Would this be the perfect European Union?
(provided they don't try to eradicate national identities)
Perfect EU
How can it be perfect if the EU still exists?
The perfect European Union is one that does not exist.
Remove finland and it's perfect
Fuck off Germany
Nobody from here wants to be a part of your multicultural society
If a union were to be formed Scandinavia would be left out. We don't share culture with slavic countries or other middle European countries
Add Britain and Italy
>Wanting all Nige's efforts to have been for nothing
"EU" in german seems 4th reich
Perfect Union to get fucked and betrayed by everyone inside and outside.
A perfect trade union? yeah.
Perfect EU? lel no
>Perfect EU
>10-15% Muslim population
Atleast with us non-white gypsy chirstians you can displace some of the muzzies in states, without your a doomed.
When the west falls to sharia don't come here.
No, you share culture with Somalia and other providers of high grade semen.
>Still has Slavs in it.
No, Germany is in it.
Based mate
A filthy roach giving his "opinion" on european matters. Piss off faggot, say thank you that you are allowed to speak you primitive vermin. Piece of crap cave man. Gib back Constantinopol to the greeks and Anatolia to the Italians. Thieving scum. The earth bleeds knowing you are still alive, wherever you go, pestilence follows.
norway does not need shitty continental organizations
Scandinavia and France have no reason to be Germany's pets.
No, EU delenda est
This. We have had enough of continental unions for some millennia.
Yet our slimy politicians have made us a de factor member - despite the people voting against it (twice!)
FPBP /thread
No fuck off we dont want any sort of political union ever.
Yes. It will be better if south europe build a wall to keep northcucks out.
Yes please, cuck only your own.
The east has been getting richer and more prosperous from German imperialism in the west. Cut us off completely and everything will totally shift.
Why would Switzerland be a giant lake?
All current members + Scotland, Ireland and Ukraine
That's the perfect EU
I don't no non-germanics in my damn reich.
Just say no to kraut unions.
You voted a cuck president in after terror attacks and after he said terror attacks are a part of life now.
You also have more muslims than us dude, face it you guys are worse off than most of the Northern Europeans
remove Poland and it's fine.
Central European Economic Association. If Frexit happens in 2022 this is the most reasonable response. Why? Well to avoid recession.
Why not?
*laughs in freedom of action*
Why do salaries still suck in Eastern Europe?
Because you can't undo over 50 years of communism within 25 years of capitalism.We shouldn't complain, look how shitty Moldova is. That could have been us too.
Fuck off we dont want to join that kraut shit
Go home Hitler, you're drunk again.
>provided they don't try to eradicate national identities
This is the end goal of the EU though
We are already in...
The perfect EU is one that doesn't exist
FPBP here's the (you)
fuck right off
fuck off nigger, we're out
Sweden could be our designated shitskin and leftist dumping ground.
Theorically yes, but practically no.
We need oliveniggers to keep euro value down.
Remove everything right from Germany and you've got a deal.
How long did it take you to upload that one? 2 days?
Looks good to me even though we'll miss your money
Germany is the heart of the cancer, any union with it included is doomed to fail.
Without germany the whole EU would be third world country. Scandinavia+Benelux+Germany is the core you need.
I would prefer to be just associate. No need for structural funds - just keep the borders and markets open for us, that's all. We don't need all that social engineering crap.
Well fuck belgium and Luxembourg, they're also usekess.
Fuck off
Only idiots wants 4. Reich
leave out france, belgium, netherlands, ireland, switzerland, germany, austria, slovenia, denmark, sweden, iceland, norway and finland, and only then it will be perfect
No thanks, we decline this offer
I wish we would persecute Brundtland some time in the future for giving up our independence against the will of the people
More like Cuckland.
> EU
> preserving national identities
T. cant even afford its own jets.
The Netherlands deploys F16s so you fuckers dont have unescorted bombers in your airspace, how the fuck would you defend yourself or have a stable economy?
The Perfect EU
What is your opinion on a union between Norway and Iceland?
Perfect EU would be EU they promised, first of all equal salaries across EU, then equal production trade between countries. That is the bare minimum. Nowhere were refugees and migrants in planning.
Does it include Liechtenstein?
Your shit looks kind of cool/ mostly gay so....
Europe doesn't have lakes what a faggets.
I see my dacha's lake in Karjala on the map.
please adopt us, we are to few, government is too corrupt. we will fall if not saved.
What kind of Union? Personal? Economic?Incorporating union(Iceland becomes an autonomous state within Norway)?
Best EU tbqf
What money,tehy gave us 2 bilions the fucking faggots,and most of that went into the pockets of politicians,fuck em.
No EU is perfect EU
Start snowman tourism made out of ice cream. Hotels out of ice you already have, but they only serve alcohol there. I want to eat snowman.
Nope good EU s as it is, perfect EU would be with Russia and all other east euro nation joining one day too.
Fuck off with your Empire bullshit, kys and your family. I hope Schulz wins, sells your houses to Turks and uses the revenue to gas you all.
fuck off opec nigger.
Why do you have such big German fetish? Belgium is made out of migrants, maybe that's why.
> we're all niggers who want to leech from the Swiss
> muh best EU
In your dreams mudshit.
You need Export Markets to grow your economy. The Americas, China and Australia,Japan will have better bargaining position so don't count on them fully opening tro your products and services. That leaves you with Eastern and soputhern Europe. Trading with them makes only sense without barriers like for example schengen.
Ireland can fuck off but other than that sure.
Now this I like.
we are getting 6x our population in tourists this year, currency very strong right now, very good for adoption
No, there should be a Germanic Union and that's it
we could rule this city, germany
if we had real capitalism you guys would be growing more than us
Really? Is Poland a better country than Spain? Don't make me laugh.
whiter = better
Spain grew 3.2% in 2016, how many of those countries grew more?
yeah kek, doesn't look anything like hitler's conquests hans
yes Hans, this is perfect, now I have more options to flee to
18.4% unemployment rate. 99.8% of GDP debt. Those are not good numbers. Falling birth rates, aging population. There are could on the horizon
Oh look its another thread created by a Polish slavshit living in Germany who wants to include his barely human subspecies in the club
>wanting to be part of the euroshit club which has fucked our economy and sovereignity
What's the point if Germany is a Muslim loving traitor?
It doesn't matter how well they are doing if they continue to import kebab.
I know people who live and work in Germany. The interesting thing is that no one has anything good to say about Turkish immigrants.Specially German employers, they constantly complain about you people.What is it ? Bad genes? Islam makes you lazy?
oh look a turkroach
How many times does Germany have to fuck over the entire continent before you all learn?