>still not Catholic
Why aren't you Catholic yet, Sup Forums ?
>still not Catholic
Why aren't you Catholic yet, Sup Forums ?
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I don't believe in fairy tales.
you have to go back
organised religion is for sheep
You dont believe in evolution??
To answer OP, because i accepted Jesus Christ and wont burn in hell for worshiping crackers.
I don't believe in anything, I know all the answers, try to debate me and you'll simply die out of misunderstanding, since you won't be able to process all the information I would give to you.
Don't start it or you'll regret it.
Because I'm not a fucking cuck.
>undeniably proven scientific fact
>fairy tale
The only times I feel allegiance to the church is through music from Bach et al but then it loses me when I actually visit a ceremony, which is more like pic related.
This is a mass with a "refugee boat" as altar.
If the church would be a bit more based id still wouldnt go as papism is disgusting and wrong, the bishop of rome should fuck off and the churchstructure be more decentralised as it is with the orthos. (Saint and angelworship is cool tho, if only you would be allowed to put ancestorspirits and local deities in the mix too.)
Prottys are even shittier tho, regardless if they are fundamental or tolerance-cockmongers.
Cause I don't like being around pedo priests who love to diddle kids. The ones who don't diddle kids are protective of the ones who do. Archie Bunker said it right, the Catholic Church is Satans whore.
i dont understand how any strong minded individual can possibly consider religion in the age of technology we live in. it doesnt bother me until your beliefs affect me, but critical thinking and religion are incompatible.
Hey You!, Yes YOU. user. Submit to the Pope!
because i'm not a cuck
Because i'm a Christian
What is that? The Syrian arab bath party?
You're cucktholic? Go kiss my muslim feet.
So disgusting
But user, I am.
I always were catholic
that blonde dude in the middle seems to be fine with the situation.
God bless. I was wondering if there was an end to this edginess
Because I don't love jews and nonwhites. Why do you?
>still worship a Hebrew speaking jew
Ill burn you with the kikes if you keep talking shit.
The only thing you're gonna burn is your tendies if you don't keep on your moms ass.
Fuck off kike enemy of the faith.
Why do you love jews and nonwhites so much?
desu, you french at least have a tradcore again that seems to be a no nonsense organisation. Here it makes no sense to consider the church a religious institution in the first place instead of a Kindergarden for adults.
>Pagans (and pedophiles) masquerading as the first Christians
No thanks.
>still not kissing the feet of iron and clay
Its alright they'll come to eventually took me a while.
>worshipping a Jew born out of wedlock
No thanks m8
Ill burn you too with the kikes
Ty for the flag its one of the few I'm missing.
he's a flaming faggot. couldnt be happier than hot in a pit of dicks
Only Holy Russian Orthodoxy Church
I was born and baptised Catholic. My family left the church when I was young.
I'm a Christian but I think I may go protestant. I don't know why I should return to Catholocism.
Extra ecclesia nulla salus.
>"I'm on a boat"
Explain why the early Christian contradict protestantism
The Roman cult has been tearing apart Christiandom for 1000 years and must be destroyed.
Protestants did way better than them in doing that
because I'm not a big fat dummy xD
Real men don't believe in ancient fairy tales. You actually believe Jonah lived inside a whale? LOL
True members of the bourgeois intellgentsia realize that nihilistic atheism is the only answer. Life is meaningless and everything is socially constructed. Morality doesn't exist. And if you disagree, I'll kill you.
Because i don't support institutionalizing child rape.
THIS! Christians actually LOVE pedophilia and raping kids, can you believe it? It's LITERALLY in the Bible, and when it was found out that people in positions of power in the church were raping kids, Christians around the world endorsed and supported their actions! Christians are the true enemy of mankind!
P.S. Dr. Peterson just put up his second Bible lecture on youtube, go watch it you
fucking fedora tipping atheist retards
I don't understand
But I am, though to be said that I don't really like this centralization approach of the church even though i recognize the fundamental principle of an apostolic church.
It's kind of understandable though, if everybody would really understand that Jesus was advocating for a thing that looks more like anarchy based on free will the world would be in more chaos, not because the idea is bad but because majority of people are stupid and won't stand up against sinning.
That shows veneration of a martyr right there
Proddies hate that
I honestly don't see how people can still support the vatican after they knew and covered it up for years.
You mean Luciferan Papist ? Why would I ? Ever ?
Beat me to it
Protestants are not christian
Churches are scams.
I am, but a bad one.
>Catholics are not christian
corrected for accuracy
Because fuck this fake ass pope, that's why.
Converting to Orthodox as soon as I can gather the energy to walk up the street a few blocks.
>masonic chessboard pattern on floor
The Masons and Catholics are totally not on the same team.
You're ignorant as fuck m8
Still waiting to restore the Inquisition and purge the heretics
Because I'd rather be home on a Sunday morning, comfy with a nice hot cup of coffee, in my jammies, shitposting on Sup Forums, instead of stressing out because I might be late for church.
Tb h, I really look forward to mass every week. It's an hour of peace and quiet in a beautiful church, free from all stress and distractions. I enjoy the rituals performed at the altar and the music and the readings. It's a good way to connect with my roots.
Not baptized btw
>21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Because I fear YHWH enough not to fall for dumb retarded heresy coming straight from the Roman Pagan empire.
Because I'd rather not be lead by a cuck who hates European culture, kisses the feet of migrants and considers Islam it's equal. Catholicism is dead.