Is she lying?

Ok so this girl is buzzing because she responded to an alleged sexist coworker and is receiving all kinds of you-go-gurl support. I bet the whole conversation is fake and she just created this because nowadays it's hype to smash entitled privileged white men.
Can someone investigate if this male coworker really exist ? If she invented everything it would be nice to expose her bullshit in public.

Other urls found in this thread:

epic. clapback. woc.

why are you reading burger news outlets friend.

because it just appeared in my facebook feeds, someone in my friendlist like it. I immediately smelled the bullshit.



i'm not clicking on that.

>lanklet gets btfo by a woman
i hate both parties

why do you have a goybook. why are you friends with people who read burer news. are you from geneva

These jobs are gonna be gone real soon. I can already do my taxes using tax software. Also the guy is right, men are better with numbers and spatial elements then women due to men being the hunter of the species. Most women get fooled into thinking a 5 inch dick is 8 inches which shows you how bad they are with numbers.

what the fuck happened to based archive bot guy?

The name of that little WOC ? Albert Einstein.

My question is this. How long before "poc" and "woc" will be slurrs?

>I bring her coffee every day
>our male boss promoted me

Really gets the almonds going

They added that term like it mattered to the conversation. It was never about race period but the sjws bring up "of color". It was a sex issue, not race.

This news is concerning as I literally say things like

>Universal sufferage was a mistake
>Call black people niggers to their face
>Faggots and trannies are mentally ill

it's weird, why would the guy say "her coffee" when she says it's a man?

Literally wondering that myself

Those disgusting painted on eyebrows

I can't stand Latin women after their 20's. They act like little niggers. Feminist Latin women are the fucking worst. Mouthy, loud, obnoxious, and worst of all entitled.

she's indian

Yea do number 2 on your list and enjoy your ass whooping. You NEETs need to realize Blacks are not gonna take being called a nigger. You can call a faggot a faggot or a tranny mentally ill to their face and they won't do nothing. Calling a black guy a nigger will get your ass whooped.

don't be this stupid

She is a pajeet.

It's fake desu

Use if you want to post this bullshit. Stop giving cuckfeed traffic.

>Rahman told BuzzFeed

Of course it's fake, there's zero doubt about it.

Shills and spammers had him banned for threatening their livelihoods.
Thank you mods.

usually latina harass you if you dont sexually respond to them...i mean really.They dont understand that concept.Must be brainwashed by jewish feminists.

Truth Video.

What about doing taxes for Trump, or for an international corporation? How can a manager who only has gotten his bachelors understand trends and variances.

According to her facebook her "job" is at a non-profit youth program that does model UN and shit like that. She seems very proud of this supposed promotion and active on facebook so it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't brag about it on facebook if she had a real job. And what kind of promotion would you get at a non-profit political youth thing? I bet this is made up. Her whole twitter is full of these print screens of racist and sexist text convos.

>This woc

Kek, I thought it said "wog" at first