Is the pill the worst thing that happened in the last century? Giving females (and some pleb males) a free pass on being total degenerates is probably the grounds for our shit society today.
Is the pill the worst thing that happened in the last century? Giving females (and some pleb males) a free pass on being total degenerates is probably the grounds for our shit society today.
Giving them voting rights caused far more harm than the pill.
contraception existed before the pill you idiot
what is this recency bias? Degeneracy is not new to the west - just part of the cycle
Historians may one day call "the pill" the suicide tablet of the West. It was first licensed in 1960. By 1963, 6 percent of American married women were using Dr. Rock's invention; by 1970, 43 percent were "on the pill."
- Death of the West by Pat Buchanan, p.26
No, Abortion is the worst thing.
Contraception is moral to an extent, abortion is sadistic murder of babies.
Yes, the pill is a major problem and should be banned. It's side effects on mood and psychology are not well understood and it's pushed on an ideological rather than medical basis.
Well it was really to sell men on the idea a woman could be "on the pill" which is always 100% a lie. Someone reading this right now is thinking to themselves "nope, I saw her take it! I can now fuck her unprotected". lol good luck dumbass not like all the luck in the world will fix the burden of a halfwit monster child. and not letting her drink during pregnancy is being able-ist. if her child comes out less smart or pretty due to her drinking THAT IS THE WAY GOD PLANNED IT END OF STORY.
we're entering a magical time. good luck!
"Intelligence" and espionage are.
If the CIA didn't exist we'd be better off.
Never as effective as the pill tho
>Dr. Gregory Goodwin Pincus (April 9, 1903 – August 22, 1967) was an American biologist and researcher who co-invented the combined oral contraceptive pill.
>Gregory Goodwin Pincus was born in Woodbine, New Jersey, into a Jewish family, the son of Polish-born immigrants Elizabeth (née Lipman) and Joseph Pincus, an agriculture teacher.
The pill wasnt desigbed to prevenr birth, it was designed so that women who struggle with hormonal imbalance can have notmal period cycles. It was only after the fact tbat they realized they could prevent pregnancy with it.
In fact, most of the perscriptions are not even for contraception, but to balance female hormones.
Totally and uterlly false
When patients are purscribed the pill they are closley examined by theit physician for changes in mood and body, most of the time the pill isnt even given to prevent birth
See this
sure does a fine job balancing it
Then why are they ALL so fucking crazy
If you don't know that thisd is all by design and not some haphazard accident, you are part of the problem.
what destabilises them, riddle me that. Here's a clue it isn't H2O and a healthy fuckin diet.
>lol, you and millions of doctors are wrong because of my personally assesment and observation of every women i meet is better than 60+ years of research and case studies on the matter
There are side effects to every medication. Its up to the patient and the doctor to way the risk and beneffits of he meds. To manny women, the mood swings are worth having a nirmal hormonal cycle
No its a pre disposition at birth / conception
Some women just cant have a normal cycle, and would rather deal with the occasional mood swing than have a month long period
The most effective contraceptive is still the condom.
The ability for the female to render itself temporarily sterile is actually a valuable tool for modern societies. Primitive tribal societies have a naturally high death rate and little wealth generation, making a high birth rate beneficial for survival with little social impact. For a society where the inheritance of wealth is an important factor for the future prospects of the offspring and its performance in society, having a control over how many children are born and more importantly, who gets to sire those children, is very important for that society to continue to function properly. During most of the pre-pill/condom age, where no paternity test existed, controlling who gets to have offspring was a massive concern to society, to the point where adultery often had fatal punishment. This did not really discourage people from fucking around outside of wedlock, they just kept it more secret, leaving many "bastard" children to fall through the seams of society, which also contributed to the creation of a criminal underclass and welfare state.
Now, with the advent of a modern society where the wealth generation of two adults falls below the projected cost of raising even a single child, contraceptives merely enhance the effect of the existential threat created by the elites of society, who do nothing to to encourage long term native population growth and instead rely on a replacement strategy, by importing foreigners from societies that still fuck like cave people. Of course this will eventually lead to a collapse, as the foreign reproduction method does not account for the increased cost of raising a civilization appropriate child, leading to the creation of a disfunctional underclass that will eventually tear down society around itself, once it has reached critical population levels.
In other words: The pill wouldn't be a problem if the goddamn leadership was actually competent.
But would it then not be better to simply sterilize people unable to properly care for children? Why should someone incapable of properly caring and raising a child have the right to do so? Why should another person be able to willingly and with purpose be able to bring another person into this would only for them to live in misery?
Is it not the greatest hypocrisy that one woman should be allowed to birth and then be incompetent enough that she cannot properly raise children, only leading to them becoming failed peoples?
Who gave them the right, especially when we all will pay for their decision.
Because we should modify peoples bodies against their will right?
Your mother seems to have taught you a lot about this, cuck.
The moment a person becomes unable to have offspring, he starts to disconnect from society and will only work to his own benefit and will not care about long term damage, as it has no way to affect his children anymore. It's a sure fire way to create a society full of home-made sociopaths that will utterly annihilate society over time.
It didn't just give them a free pass, it literally altered their hormones to cause that kind of behavior.
Natural selection will get rid of the degenerates. Women with a psychological predisposition to reproduce and not be degenerate will propagate their genes the most. The reason why degeneracy is common today is departure from the environment of evolutionary adaptedness.
All for the greater good, no?
Why should a meth addicted woman have the right to carry and raise a child, when her habits will most definitely lead to severe consequences for the child itself?
And what about society, who will in the end pay for the womans mistake? Her child will most likely grow up to become an addict itself, or severely maladjusted. What gives her the right to carry and give birth to something that will directly negatively affect the society we all contribute to?
Lol wtf are you talking about
Could you imagine bleeding from your ashole for a whole fucking month? I net you would take the ocassional mood swing over that
Maybe you should look at the data before you call someone else an idiot.
Look at western birth rates. Then look at when the pill was introduced. Do you see a pattern?
You never give a government a unecesary power EVER. They will never let it go and will eventually abuse it.
Imagine if we started doing that and some crazy sjw with power said that all whites should be steralized
In a healthy society, such people would be controllable outliers, i.e. their numbers would be too low to have much impact overall. Once you allow society to degenerate into mass substance abuse like this, you tend to have bigger systematic problems than crippled offspring. Also junkies tend to be major customers for welfare abortion.
Armed rebellion.
But then, why should you carry the weight of someone elses mistake? Society is a collaberation, and if people are allowed to fuck up the teamwork by bearing children that in the future will definitely become nothing but a negative for your work.
Should you not be allowed to "edit" out parts of your group-collaboration if it does not fit with the overall objective?
But not only junkies, "unviables" - why should we not sterilize people very far down the ASD spectrum, or people who will never, ever be able to support another.
In my ideal world, having children would have to be apporved by the government if you want any governmental support.
As freedom-san already pointed out, you need a very good government not to abuse that power. Fat chance we will see such a thing in our lifetime.
Generally affording a child is piss easy in a first world country, so most people would be "viable" by that definition. However, raising the child to a standard where it is more than an instinctive-driven manual laborer, takes a little more and the people that should have children, i.e. the smart ones with careers, typically plan ahead to the point where having children is often not viable if they wish to maintain their lifestyle and career, which society wants from them. Whereas the average Achmed will simply have children and just don't give a shit if he can afford that or if the children turn out good. What does he care when Achmed 1 just blew himself up in a group of minors visiting a concert? He still has Achmeds 2 to 12 to carry on the torch.
The little group of retards and drug addicts you concentrate on are not really a problem for us. We already heavily sanction them and most don't procreate due to social pressure or lack of opportunity.
Then why not simply penalize Achmed for having unallowed children? Simply confiscate unallowed children at birth and raise them in governmental institutions.
To foster a child you must also be able to do so in a conductive enviroment, and if the government finds you unacceptable they simply take it.
No fault divorce and online dating are both probably more important than the pill. No fault divorce killed marriage, and online dating has opened the gates for female hypergamy.
The pill is big, but there are other methods of contraception.
the only mistake was not having the male version of the pill
Raising children in government facilities is more likely to make them even worse members of society.
By the time you find out that the "Hans" on your paper is actually an "Achmed", the damage is most likely already done, at which point the only cure is summary execution. We already have child services to take care of the worst offenders and they are, despite their best efforts, not really doing a stellar job at it, simply because gaining the necessary intel about a families internal functioning requires an impossibly large surveillance system in place that would have to watch everyone.
Preventive measures, like not allowing foreign Achmeds into your country, and weeding out the native Achmeds via sanctioning would be more effective. Once native population growth has risen to the point where birth control becomes necessary, we could implement it, but right now it isn't necessary, as the native population is shrinking, while the "problem" population piggy-backs their way inside via immigration.
Then why not simply sterilize non-desierables?
In "Republic", the idea that an immortal philosopher king is the ideal form of leadership is discussed, and i can't say i disagree - having a leader that with monetary or violent means progressively sterilizes non-desierables would probably be the best solution for any country.
it's good to see Germany making good posts
Most "degenerates" don't even use the pill or other contraceptives. And then they're shocked when they become parents at 17...
Your logic is flawed swallowing or taking it up the ass was always an option
>inb4 I'm such a fap addict I can't feel anything
>inb4 no, actually it's because I was circumcised
If we would sterilize undesirables for coming here, they would stop coming here to begin with, which is practically the same as telling them to not come in the first place, without making you look like a terrible monster on the international level.
The nazis did the very thing you suggested and I don't think I need to remind you of the international gangbang they suffered for that.
Generally put, the amount of non-desirables our modern societies produces naturally is so low, that their impact on society is miniscule, and often not worth the public outcry of going full eugenics on a populace. We also already latently encourage parents to abort children with genetical defects.
World War 1
And the Pill
Pretty much ended western civilization.
Because having a free government means not having an overreach of their power and they're greedy Jew hands in literally every facet of your life.
This is one of the reasons why the ACA is such a big deal here in the states. It FORCES health insurance providers within it's network to cover the cost of contraceptives, and put heavy costs on companies NOT in the ACA.
It's a return to form of religion and personal responsibility that creates a good society. It's degeneracy and the willing shift AWAY from Christian values that has caused a collapse in society, and as such caused many of the problems we see today.
Bottom line, the best way to not have a child is to not have sex. If you want to have sex then wear a condom. If not, then pull out. If you don't pull out then you have like a 1 in 4 chance of getting pregnant. If you get pregnant, raise the fucking child the best you can and provide all you can to make sure he/she will grow up to do the same for their child.
Whites are vanishing off the Earth because everyone wants diversity and multiculturalism, and white guys have been pushed into this idea that if you have a kid your life will be a wreck, you'll divorce, you'll be poor your whole life, etc. ON TOP OF the whole push for false rape accusations and the destruction of his life. So naturally white guy would check out.
Now the nigger Tyrone, he don't give no fucks, cuz we wuz kangz and shi so he has 6 kids by 5 women by the time he's 26, and of course, being the dumb nigger he is, blaming his whole life on everything else, gets put in prison on drug/theft/assault charges. But he still got his with his 6 kids.
But showing it off to the whole world wasn't.
The 19th amendment was the worst. Low birthrate is the end result of women being "empowered". All these struggles and the end of the white race just because of women not wanting to do their goddamn duty.
Here in the states, any nigger growing up in a city is an undesirable. They're stupid, loud, have no manners or common sense, and just grow up to be what they are: dumb niggers who have 4 children who can't read and get put in prison.
It's a terrible situation that yes, the prior governments created, but these people are too stupid to realize and change.
Gf is a teacher, and she tells me all the time about how she has students in her 7th/8th grade classes who literally can't read. Their mothers (because they all have different fathers, and they're all in prison) have like 10 children and walk around on welfare sucking up medicare/medicade and social security because all their kids have "learning disabilities" like ADD. And it's just accepted, no plan from the inside to fix it, always want gubment intervention.
A meth addicted woman wouldn't want to have a child, let alone have the funds to support it. In this regard The Pill is useful, with no need for permanent sterilization. It also allows her maneuverability to change her ways should she desire to have a child.
Yup, turns out our x-million refugee lottery ticket turned out to be 90% illiterate. You at least have the excuse of the slavery abolition being botched and are now stuck with a populace that has nowhere to go. We actually invited the fucks, even after we could clearly see how the "melting pot" of the US turned out to be a seperation chamber.
But why let her change her ways? Why let a person who earlier in their life has shown such weakness of character be entrusted with the life of a child?
This is also why i support sterlization of very violent criminals and sexual offenders , e.g - perpetrators of violent rapes, sexual predators.