What should we do next for pjw?
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I don't know, PJW. I'll go put on my boots and helmet because we are your personal army after all.
>pls tell me the next bandwagon to ride personal army
t. e-leb
i hate this cunt so much
why does his avi look like a completely different person?
Not your personal army.
We should meme Talcum X calling someone a nigger.
>What else can we troll them into thinking is racist?
The answer is obvious. Trick them into believing Paul Joseph Watson is "racist"
Why do you post cuckold porn Ivan?
We should destroy PJW simply for keks
He wants to be the heterosexual Milo so badly
Conservatism is the NEW Counter Culture
Go home /leftypol/
Suck him and his bf off
It's hot af
idk maybe keep pushing this retarded seth rich shit
god he's such a weirdo
I love triggering liberals xD Leftism is of mental disorders xDD (frog emoji) snowflakes and cucks btfo. 8 years! XD
PJW please dont let me die without seeing your bare ass at least once
>not racist is racist
That PJW is a convicted sex offender
we should make civic nationalists drink bleach. that would be a hella fr**king ep*c. i love practical jokes!
but civic nationalism works goy
the girl in far left looks too innocent for this shit
i want to fucking kill this manlet
Is there anything more cringy than watching this prick and Sargon jump on our bandwagon?
Jack Nappier has good porn. He talks and jokes with actresses before fuck, and he has largest dick i saw.
Also interracial porn before 2010 was somehow better, maybe it's just actresses, but maybe then it was done with more lightning.
This nu interracial porn is shit though.
Fuck off
Sometimes I forget russia is about 33% nigger.
We need to take a symbol of the left and weaponize it
Wevr we use will be labelled racist
Why not meme Rachel Maddow or some other beta male cuck into a racist symbol?
Lets make them pronounce everything they hold dear as racist to expose the cuckold hypocrisy
The gays
Alex is Paul's pimp, he want's to talk about less one-dimensional things like the Saturn-Mars Matrix, the Kabbalists and ancient knowledge.
But, Alex and his Illuminati/Mason-slave pimps wont let him.
Poor guy.
and 100% not white
>What ridiculous think should Sup Forums make leftists fall for next
Who the fuck those he think he is thinking he has a say in our board? I'm sick of this faggot thinking he's affiliated with us and how he expects us to listen to bullshit. Fuck this man.
how about if we make suicide a racist symbol?
we can start by memeing pjw to go hang himself and let his fans follow
What's the best way to character assassinate him?
Also how does most of the left actually think of this guy? They hate Milo because he's a prick and actively provokes them but what's PJW actually done of any value?
More white than (((USA)))
Shut up nigger-muslim-gook
why is pjw such a cringy faggot
>swede insults as muslim gook
>claiming the most mudslime immigrants all of europe
>detroit is full of niggers
>russia looks like detroit all over
>russia has no niggers
>russians are the niggers
>also have aids like nigger
my mind is blown
Thx mr.Sovok for (((the Great Russia)))
Who else can feel it? It's the zeitgeist of Sup Forums shifting.
The Le Based Black Man Civic Nationalist Trump Train faggots are cringe-inducing dipshits who belong on reddit. The people typing Cuck are as tedious as people who post George Costanza. Sup Forums's culture is no longer an edgy and provocative source of keks. It's the mainstream Internet culture endorsed by shitheads like PWJ and Laci Green.
Wash your hair?
Never judge the innocence of a female based on her looks.
>Being globalist is racist because they want to destroy all races.
PJW doesn't endorse gassing the kikes though and that is Sup Forums's true culture.
is this the thread that tricked the media?
Fucking Trump supporters are so easy to fuck with.
We just need a bunch of photoshopped images of plebbit with Trump and NAZI symbols.
It would be fun to convince the media that the donald subreddit is a Neo Nazi group.
Sup Forums championed a man who married his whole family off to the tribe, my dude. Get with the times.
Not your personal army you fucking faggot
Fuck off
Just spread fake tweets or posts of his that are outright racist. he makes his bread by dancing on a knife edge, saying almost unacepabru things and then dancing back. Just get some fake meat in the water for the leftists sharks to feeding frenzy over.
Not that I support tearing although light complainers down, but i make an exception with PJW, I just can't stand his voice.
"The so called___PROGRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT ___and there media goons are HELL BENT on destroying the west."
Can't listen to him long enough to buy second hand water filters.
All I see is an increase in cucks that try too hard and are too obvious. They're easy to identify because they have a British flag in their post.
I like PJW...
even as a noob.
PJW, you wanna see "we" why dont you come post here and get to know these wonderful people, put in your input and let people make their own decisions.
Poor guy would leave crying if he came here.
We need to take back the word "progressive"
As in progress is a white nationalist society or some shit.
Outreach effort to gather more Based Black Men to SHADILAY!!! at for KEK.
this isn't funny in a single sense of the word
> even as a noob.
Lurk more faggot.
Idiots don't get the real motivation.
It's all about the lulz.
he thinks he's the spokesman of Sup Forums.
nothing i would be proud of desu.
So do you, kiwi
I am from IRC, my lurking know no bounds.
my lurking know no bounds.
force of habit.
I'm begging you, look I even got redundant numbers
Money is fukin ruciss mang !
Then tell me oh genius one, how do i get my memes then? hmm? am i supposed to just sit here and hope anonymous people send them to me?
Rap misic is rayciss
Pussy is rayciss
Your mom is rayciss
Pic semi related
Make milk a white supremacy tool used to change the minds of humans from the very first time a baby starts sucking in that white, beautiful, privileged breast milk.
Federal funding of "winning civil rights" cases finances the Westboro baptist church.
Also funds all the race hustlers, ACLU, ADL, more leftist lobbyist than you can shake a stick at, naacp, SPLC, and financials incentivizes the creation of new oppressed classes like trannies in little girls bathrooms or the war on Christmas.
The more outrageous the conduct the more funding they get. That's why they push such insane shit all the time.
Stop funding restore sanity
Just saying
ahmed hi