And why you hate France?
What do you think about France?
>Probably the best EU country.
>The best Culture and nice ladies.
>Has Eiffel tower.
>Has a nice Language
>But is now facing some immigration which need to stop.
I don't hate France user. I really like your country minus past elections.
Thank you very much, my friend!
too bad its gone to fuckin hajjis now :<
feelsbadman knowing i will never see the louvre or eiffel tower :/
>Probably the best EU country.
We don't hate France, We hate what its becoming. Get your shit together Surrenderbro.
>he never went to Paris
>hasn't witnessed the apex of western civilisation )the Louvre, Notre Dame cathedral and god tier architecture)
Are you from Ealing by any chance Lukacsz?
French living in Spain for the moment.
France is a very based country, or at least used to be.
It took me a while to understand it, but this country has had massive intellectal and philosophical influence on the whole world.
Of course this has stopped, but I strongly believe it will rise again somehow.
Why do I know that? Because I believe France has a special relationship with Christianity and this will show. If I'm wrong we're fucked and France will disappear.
And yes we have a fucking big immigration problem.
Strongest Culture.
Weak politics
Weak economy
Weak Immigration
Strong Military
Strong Patriotism
my sister did a paper recently on how the seperation of church and state in france is bad for the large muslim population. thats why i hate you
I only hate France because of Britain and France's historic rivalry. The only bad thing about France is how, like us, it is being ruined by muslims.
user, what is your view on the foreign legion?
I hate France because France hates itself.
douche bag people. napoleon is one the greatest men to ever live though. he should have just said fuck france and established new france in the louisiana territory to get away from the yuropoor bullshit. to think what napoleon and the usa could have accomplished as allies
I've met a couple guys from the legion. They were fucked in the head, as in they experienced massive trauma. But it's a based unit for sure.
That's what is killing me. all this self pity and over tolerance is just making us look ridiculous.
>failed in the 19th century
>failed in WW1
>failed in WW2
>failed in Indochina
>shit culture - a cathedral and an art museum (wow!)
>dying language
>full of maghrebi's
>full of communists
>riots every day
We should've support the germans in WW 1.
So much shit could be avoid if we just bomb the fucking frogs and anglo.
>to think what napoleon and the usa could have accomplished as allies
Honestly you deserve each other.
France would have been better if the retained monarchy. Not bonapartism but monarchy.
If napoleon had decided to set up shop in Louisiana the US would've never become a superpower.
Haha stupid Gopnik peasant.
You fought us for centuries only to become colonised by Blacks and Muslims
I seriously dont hate France but seeing how they destroyed themselves to prevent a german empire only to lose their own empire + now their own Homeland just kills my good mood
i don't get what this is implying. the entire history of your country is a joke. you couldn't hack it on the mainland so you went and conquered spear chucking primitives. even the romans hated you subhumans and just built a wall to keep you celtic mexicans out. brits are literally the proto mexicans. the romans didn't even deem you worthy to spread their superior culture to as they did with nearly every other yuropoor eventually. sad!
the usa was a far better place before we were a superpower and yuropoor jews polluted our country. great job convincing me that scenario wouldn't be super awesome
I died for Napoleon! What an honour! What a joy! Vive la France! I wasted my life!
a Pyrrhic victory is, when you lose such substantial parts of your Forces that going on fighting is not feasible anymore
The US lost a few Dudes and Helicopters in that "Battle" wtf is "pyrrhic about that ?
Just Shows that People neither have a concept of war and words
>couldn't conquer Mogadishu
>defeated by ass backward Somalian tribesmen
>burger intensifies
You'll always be our (gay) brother.
Paris smells but overall I liked visiting France.
It means they achieved tactical success for a large strategic cost.
Go back to your cuck shed Hans.
the next marlon brando
>The Romans hated you subhumans and just built a wall to keep you celtic mexicans out
They literally built the wall to keep the Scottish out, and the Celts were cucked by Romans, Saxons, Angles, Nordics, and Normans. We NOT celts.
US loses 19 Soldiers
Somalis lose around a 1000
this is considered a "Victory" by People who just want to hate on US for hates sake
2. Why the fuck would you want to "conquer" that shithole ?
the americans where there because there was a famine and they needed soldiers to protect the Food Transporters
they didnt try to conquer it
Britbong education
Nuke it.
>the romans
Triggered Burger : The Reply
I met a very cute French girl a couple of weeks ago. We get along very well and I'm ok being friends but somehow I keep thinking that maybe I should look for try for something more.
I love when she speaks french, such a lovely language.
Holy shit Britbong not being able to tell what
Tactical and strategic is
This has to be satire
There's a lot of Germany, the Benelux and France have in common, so I can't hate France. However, I'd rather want a monarchy for France. And a monarchy would only be acceptable when the House of Orléans returns to the throne.
>britain andf france
traitors and literal scum of the earth
literally the gayest picture I have ever seen on Sup Forums. It also demonized the Nazis.
Wow, Brits and French are truly cuckolds of all time.
Pretty good country, yeah we cucked that retarded corsican manlet, but France is still good country
>best culture
Breaking up the first Frankonian Empire was the biggest mistake ever made by Europeans
date her and I'll date a Finnish qt in your place
pathetic. you english do you love your jewish history revisionism don't you?
>Why you hate France?
>implying I do
There wouldn't be a USA without France.
You'll be telling us Hitler didn't want to invade Russia next. I suppose he was just protecting the "Food Transporters".
>Finnish qt
Off topic but why have every Malay I've ever met here drunk alcohol and done cocaine despite being Muslim?
>implying hitler did something wrong
As a Dutchman of Frankish decent I cannot hate it. But please fix your shit to much Algerians and Africans in you country. We should fix it too of course but France always looks just a bit worse.
america is the most heightist country in the world
literal description of what poland did for him
No, I am just saying that we are not Celts. And England was conquered by the Romans, everyone knows that.
Tell that to the failed Wehrmacht and SS.
not denying that the qts here are qter but Finland has highest IQ in Europe so I wanna racemix .
I hate the people not the country.
What fucking drugs are you on ?
Or just trolling ?
Quebec/France gave us worst PMs in our history. Can't wait for us to separate, and you taking all muslims and nignogs in to continue proving the world that multiculturalism doesn't work and never will.
True, but I'm afraid it can't be undone. Middle-Francia has caused wars between France and Germany for centuries which created the current borders. I think the best thing which can be done is uniting against foreign influences.
Snobbish, racist cunts thinking they're superior beings when their nation is in ruins
I don't read cuckold literature.
You claim to be some sort of military scholar and yet don't understand that political commitment to a conflict is a strategic resource?
Becoz it feels good and shiet.
I'm a chink so i'm not sure.
You sure they are malay?
No poo no darken chink?
And that's why our muslims are so peaceful,
they aren't fucking follow the quran to heart.
Language is not dying tho !! All growing Nignog countries are using it !
>what's a clausewitz?
>why you hate France?
because it's going to shit and we do nothing about it
But I should have mentioned that she's going back to France after the summer, so if we date it's gonna be sad.
A summer love, what a sweet memory, go for it, no matter what is the outcome, you have story for your granddaughter.
France is a country of rude manlet faggots who think they're better than the rest. Your language is disgusting. Your country is full of niggers and algerians and you elected Macron.
Lying mongs who should have accepted Henry V as their rightful king.
Imagine a Franco-British Union.
De Valois are illegitimate pretenders to the French throne.
I hate France because it's a islamized shithole. My biggest wish is to leave for a white country.
Just because you smell the same.
I hear iceland is nice.
You can't hand the cold?
Needs to return to monarchy
Yeah but I prefer heat...
I don't hate France. I have a deep respect towards French after reading on European history. Too bad they sided with turks during Crimean War and started that myth about General Winter.
BASED iceland
Exceptional people. To be able to succeed and fail this hard at the same time. France, Germany and the UK truly belong with each other.
kek, so do niggers
I fucking knew somebody was gonna reply with that shit and the truth is there are women like that everywhere.
Fuck off with your shitpost.
They slaughtered the niggers in Mogadishu mate.
Even if they lost the war, they won in my eyes.
>implying the blonde socialist could have done anything against leftism and muslims
Just try to nuke us, you fucking pigs
Hating us because of the liberal faggots is a thing, wanting to nuke us is another thing.
I agree.
I appreciate
Love France bro
MMM cause you seem to surrender every time your German neighbours knock on your door. Oh and you kept exploding Nuclear bombs in the pacific far from your homeland.. but close to mine. Oh and the rainbow warrior thing.. sinking A NZ ship.. those fuckers have never hurt anybody. And your sauces are too creamy and rich.. had to be said.
And what about Australia?
A french fuck buddy of mine just disappeared without even saying a good-bye. An for that the fact her country is turning into Libya 2.0 leaves me with bittersweet victory. And the whole treaty of Versailles and how you treated German citizens after WWI doesn't make you look any better in my books.
Cause somebody forgot that they had an alliance with us in 1939, and decided to do fuck all.
That is the biggest lie ever from a bong
i don't hate france but stopped liking it