>in 100 years history books will talk about about all of Trump's tweets
>his massive tweet collection will be studied by scholars
>PhD students will write their dissertations about Trump's ability to use Twitter to undermine the media
damn and people say this isn't the best timeline...
In 100 years history books will talk about about all of Trump's tweets
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honestly its a really good idea to use a platform like twitter to bypass the media filter
He should start tweeting about 9/11 being a hoax or something crazy. I'd love to see the media reaction. He would prob be assissinated instantly
>implying the current society will last 100 more years
get ready for the apocalypse burger
Sadly, his every tweet is filled with replies from fucking shills.
>sources say
>unnamed sources
Ah, good. Bring that up.
It destroys every hit piece they put out on him.
one of my favourites desu
Idiot. I've got a PhD and in no way would anyone write a dissertation about tweets. Fuck off
no one except liberals who already believe the shills read the replies though. when every reply is the same 10 people with blue stars replying to them selves 10000 with irrelevant shit people just tune it out
I agree with Trump.
Bring out the named sources or gas yourself.
i have a phd from a better institution than you and i could see a anthropology phD or psychology phD being awarded for studying the effects of presidential tweets on the media // social dynamics
>'Sources say'
Researching about Trump tweets is on the same level as research on demisexual otherkin. Both are retarded and not something to be proud of.
>when you realize there are currently PhD students writing dissertations on how our shitposting influenced a national election
lol fuck off old man i hope you lose your tenure
I still think the media is secretly collaborating with trump. Like they say all this outrageous shit that goes nowhere so liberals will keep viewing clickbait. At the same time all the focus is on trump doing insignificant things so he can pass Jew backed decisions on us
I remember when they actually started talking about impeachment details they backed off. Why not keep pressing forward if you hate him that much?
I doubt that first fact and it's the professor not university regardless. But for the latter, perhaps. I don't see a Prof okaying that topic. It's got to relate to his research grant at some level
I'm sure that nobody would ever write a dissertation about this newfangled fad called the World Wide Web either.
>LARPing on a Serbian anthropology forum changed the outcome of the US presidential election
Feels good man.
>when you realize their sources will include U.N. studies that rank the rarest Pepes and the CIA Meme Warfare Center.
I will never understand why the hell they did a study on memes, I guess it's just taxpayers that get fucked.
It is an interesting subject.
There is a desire by many people to pick apart what makes an idea popular so you can attempt to recreate it.
What is really remarkable is how bad these studies on memes are. As it seems like anyone that uses an imageboard regularly should be able to give you the basic gestalt.
you overestimate anthropology and psychology. you also underestimate the impact of bypassing media filtering for elected leaders.
its the institution and the professor. no good prof is going to work at a shit college.
>t. ETH phD
absolutely this