Why are you whites so obsessed with black people? Every time I come on here there are at least two threads about blacks. Is it an insecurity problem?
Why are you whites so obsessed with black people? Every time I come on here there are at least two threads about blacks...
We aren't. You and your little (((friend))) are obsessed with us. Hell bent on ruining our lives, genociding our race. Why do you hate us so much?
Shills and americans/swedes with their cuck fetish
>doesn't get why we don't like blacks
Back to India with you
How are we ruining your lives? It isn't our fault than some white women are into us.
Says the one whose women were happy to open their legs for subhuman Slavs and Jews. Over a million of them were fine with letting that happen.
Black hate threads are started by insecure American blacks.
>implying that only Indians live here.
Its leftist-trolls trying to demoralize Sup Forums.
Well in that case, you should know how much people don't like you. I know Indians treat the niggers on the island like shit, because the niggers on the island are shit people.
I'll be honest, OP: your pic related enrages me.
I hate, hate, hate seeing our women get BLACKED. I would rather them be dead than race traitors.
Why would you care?
This. Literally nothing makes my blood boil more. I almost shed a tear once after seeing a 10/10 with some subhuman. Blue eyes too :( She could've been an Aryan queen.
>Is it an insecurity problem?
>that picture
The ironing intensifies. 2/5 bait. Keel your shelf.
No they don't. In fact they elected a black guy to become prime minister.
>It isn't our fault than some white women are into us.
They wouldn't be if there weren't for the constant bombardment of "progressive" shilling.
>It isn't our fault
You're right about that atleast. It's the Jews fault. They are the ones spreading this propaganda in the first place propelling white women to make such careless decisions.
Interracial couples existed way before "progressive shilling".
Low IQ Nigger population will reach 4 billion by 2100, it will be the end of civilization.
Everything is the Jews fault. Maybe come to the conclusion some women think differently.
>Why are you whites so obsessed with black people?
pic related
>Every time I come on here there are at least two threads about blacks.
There are problems that exist between the black and white communities. At least some of the "Black Hate" threads are an expression of those problems. Problems that can't be talked about in public for fear of reprisal, no matter how innocuous the content.
The interracial porn threads are probably a 50/50 split between people wanting to trigger us and other Sup Forumsacks looking for (you)s.
>Is it an insecurity problem?
Not at all. Most of us are comfortable in our own skin and we want you to be as well. Just somewhere else.
No, they will all be alpha male athletes.
>want us to be somewhere else.
I never understand this statement. It's 2017 and you still believe blacks are leaving.
Also, why don't you ask the whites in non white countries to leave? When they leave we can talk.
you are assuming white ppl post all the threads
Sup Forums is infested with mixed race mongrels
Sure but you whites are eager to contribute to those threads aren't they?
You can have the neanderthal whores, I'll stick with asians.