Capitalism everyone!
Capitalism everyone!
It's called nature.
Communism everyone!
This guy gets it. I guess some people think "Survival of the Fittest" is unfair, which is why communism was thought of in the first place.
capitalism is both love and life. it is the mother and father of freedom.
But this isn't even true. Every single one of those had to work and can eat and party. It's the goverment fault's the jews are able to get rich via central banks and corporations. It also taxes 80% max of all of us here in Poland.
B-but muh free markets, muh guns and muh liberty
Kikes are based guys.
When Stormshits and Commiecucks agree for once.
Any national socialist who agrees with a commie is fucking retarded. Jews = communism.
Join the army TODAY jump up two rungs, this capitalism shit is easy.
democratic socialism everyone!
> Kikes are gassed.
There, i fixed your typo..
How can I shoot communists without a free market, guns and liberty?
> impying there's a difference
Not in any free market capitalism they aren't.
omg someone is against the jewish slave-ideology of capitalism; quickly let me refute their arguments by posting the jewish slave-ideology of communism.
HA that will really annoy OP I am sure!
you fags are the worst; it is possible to be against both of these filthy disgusting ideologies, but you low-iq dogs are the same as the commies.
There's no ruling in capitalism. No one "rules you", you choose what to do and what not. Fooling on the other hand is, well, allowed, so to say, if you get fooled..your mistake
Better to have the chance of becoming rich in capitalism than the guarantee of being poor in socialism.
No, in those they starve and beg for food, along with mudshits, murderers and other no value wastes of biological material.
capitalism is dragging you morons kicking and screaming into a more prosperous world and you still want to take us all back to starving to death
>muh human nature
This was propaganda spread by pro-communist forces a century ago
they r also importing the refugees into your country and driving the housing prices, but at least u can get shitfaced with ur lads on weekend, thanks capitalism
Don't worry, we're on the cusp of being forced into a new economic system, just like the black plague forced us out of feudalism.
1) capitalism is and always has been propped up by the free growth of population expansion. when you have 3% population growth in a year then *any* half-assed company should be able to maintain at least 3% growth to match. And thats all that capitalism cares about, a 3 billion a year company that is revenue flat, it makes 3 billion two years in a row, is a failing company in the eyes of the capitalist system. Nevermind it just made 3 billion dollars in profit. As first-world population growth reaches zero, even trends downward, the system will collapse.
2) The system is already straining from the productivity gains from automation since the 1970s. Computer technology and robotics have driven productivity through the roof while needing fewer and fewer humans to do the work. And even as disruptive as that has been its just the start, so far its hit the unskilled market but we're starting to see AI creep into the skilled markets. Capitalism cannot exist without people to sell products to, if both the lower and middle class disappear to automation, there are only so many widgets the upper class can sell to each other.
We might see something like a return to feudalism if things go really tits-up but it wont be the same, huge productivity has to go somewhere unless the middle ages where peons were needed for food production. Maybe universal income will be needed to prop up a neocapitalism. But even that wont be sufficient IMO, *something else* will need to arise, I'm not sure what that will be but it *will* be different.
Exactly this.
Yes, families naturally got to where they are thousands of years ago, so naturally they keep their advantage.
You got it mixed up. Thats communism.
In capitalism you can climb up the pyramid if you wish.
4th class is the worst. I dislike burgeois narcissists the most
I have an idea about what the different tiers are, but could you translate?
its not the fault of capitalism that the monkeys in charge have an open door migration policy
Capitalism is a disgusting Jew ran system.
Capitalism and Communism are both inherently flawed.
Name the flaws of capitalism
Well, which is it?
Fuck communism
Marx made some good points about the flaws of capitalism, although I strongly disagree with his """"""""""solutions"""""""""".
i have to work for things
Capitalism is in its final stages due to automation. Won't be around in 20 years.
> antique communist propaganda poster
> still believing this retarded shit 105 years later
marxists are simply retarded.
How do you know OP is a Marxist? The post doesn't even say anything inherently bad about capitalism.
>its not the fault of capitalism that the monkeys in charge have an open door migration policy
It actually is. The 3rd world immigration was fueled by capitalist pressures to ensure that western economies keep growing.
It's also a way to import cheap labor. It destroys unions. It destroys class solidarity.
The "humanitarian crysis" is just a justification to import yet more third worlders to prop up our economies in short term.
There are plenty of capitalist monarchies. UK is one of them. You also have Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands iirc...
Distributism everyone!
>if you dont like my precious capitalism you must be a marxist!
literally kill yourself you braindead asswipe
Gas yourself, Shmuely
I don't see what you're trying to tell us
Not much apparently. OP literally just arbitrarily posted a picture. That's it.
both capitalism and communism are the tools of the Jew, don't fool yourselves