People all eyes on their stupid (((sight warper))) and all it's lies
>You used to go to people to visit, then you sat down and talked piss. I miss that, I can't stand these fucking phones or TVs(after the kikes took over everything even here - our pbs)

cybercrime that china has helped facilitate by training norks at their universities. drug production/weapons that are smuggled through chinese ports and ships. norks also get more than 20% of their GDP through iron/coal exports to china.

let's not forget the chinese-made weaponry and parts that are sold to the norks, advancing their nuclear/missile capabilities. let's also not forget the offshore macao banks that the kim family uses to hide their ill-gotten gains.

the world isn't stupid and we know you chinks are responsible for the monstrosity that is the kim regime. it didn't have to come to this, but your government let this happen. all of you will burn

Well that's just people passing time on the railroad.

>People do not grab the paper and never did while you visited them

You want to know why men are on their phones so much?

Trying to get pussy, and trying to talk to long-distance side-hos.

You know why females are on their phones? For attention and because they have anxiety and are too afraid to talk in public.

None of it has to do with playing Candy Crush or watching a video clip. Barely anyone plays games anymore, aside from the few still on the Pokemon train. 90% of apps are for communication like kik, snapchat, Insagram, twitter, whatsapp, and Facebook.

What am I supposed to do, stare at trees and buildings?

>Mobile phones are a curse upon humanity prove me wrong

Mobile phones no, they let me stay in contact with my family when ever there is an emergency or problem.

"Smart phones" however, I agree 100%

Get the oldest phone you can, that's still compact and can make/receive phone calls and texts. That's all you need.

I charge mine about once a week and have a separate mp3 player that I charge once a week also.

Whenever someone feels idle, instead of literally just staring out into the air they open up their fucking phones.

It was easier and more natural to talk together before because, if no phone and literally nothign to do it is a strong incentive to just talk - whereas now they just pull their fucking phones up.

Even without that point, fuck Facebook, instagram, snapchat, twitter and all that horse shit.
>gf nor myself uses social media
>GOOD feels

If I carry a (non smart phone) into a group in any setting, I turn the volume off and only got the vibrator on.

If it's important, I say
>Excuse me I have to take this call
If not I put it in my pocket and call later.

While at the same time watching around the table, with everyone on the different fisking groups on kikebook or watching some funnies.

roid caps tm

>rebellious millennial thinks that before smartphones people were actually talking to each other.
>instead of staring in the window / reading shitty tabloid papers / magazines with horoscopes and celebrity gossip

Gas yourself for "trying to hook up random cunt", but you are right.

>What do you want me to do?? Live in REALITY?!

Fuck you. Excuses are shit. I stopped with the smartphones many years ago and I always am entertained by the world around me and I constantly make good impressions and people get lost in my genuine gaze because I have trained myself to look into their souls and connect with them WITHOUT internet and kike-nology. "B-b-but muh jewbook and heebstagram!!" Faggot. Kill yourself. Having a smartphone is literal cucketry. Also radiates your testicles when it's in your pocket so enjoy being a numale cuck like everybody else. Drown yourself in spirytus

>and only got the vibrator on.
gotta stimulate that prostate at all times

>soulless chink insect thinks that because his society is full of automaton robot shitters that every society is like that

what is up with you slopes and your inability to be human anyway? do those high IQ points make you an autist?

Fuck off nigger

>Barely anyone plays games anymore, aside from the few still on the Pokemon train.
Mobile games and Micro-transactions have changed the video game industry due to how popular they are. There are more people playing video games today than 10 years ago, and with the concept of the "casual gamer" taking hold, the numbers just keep going up.

OP's problem is that he's so fucking boring, people would rather play Candy Crush or post on a mongolian basket weaving forum, than talk to him in person.

>Get the oldest phone you can
wonder why did they introduce microSIM?

even when I go out with friends they are all glued to their phones. It's depressing.


>I love how the lake up here still have no signal
Fuck (((cell phones)))

Most of you are to young to remember this, land lines. If people wanted to get you, they had to find you or call and leave a message.
As an ex pusher in my teens early 20ies, I got this thing for phones too, non stop calling over years

>I love this song
know the kike

duurrr i'm a burger i need a screen in front of me at all times because i'm a fat lazy retard durrrr

Try being this friendly or recording people now see what reactions you get

>If people wanted to get you, they had to find you or call and leave a message

this is also a thing. i havent had a phone for many years but people (if they wanted) can ALWAYS find me. we have computers at home. need me? msg/email me. it isnt hard. weak people need handicaps to function in everyday life. the more you can do without, the richer you are. kikes and niggers on kike strings convince you retards otherwise. consumer shitlords.. die in a fire

>want to start a conversation with someone but they're too busy looking at their phones

No user, they saw you autistically invading their personal space so they decided to look down into their phones. I doubt their screens were even on.

Harnessing electricity was a mistake, desu.

oh god i am so sorry i would rather talk to one of my hundreds of tinder contacts or hundreds of people i know well enough to txt message, or check mail, bank or news, twatter, etc

GOD FORBID my stupid ass is lost and i am actually on google maps using GPS

WHY DO YOU DESERVE my attention of those people user. you are a nobody and that is why you are a mad.

i still have one of those old nokia phones. the most important aspect of a phone for me is battery life and i can go a week without charging it. these new phones need to be charged after one day

mb if you play 1080p video for 12 hours

I think this a lot OP, it's odd being in a group of maybe 6-7 people watching a film or something, then you look around and everyone's just checking up on their social media profiles. The best thing about watching old video is just watching a group of people interact and be in the moment together.

why are australians always so blatantly the underage newfags?

Goyphones are the best thing that ever happened. The goy learns that he can replicate better through memes than through genes and in 3 too 5 decades, the goy problem will solve itself from alone.

This is the exact reason Hollywood is shit.

There used to be dialogue and people actually engaged with each other in the scenario. Now it's just 'rooom!' and 'BEEP BEEP!'

Have we really devolved that far?

They love getting yous by pedophiles who don't filter their flags. Please stop replying to australians

Yep its pretty fucked up.

cuz ur talking out ur ass and dont deserve a srs response

>tfw hanging out with friends and you hear a vine blasting on one of their phones and they dont care to turn the volume down

But hollywood makes films about the old days when we were still human

Australians are pretty damn stupid which some mistake for quality shitposting

Phones cause antisocialism
Games cause violence
Movies cause violence
Games cause sexism...

How about no. The population is susceptible to certain things and mobile phones have bridged that gap for many. The problem isn't mobile phones, the problem something else that causes overuse of them.

I'd hazard a guess that it's something like being crammed into massive cities where the number of people far exceed the number our brains are wired to keep track of (about 100-200), meaning we live in an increasingly less personalized world and need to hide in devices.

Go out to the country to your local pub where everyone knows each other from the small town or village you're in, and look at how many are using mobile phones all day.

I love you, I want to hunt you down and have a relationship.

>wanna strike a conversation with a stranger
Why would you do this in the first place?

Fuck off luddite scum. Why should i "go out and hunt for relationships" when I can find one with a few swipes of my finger without leaving my house?
>Fuck that shit, such synthetic relations were not meant to be
neither was any of the beneficial shit we got after the Industrial Revolution, yet it immensely improved our quality of life.

Internet dating is cancer, end of story

depends if ur by urself sure its fine but all these twats going out drinking or for a meal and they gotta post everything on snapchat, put it away and actually talk to ur friends wtff?

Smartphones are useful for maps. Other than that they are awful attention draining time-sinks.

Hopefully a Solar flare, Carrington event, EMP will end the smartphonepocalypse.

Good pt

You dont blame the tool, u should blame the misuse.
Truth is technology is gold. So much knowledge, science, and technology goes into these things and internet they depend on. U can use it for great benefit, or u can become retarded drool face. Choice is yours.

I personally, dont use the smartphone too much. Do not socialize trough it, but rather use it to communicate and arrange shit with the people i already know.
Also have lots of manuals (i'm machinist), and useful stuff on it.
I love referencing my arguments with my friends by insta searches on internet.

Shut the fuck up grandpa. Go play some Creedence Clearwater and reminisce about the time you got your legs blown off by a mine planted by a 4'11" rice farmer

what the fuck is internet dating you moron
you use the app to GET THE HOOK UP in real life
takes 2 seconds

go to partys and stuff. Harrassing ppl minding their own business on a normal day is absolute degenerate. now kys you idiot faggot

*writing this from my iphone in public not caring for other ppl

This is exactly why I don't own a smart phone. I fucking hate them. There's a difference between being on a computer at home and being on your phone while you're out. If you're out you should be engaging with the people and things around you, not texting someone who isn't there or playing stupid fucking games. Many people have tried to convince me to get one, including my work, but I refuse to support such obviously harmful technology.

you are dead soon granny. no problem.

I'm 24 mohammad and since I don't have my face buried in some stupid fucking phone I'll actually be able to see you sporting your bomb vest or truck of peace.

>implying i wouldnt start it through a app remotly directly next to you

For me it's a great thing. I can pickpocket them easier when they're distracted.

i doubt you can pickpocket someone whos using their phone more easy then ppl who discussion around each other

Nigh-infinite reading material always handy.
Good for fact-checking nonsense when redpilling others

So get a dumbphone then. They're cheaper anyway.

why do you steal, user?

>If I carry a (non smart phone) into a group in any setting, I turn the volume off and only got the vibrator on.

You don't know my gypsy power level

I don't steal, I redistribute wealth accumulated by oppression like any good Socialist would do.

Is there relate with monolith ?
it look like space odyssey predict the " Future of humankind "
it's like this thing come from unconscious collective of humankind before it's time

I still have a Sony Xperia that's like a semi-smartphone. small screen but runs smoothly but just not every application.

I wanna go back to dumbphones but reading emails on your phone is nice and playing an emulated game in bed at night is comfy.

You're absolutely right. Spending a day or so without looking at your phone for anything but incoming calls (or not at all) makes it incredibly obvious. It's really unhealthy.

>wanna strike a conversation with a stranger

Don't do that.

he should absolutely do that. he could find friends that way. the stupid phone can wait.

besides this. From 100 ppl who are trying to get my attention and want to talk to me are 99 who want some change, 5 who want to sell something and 4 who are really unfriendly and asking for a way (which i send them into oblivion) and only 1 is a good one