Sup Forums Humour thread
Sup Forums Humour thread
I like this one better.
kek that is a good one
When my cat shits in the litter box I cover his face in deli meat because he's a cuck and doesn't do anything when he shits
i'm not on their side, but could you give me a single example of a person with most of those traits all at once? i live in berkley and the people here are not even close to being that bad
Putins face every time.
who is this cuck?
I'll have you know we can count the days between on rare occasions.
do you know what hyperbole is?
whats that on the dogs cock
it's a female
those are nipples
Cute pupper
Jesus christ, Finland. You just had to look at the dog's dick.
oh nvm i was looking at putins shoe
Nvrmnd, that's Putins shoe.
sweden fought in ww2?
swedes havent fought in a war since the 1800's
hahah holy shit
this one was well worth the read
Not as a nation atleast.
Give him an erection and its perfect.
No, but their military was prepared for invasion since back then they weren't retarded
Toku has declined.
Try saying that to my face you weak ass punk, you can't take me on. Pathetic... You are weak, inferior. I'll have you know I've practiced the way of the sword since I was small and can easily dispose of your ilk without even trying. Bring your best and I'll make you see your worst, in a matter of seconds. I have become the cold steel, the swift wind.. Your end has come.... Bitch. Sleep with one eye open cunt
Lol, I remember this one!
>Hitler did nothing wro-
volunteers in finland.
>Tfw our forefathers shot commies in droves
that's cringey as shit mate
Busch beers latest advertising campaign is gold
lol they where showing that fruit's youtube channel on TV, they left out the part about him blowing paki taxi drivers.
Ahhh, the serpent devours itself. Beautiful.
F for Merkel
I think this is funny but most of you will probably back the little faggot rather than the black chick
fucking jeb! got tired of slow and steady!