

Really activates my almonds i think that we should ban trump just to be ironically morally superior.

Right wing death squad in action.

comes to say that.
ban all white males unironically
they dont

Really makes me think.

Why is this bad?


It's as retarded as drawing a black guy supporting BLM that kills white cops...
Oh wait, this one is actually real.

We all know what liberal fantasies look like, no need to post some autistic images

What is the brain of the leftist like?
This isn't happening anywhere, quite the opposite is happen actually.
Are they trying to provoke us into this
Do the secretly want the white man to have a firm hand and put all the women and mud people in line?
I myself think it's the latter, they crave discipline, they want to be put in their place.
They need a master and are lashing out in hopes of finding one

It's almost like strong men leading countries has been par for the course in history and it's not going to change because muh feelings

You blm apes came to my town last summer, shot up officers on an interstate and tried to instigate riots, looting, and race wars at every corner. All because some nigger tried to pull a gun on a cop and got shot for it. But every time you tried to start something, the community shut you right down like you deserved. Btfo monkeys. Niggers might live in BR, but it's black and white men alike who keep their sorry asses in check.


>things that never happened: the comic strip

The funny thing is the opposite is true.

It's the Libs, SEIU and BLM that is doing the the wetworks for the Clintons.

Hows Shareblue paying these days?

But I hate niggers.

Can someone post the real image? With white females and "people of color" shouting and kicking people for saying all lives matter?

Really put my brain on steroid

this really fires up my neurons

Black lives dont even matter to other blacks, why should anybody else care ? Get civilized you fucking morons !

>libtards have to draw comics because thing never happened in reality
>meanwhile, Soros' pet thugs in #BLM were rioting, looting, killing cops, etc, all to pave public sentiment towards being receptive to the more powerful Police State that Shillary would've placed on us while Obama kept antagonizing racial tensions

And folks make light of America's educational system. You are one dumb Fin.

My collection folder of shitty political cartoons just got a new addition. Thank you.