Anyone down to just have like a real political discussion?
Pick any topic I have three suggestions for any takers:
> Wonderwoman women-only screening
> Trump and the pope
> Antifa in America
Anyone down to just have like a real political discussion?
Pick any topic I have three suggestions for any takers:
> Wonderwoman women-only screening
> Trump and the pope
> Antifa in America
Trump and the pope go
The pope is a shame to popes before him not calling a crusade to stop a crusade. WEAK!
I mean not calling a crusade to stop muslims!
I'll bite on the Wonderwoman thing. I'll let you have whichever side you want, because this should be fun (though warning, I'm quite a few beers deep and am wanting to go to bed soon but I saw this and wanted to respond).
Tons of legitimate and social media sources are reporting on this issue. The basic argument goes down to personal insults because the pope looks bored beside Trump and his wife dressed for a funeral. However, these mean nothing of substance as they aren't based on comments but, appearances.
The problems with the Catholic church are boy rape. Who cares if he likes Trump or not?
Honestly I'm interested as to how people who consider themselves intelligent often resort to the backwards form of guilt by association
Is fine im hisgh as fuck.
For me it seems to be deceptive advertising. Honestly, I think it is going to bite them in the ass. With such a successful runup and the solid base of people who just wanna watch comic book movies at the theater. The idea is to stir up controversy, and by extension publicity, to get more people to the box office.
What it will end up doing is causing a ruckus that upsets the predominantly male fan-base of these comic book movies. Honestly, if women were interested in having more female heroines in these movies they wouldn't discourage the male fan-base from attending female driven casts.
Damn, you chose the logical side. I'll shoot from the SJW side.
Comic books are, and have been, a male dominated culture. Women need a strong role model to break into this culture. Since most media is visual, motion picture based these days, we can't assume women will dive back into history into the origins of Wonderwoman. There's a demand, so there will eventually be a supply. Even Trump, who I don't agree with (I do), said bad publicity is better than no publicity. I, as a SJW, wasn't aware of the movie until I saw the controversy. However, now I will definitely see it to support the producers of it.
See, honestly I felt betrayed as a fan. The emotional response seemed to be enough to get me to talk about it with others. People I know. actual SJWs. brought the subject up with me because I love comic book movies.
So I decided to do some thinking on the issues. On the one hand I am frustrated with the overt-politicization of a piece of fiction I am excited about. On the other I can understand from a logical standpoint that people resort to these types of tactics to get ahead. Finally, I have to admit I didn't have much interest in the character beyond the recent animated appearances. So in many ways this may be in keeping with the themes of the comic books. So I have decided to torrent the movie and see if the movie ticket is worth the controversy.
Full disclosure, I'm not a comic fan. I like the movies, but haven't gotten into comic culture.
As far as the woman-only screening, honestly I don't care from a personal perspective. However, I am so sick of giving any ground to the SJW's, that it almost seems necessary to argue against it, and on principle, have a male only, or white only, or straight white male only, showing of something. One of the rules for radicals is to make the opponent obey their own rules.
A woman only showing poses a few issues that the left needs to address. Is discrimination okay? If so, then the Oregon bakers should not have been sued for not catering to gay weddings. Second, what is a woman? If a big fat hairy biker guy drives up and says he identifies as a woman, can they not let him in? And if so, are they willing to go to court over it?
forgot to attach pic
There is something agreeable to the contrarian nature of the SJW crowd though if you think about it. In many ways they are the same trolls that exist within Sup Forums, among other places. The behavior of exclusion for the sake of repentance and equalization, similar in many ways to the idea of affirmative action, are not totally without merit. Taking their rhetoric absolutely literally wouldn't be useful as the same could be said about the anti-sjw community as wanting to gas jews and throw homosexuals off of buildings.
One single screening for one single movie is not the basis for a real discrimination claim. It is a symbolic gesture, as you say brought on by market demands. As such it should be respected for what it is no?
Leaving gassing jews and fag drags/drops aside, I don't think the anti-sjw's literal position is without merit either. If what the sjw's are asking for is equality, then equality is what they should desire. Note, I am talking only about equality of opportunity, not outcome. I would, however, disagree with you on the one movie one claim point. How many times have we seen a single statement taken out of context that has led to backlash against their opponents? The "final solution" tweet from the British lady led to her resignment from whatever position she was in for example. The professor who BTFO'd the people wanting a "day without white people" on a public (I think) campus is, as far as I know, facing reprocussions.
I do think it is about time for bed though. I'd like to see something like this going on each weekend though. Basically a take a side (whether or not you agree) and argue it. Have a great night, leaf user. Smoke one more for me because I can't for work.
I got work too good luck
> the anti-sjw community as wanting to gas jews and throw homosexuals off of buildings.
That's just Sup Forumsacks.
You're being sleazy attributing "anti SJW" to this. Plenty of normal people are anti-SJW because SJWs are mostly insane, using emotion in place of any logical reasoning.
Because the current power structure is dominated by leftist cucks, no Sup Forumstard is ever going to get traction with gas the kikes bullshit however plenty of mainstream media is fine with soft genocide of whites, kill cop type sentiment and other anti-conservative values.
SJW position is one of mainstream oppression against whites. BLM invasion of a white professor's classroom to intimidate and demand is oppression. We can see the end result of this kind of political trajectory in history with Maoists and currently in South Africa where they are murdering white farmers on their own lands and suffering in starvation conditions.
Constantly trying to demoralize everyone with heavy handed political injections into all entertainment media is another.
"The behavior of exclusion for the sake of repentance"
The practice of segregation to try to play upon white guilt to win a power struggle.
One single screening for one single movie is not the basis for a real discrimination claim.
Of course it is. The left doesn't hesitate to jump on any of these opportunities. From a gay wedding cake to a BLM thug trying to rob someone and getting shot.
Getting one side to lie down and just take it is nothing but more propaganda.
Im really curious for what was the reasoning for dressing all black to meet the pope. Do you think Trumps crew just went the " we know the pope is a pedophilic satanist thats why we dressed with funeral clothes to signal a silent mourning" or is there a deeper level of somekind of occultistic ritual and meaning for this?
Prove the Catholic Church systematically rapes boys.
>> Wonderwoman women-only screening
don't care enough about necksnapper woman to comment
>> Trump and the pope
shitty forced memes being made, nothing else to talk about
>> Antifa in America
a communist terrorist organization that needs to be outlawed. hope the bikelock faggot gets raped repeatedly in prison
It's not going to affect the market enough to affect it. From my experience at movie theaters, these movies are full of thots that pose as nerds.
>Plenty of normal people are anti-SJW because SJWs are mostly insane, using emotion in place of any logical reasoning.
I agree with you, user. Friends of mine often point this out whenever the topic is up.
Obnoxious is how I'd describe it.
Idk about occultism, but wearing all black while knowing the pope only ever wears white seems suggestive. Kind of like a silent statement "we are no longer like you, christian".