What were these guys thinking before they hit the beach?
What were these guys thinking before they hit the beach?
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>Sup Forums knowing what a real man thinks before he goes to war
"Man, I can't wait to die for jews"
>"time to be a hero"
>gets shot
Probably wishing they were holding swords instead at the first sign of gun fire.
depends on which beach you dumb leaf
>Im saving Europe from an evil man, world is going to be a better place after the war
fast forward 50 years
>niggers, arabs, feminism, infinite genders
Thanks America. It's all your fault.
Americans don't think
Surely what we're fighting for won't be thrown away by our descendants right? They won't demonize us and sneer at our sacrifices right? We're the good guys, right?
"I can't wait for my grandchildren to LARP the fall of the Roman Empire!"
"vienna sausages don't taste that bad"
"Why are we doing this in the daytime?"
is mickey mouse redpilled?
>I've been told this beach is not heavily defended
>If we get pinned down our armor will break through for us
>The paratroopers have already cleared out the artillery
>Germany has never defended an amphibious landing like this, it will take them by surprise!
Then reality would hit them. Like a 7.92 x 57 Mauser.
>It was my privilege
Yeah they were probably feeling more confident than you'd expect. Despite not much effect the beach/fortified positions had been shelled like crazy, and they had armour landing with them.
Little did they know.
>don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up
They're in a boat, speeding towards a hostile beach covered in traps, hearing hostile fire, getting sprayed by salt water from the misses.
'I hope we lose the state of California to Mexicans'.
You know back when I was bluepilled I really was moved when they were thinking about their loved ones/girlfriends back home etc before rushing to their death.
When I realized in real life they would die for nothing while their girlfriends moved on for some rich guy who dodged the draft, it really hurt me.
"I'm so glad Tyrone said he would look after my wife while I was out, Those blacks sure are swell."
I need to pee.
>guess it's finally time to PUNGH NAZIS amirite
I bet my wi- I mean Mr. Shekelstein will be proud when I get home
you should read With The Old Breed At Pelileu and Okinawa by E.B. Sledge. Amazing read, although he was in the pacific theatre he goes into great detail explaining the psychology of being the first wave in a beach assault.
I'm doing this so my children will remain free and elect a decent sane wise man for our president.
This is like 3rd wave of troops landing.
>tfw first wave got shot up so bad there are literally only like two accounts to survive what it was like.
"when we encounter our enemy on the beach, what gender pronouns do they prefer?"
This sums it up.
Probably about anime.
my feet hurt
Well judging from the uniforms that's Omaha beach.
Americans opted for the two most heavily defended beaches, only shelled them for 40 minutes, and set themselves to arrive an hour before all the other beaches.
I'm guessing like the American military leadership that put them in such a shit situation, they were overconfident and had no idea what was waiting for them.
30 tanks flooded, incredible casualties... And this isn't even regarded as a military failure by the united states.
It was a preventable massacre...
I don't know what went through all of their minds, but with some I can definitely say bullets.
>Looking so much forward to die for the Jews, so that they can have full control and corrupt our nations with degeneracy and replace our White race with millions of Blacks and Browns
>"oooh boy, I just love being a cuckold! Glory to our jewish and globalist overlords!"
i wanna eat a burger and become a fatass
No shit. Why did they do it during the day?
The sea sickness was so bad that they didn't care what was on the beach.
"boy i sure hope my jewish masters will be happy that im killing white people"
"I can't wait to be used as justification for punching people who have the same views as I do"
Simply unfathomable.
Beat me to it haha. Those men must be so proud.
I can't wait to kill fellow white man,oh boy mr shekelstein will be so happy
Pearl Harbour was an inside job.
Hey Benny, you hear about those kids saying this was (((their))) plan? Stupid kids. That's a load of crap Benny, right? Right?
Did you granpappy fight in the war Sup Forums?
All I wanted was a nice house with a white picket fence and a qt 3.14 wife to come home to after a good day of honest work, why am I in this shitty boat half way away across the world away from home and ordered to kill fellow whites?
[spoiler]Just kidding, just about all retarded allied soldiers probably thought they're making the world a better place. Joke's on them, their countries are flooded with shitskins and most of their worthwhile descendants hate them for what they did.[/spoiler]
I wonder what getting shot feels like
"Alright, let's do this. LEEEROOY JENKINS!"
At least I still got my chicken
wtf, I hate Omaha now
D-day had only 5000 KIA across all five beaches dumb leaf, G*rmans got btfo.
>I gladly give my life so my descendants get corrupted and destroyed by the Jews. It is totally worth it.
>not available in your country
Wow I guess I better thank those men for this great democracy of freedom they bomb.. brought to us.
"I hope that BASED nigger from our neighborhood is taking good care of my girl back home, at least he is American and not a fucking Nazi (who are the real racists like the democrats btw)"
>limbs fly everywhere
>skull blown to smithereen
Some of them were so tense that even after getting shot and killed on the boat, they didn't hit the floor. Muscles so tense from the terror that even getting killed didn't collapse them
"OH SHIT!! did I leave the stove on at home?
They were probably saying their prayers. I'm sure the ones who functioned the best were the ones who had already come to peace with the fact they were going to die; like a lot of soldiers do when they know they are about to go into some deep shit.
"I hope in less than 100 years my country becomes a shell of it's former self"
Im sure thats what they were thinking
>I can't wait to fuck all these euro sluts for a piece of chocolate.
"I'm going to die so my granddaughters are able to make a bunch of mulatto babies"
"I'm going to die so my son can say he's a woman and pump himself full of estrogen."
"I'm going to die so my country can take in millions of culturally foreign Islamic terrorists."
look, I washed for supper.
at least my grandson will appreciate how fragile modern civilization is and not spend his life shitposting on a chinese video telegraph service.
"My feet hurt"
Germany is fucking hopeless.
Why am I willing to give my life for these ingrate Eurotards.
Why did't stupid amerifats flat whole shore with ship artillery?
cuz it was supposed to be a surprise attack, so germans cant fortify it even more
"Kill all the white supremacists we see...."
Depends on the beach. Most of the landings were relatively simple affairs. It was just three of the American beaches that were fucked. But all in all, considering how many men went out and landed your chance of being killed were less than 10%. On some beaches it was closer to 100%.
More like they knew no one else would have the balls to do it. The bongs would have tried to swim home.
We are all in this together
He was created by Walt, of course.
No but Daffy was redpilled as fuck
He fought with the Nazis against the Soviets.
mine fought with the Fins agaist Soviets.
Fought with the Nazis for Mussolini, then escaped when italy backstabbed
I'm going to die so a bunch of edgy teenagers can disrespect us over something called the internet in a weeabo image posting forum.
This video sums it up
>tfw first row in the landing boat
>will I make it out of this?
>h-here we go!
>What were these guys thinking before they hit the beach?
"I might die in this. I will not get to live my life. But it is still worth it. This is ECONOMIC PREVENTATIVE MEASURE after all."
>on a chinese video telegraph service
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great grandfather was was a Cossack who fought with Germany against Russia. Almost got killed/sent to Gulag after the war when the English decided to hand the Cossacks back over to the Russians. Escaped and made his way to the US with his family.
>Ethiopian ant peddling online chain letter
It was .want to happen St the crack of dawn, but delays happened. Also judging by the shoreline in that picture, they where probably in a follow up wave.
Always a fucking leaf starting this thread and always posting American troops. At least be a fucking patriot and post pics from Juno beach like pic related
How do you figure it's Omaha? I can't see any division patches of anything
>just the three American beaches were fucked
Www lad, there were only 2 American beaches and only 1 of them was fucked. Utah was a cake walk, but admittedly that is because they landed off target. Their actual landing spot was right in front of a WN, if they had landed there it probably would have been a bloodbath as well.
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the air force only had dumb bombs. for effective close air support they had to visually acquire ground targets. i'm not sure about d-day, but for most of the war, fighters/bombers didn't have radar either.
there you go