Based black man kills all the raycist whytees and destroy all the christian terrorists
cant fucking wait for this game to be out
Based black man kills all the raycist whytees and destroy all the christian terrorists
cant fucking wait for this game to be out
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How did they go from Vaas Montenegro and his army of niggers to cheesy strawmen hate preachers and their redneck lackeys? Were the developers replaced?
>Reminder to sage slide threads
The last game was basically jihady training.
what game? and I'm sick of politics in video games. fuck I'm just sick of the left in general. whenever someone tells me they're liberal or I find out nowadays, I don't say anything but I choose to never hang out with them again. it's a scum ideology made by losers for losers.
>its another far cry game where the villain is the best part
how do they keep doing it?
and yet the game is still made by kikes because niggers cant computer, and gooks dont like niggers/are programming porn simulators
The last game took place in the stone age
I'm still salty the "secret" ending of 4 wasn't a full campaign of you hanging out with Pagan.
Its quite weird, my experience has taught me that blacks are extremely racist. So much so that they feel comfortable calling for the death of homosexuals.
wasnt it literally just reskined FC4?
oops, not racist although they are that too but I meant to say "Religious"
That game didn't carry the numeral that would place it as a direct sequel
Primal was just a money grab
It's all just money grabs at this point
+1 for nig main character
Imagine being autistic enough to care about a video game.
I think its an interesting concept.
The timing of the reveal is perfect, get to see you autists flip out.
You again,i hate you sooo much ya fooking mogoloid cunt.
I hope the final boss is Karadumpghffffgh!! XD
The cult is mixed and the based black man is a pastor ready to bring these unrighteous people to the Lord.
It's more than just about videogames you absolute retards. The fact that a game can be made addressing "white extremism" yet even saying Muslim extremism is taboo is a sign of an underlying cultural deterioration. Retards
Well, nogs tend to be more stupid, so there you go
>white exremism
Tell me do you thrw a spergfit every time a white person is the villain in any given media?
Or just the six million ones where chrisitanity is portrayed negatively?
There are far more important thing sto worry about, yet you insist on bitching and moaning over a video game like the child you are.
Your hate levels are rising. They will know of your full power soon.
Give it time...
Who honestly gives a fuck at this point man? Isn't it obvious by now that Whites are just the best at everything, including being the villain? OP needs to chill the fuck out.
There are numerous games where you fight against Muslims (COD, Insurgency, Squad etc) the narrative of fighting them outside of a warzone doesn't really make much sense unless it's a game like LA Noire or something.
Not sure why you think it's a taboo, you must have missed the past 25 years of film, television and gaming; Muslims and Nazis are archetypal villains, stop chimping out just because there is a white merikan villain in this game.
>Doesn't realize propaganda is infused into everything
>Being this new
>Bitch moan about people bitch moaning
>Calls someone else a child while clearly being a retard
white extreMEMES
you fucking retards need to stop getting baited, my god do one second of research
- you create your own character
- the black guy is a questigiving npc, the other two are white rednecks
- the villains are a cult using scientology imagery not christians, they actually bomb a church.
- its not a race thing as the cult has black members and ubisoft said they are not tackling race
- they chose montana as a setting because it was first in a popularity poll and a jonestown esque doomsday cult was the most "plausible" group of villains that fit the setting and is still inoffensive
but go ahead boomers, whine on twitter and make some more free publicity for ubisoft
game still looks like shit
wasnt the 2 pacifist pussy countries in WW2 was Sweden and Switzerland
>christian terrorists
The protagonist is a Christian priest lol.And he kills the pagan cult niggers
muh dick...a larpy nigger
Firstly, stop trying to artificially inflate your worth with (You)'s, you're still as worthless and useless as ever, you shitter.
Secondly, this game has a character creator you dolts.
OP is just trying to rile you up. Sage and move on.
>Nigger pastor in Montana
>nigger Catholic priest
>ebil wite terrorists b ebil n sheeit
>ooga booga muh dick nigga
Fuck this game. Behead the programmers
meh, i never liked farcry anyway. mercenaries was better
Its almost like you guys know nothing about the character except he is black with a gun
Its a black pastor in fucking Montana, that is like making a game based in Japan during the Samurai age with a white Samurai.
Yees! the based black's name is Muhammad Aaban! "A convert to Islam, Muhammad won't stop until all white Christians are dead and he can institute a global caliphate."
Are you referring to Nioh
>one main character is a nigger
>the rest are white
>there are niggers in the cult
>race is not a plot element
Holy fuck your sheboon mother should have aborted you
>literal white guilt
you still have to shoot the raycist white republicans to progress through the game
They're not racist, they're theocratic religious fanatics. Dumb nigger.
This. I've gone from "political violence isn't okay" to full scale physical removal
>that is like making a game based in Japan during the Samurai age with a white Samurai.
Worked really well desu
Defending a game that celebrates killing whites
i expected nothing less
>One black person in a game
>Sup Forums spergs out for no reason
>killing whites
maybe this qualify as white in america?
" And God saw that it was good."
whats the problem ?
same map same engine
>they diversified the white supremacist gang
>there's a black racist gang member
in b4 you can play as a black girl nazi soldier in the new COD
I swear you retards are like autistic niggers, you see a color or shape and you get so triggered you scream "STAAAAAP ET!!!", flip a car over , and take selfies as it burns. You do realized there are BLACKS in the crazy christian cult and in the resistance right? No, of course not. Or how you can make your character look however the fucking dickroo you want. But no, you simple scream and bitch and moan. You read nothing on this game which might actually be a fucking decent far cry game since 3 and all you are stuck on is your own metal disabilities. Even though this is bait, think all thread on this are, there are retards that will believe it on a whim because pol said so and will not look further into it.
Fuck day of the rope.
When is day of /deadpol?
fuck off Ahmed, you do not belong to Europe
That's the only good thing that diversity and leftward-moving Overton window can bring.
>you will never play as am Hindu she-Jew in the Franco-Prussian war in Battlefield 7
>the four enemies have the same exact graphic model
wtf I love equality now
It's based off of Waco, Jonestown, and Scientology you fucking imbecile.
Thanks Sweden.
I expect more AAA games to deal with alt right themes
You guys shill it for free when they throw you a bone.
Hell if I was at Ubisoft next game would be about Tumblr Fat Acceptance movement fighting demonic frog cult that usurped the Senate.
holy shit i'm so glad people know of robert sepehr here. 10/10 book
this has nothing to do with politics you ignorant retard. fuck off.
>destroy all the christian
>Not sure why you think it's a taboo, you must have missed the past 25 years of film, television and gaming; Muslims and Nazis are archetypal villains, stop chimping out just because there is a white merikan villain in this game.
We're "chimping" out cause feminists and sjws are fucking destroying one of our few escapes from this shit society.