Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Addresses Military @Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy 5/27/17
>Air Show @G7 5/27/17
>Day 2 of G7 5/27/17
>SoS T-rex and Boris Press conference 5/26/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #18 5/26/17
>VP Pence commencement address @US Naval Acad 5/26/17
>Pres Trump's day @G7 5/26/17
>Pres Trump meets w/best bro Abe 5/26/17

>Trump shoves NATO out of the way
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story

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Terrorism is wrong but can't we all agree that white supremacists are the real problem? I mean, neo-nazis have killed far more people than Muslim terrori---oh...


Bannon is the leaker (where there are actual leaks).
Make my words.

Sending them home early was part of the test.

CNN crying about Trump's attack on ((source)) when?

No. Dina Powell is.

Will Trump fire someone today? Or will it happen sometime in the next few days?


wtf i love shia now
also really unknown is the largest group type?

Will take over as OP

Here I am

Her, too. Egos out of control and jockeying for position/survival.

>mfw I ordered a signed copy of the making of the president and roger stone sent it to me from his home address

got a mystery shop at Panda Express today

never been
what should I get?
Seeing a severe lack of Mongolian beef

Pick me up some

Focusing on the internal divisions in Islam is stupid and analogous to go saying

> nah, southern Mexicans are Ok, they are only 15% of the total illegal immigration.



ᴬᵂᴼᴼ, ᴮᵀᵂ

Thanks, it's yours now

There is a typo on your image but I fixed it for you. this over for good? So much for four years...

> can't we all agree
Ah yes the famous phraze

> four years
Would they skip second term then?

>“The whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory" German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters Saturday. "Here we have the situation that six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one."

>muh EU

Why do Euros try to double count themselves?

Also, why is there even a G-7 when there's only one country that matters?

It's been over for a while now. Shia now lives in a hut in the middle of nowhere

The perpetrators of a lot of terrorism events outside of the west are never confirmed. If Obama hadn't shut down the worldwide incident tracker you'd see that most of those "unknowns" occurred in Muslim nations and it's a safe bet they weren't committed by white supremacists, either.

Probably at the start of the week to better publicize it, but I wouldn't put it past Trump to send them packing the second he's in the door.

Good fucking riddance.

What did he mean by this?


>"Here we have the situation that six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one."

7 against 1. Good, otherwise it wouldn't be fair

reimbursement up to $9
considering this


Shia didn't imagine there would be a second term. I wonder what his opinion is now.

Why is everyone so mean to Sorsiz Sey? He's out there day and night exposing the truth and giving CNN valuable info.

Don't worry, this failed NWO hoax will be rolled back.

I usually get the honey walnut shrimp, broccoli beef, and brown rice.

The democratic party rolling over and dying./

Their specialty is the orange chicken, but that teriyaki chicken is pretty good.

They got a fight alright...

>liberals wanted a fight
I heard it was quite the smackdown

>mfw it was us who have driven him into hiding in literal cuckshed
It's moments like these when I really feel sorry for my sides

That's a good option too. Shanghai comes with asparagus I think? And beef is more tender.

It's over drumpfcucks

It was quite the cage match.

Fresh orange chicken in best. When there's only a few scoops left in the tray you know you're getting fucked

CNN has psychics?! Looks like #imwithher now!

>orange chicken

yeah was debating between that and the teriyaki

You really think the oldest political party won't come back from this?

I guess we could call it curbstomp battle

>another finger curls on the monkey's paw

Yeah. That "most of the terrorist victims are Muslim" line is one that ticks me off the most. Here is an analogy.

Brazilian murder rate is one of the biggest if not the biggest in the world, I think there are 50000 murders on that country per year (beats Syria btw). Obviously most of those victims are Brazilians (other than the stray tourist that refuses to give up te snickers of course).

Now imagine for some reason a series of mass murders started occurring in the US soil, all of them coming from the Brazilian community. People wouldn't go all "oh! You cannot single them out, most of the murders committed by Brazilians are of Brazilians themselves".

Actually, knowing leftists maybe they would.

Remove from store, and proceed to go to the nearest liquor store

Thank you for baking, my friend.

Fuck that shit was funny. I couldn't stop laughing for almost an hour when I heard that audio and read that he raised $100K for his campaign.

>mystery shop
what app or company do you go through for this?

>Aw shucks, we lost. Wanna know what we should do? Scare off all the independents with threatening ultimatums, identity politics, conspiracy theories, temper tantrums, and trying and failing every available avenue to nullify the results of a legitimate election.

Trump truly got a penchant for kangzposting

what's the Evergreen State update?

Greg "Breaking News" Gianforte

I thought it was a van down by the river?

lol well done lad

Twice in a row can not be coincidence.

this is Marketforce

I'm signed up with around 12 others with 4 being in the usual rotation

Wait wait wait, Hillary still hasn't learned politics 101 after the whole "deplorable" thing?


>Jewish Extremist only have 77 victims
BS (((database))).

This. I get double orange chicken and fried rice, although the noodles are good too. They pile that stuff on, especially if I go inside instead of drive through. I feel like my disposition towards ethnicities is correlated with how good their food is.

If the past 8 years are any indication, no.


Ever question why Trump looks so happy chowing down that taco bowl? It's not just because he thought his misguided, patronizing attempt at pandering would get him hispanic votes... or because he envies Jeb's extremely successful campaign and wants to take a page from his campaign playbook... he actually loves Mexicans! True, his pathetic, hateful diatribes about Mexican rapists are probably unique in their sincerity, since being a serial rapist himself, drumpf sees his own sins in them, but on a deeper level he truly identifies with the issues faced by Mexicans. This is because just like the spics, drumpf himself is not only a violent criminal, but also a drug addict whose career is riddled with corruption. Mmhmm, yeah, his corrupt crime-riddled career is no different from that of your run-of-the-mill Mexican drug lord or oligarch... drumpf's past is a trainwreck! It's no wonder he tries to deflect shame by projecting his insecurities on poor innocent mexican drug smugglers... the man is disgusting. On top of that, he not only has NEVER been accused of his terrifying list of murder, smuggling, drug abuse and rape, neither has he been found guilty of any wrong doing... one can only wonder how much he's had to pay out his pocket to bribe the judges and juries of the 3000+ law suits he's been involved with. Ya heard me right, not only is drumpf an utterly pitiful criminal piece of shit, he also likes to bribe everyone in the justice system, layman and professional alike. There will come a time when you will curse the day you voted for this corrupt bad joke of a businessman, when all his crimes against humanity are brought to light

The DNC tried unity but that just caused them to have a minor civil war over abortion rights. No wonder they're back to square one.

Omfg. She's delusional.

Piecing together what happened, with six months of perspective, Clinton says she thinks she “underestimated WikiLeaks and the impact that had, because I thought it was so silly.” Those hacked emails, dripped out over weeks, says Clinton, “were innocuous, boring, inconsequential. And each one was played like it was some breathless flash. And so you got Trump, in the last month of the campaign, talking about WikiLeaks something like 164 times; you’ve got all his minions out there, you’ve got the right-wing media just blowing it up. You’ve got Google searches off the charts.”

Clinton has been looking at where some of the Google searches for WikiLeaks were coming from. “They were from a lot of places where people were trying to make up their minds,” she says. “Like, ‘Oh my God, I kinda like her, I don’t like him, but she might go to jail. And then what about all this other stuff?’ It was just such a dump of cognitive dissonance …” Clinton trails off and then smiles and nods to herself. “I have a lot of sympathy for voters in a lot of places I didn’t win,” she says. “Because I can see how hard it was.”

Just like that hand gesture.
He knows and is watching.

>look goyim, he attacked the reporter. I guess all his supporters will disavow and his chances of winning are zero now

time to turn this old nag into glue

Hello I love Trump

The press, she believes, didn’t make it any easier. “Look, we have an advocacy press on the right that has done a really good job for the last 25 years,” she says. “They have a mission. They use the rights given to them under the First Amendment to advocate a set of policies that are in their interests, their commercial, corporate, religious interests. Because the advocacy media occupies the right, and the center needs to be focused on providing as accurate information as possible. Not both-sides-ism and not false equivalency.”

The impulse toward false equivalency is only getting worse, in her opinion. “The cable networks seem to me to be folding into a posture of, ‘Oh, we want to try to get some of those people on the right, so maybe we better be more, quote, evenhanded.’” When I mention MSNBC’s hiring of conservatives including George Will, and the New York Times’ new climate-change-skeptic opinion columnist, Bret Stephens, her brow furrows.

>“Why … would … you … do … that?” she says. “Sixty-six million people voted for me, plus, you know, the crazy third-party people. So there’s a lot of people who would actually appreciate stronger arguments on behalf of the most existential challenges facing our country and the world, climate change being one of them! It’s clearly a commercial decision. But I don’t think it will work. I mean, they’re laughing on the right at these puny efforts to try to appease people on the right.”

To be sure, Trump got plenty of negative coverage in the press...And even now, as investigations of his administration’s connections to Russia splash across front pages, the Times has launched a new feature, a weekly call to readers to “Say something nice” about him. I ask Clinton if she’s seen it.

>“I did!” she says with a wide smile, taking a beat. “I never saw them do that for me."

...reposting my question from the previous thread, I'm really interested in this topic. It probably has been discussed before, but please bear with me.

such sweet, sweet delusion

so glad she, Merkel, and that pedo victim from France didn't get to gallivant around the past week

Thanks spaghettini

Hello I also love Trump

>Affection for her campaign staff is one reason Clinton claims she will not point fingers at her own team in assessing her loss. “I will never say anything other than positive things about my campaign,” she tells me in Chappaqua. “Because I love the people that led it, worked in it.”

Besides, she argues, “what I was doing was working. I would have won had I not been subjected to the unprecedented attacks by Comey and the Russians, aided and abetted by the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin.” She agrees that there are lessons to be learned from her campaign, just not the same ones her critics would cite. “Whoever comes next, this is not going to end. Republicans learned that if you suppress votes you win… So take me out of the equation as a candidate. You know, I’m not running for anything. Put me into the equation as somebody who has lived the lessons that people who care about this country should probably pay attention to.”

I really hope she runs again.
A Hillary/Warren campaign would be hilarious.


>12 attacks, 4 victims
What tremendous pussies.

Can you imagine the overdrive Sup Forums will experience if he tweets "Wuz"

>no wall in trump'a budget
kek, you cucks going down with the ship?

Prepare for the greatest meltdown of our times. Libtards believe this will literally end the world.

Looks like he committed a felony when he didn't report it to the boss as soon as it happened then. Time for Comey to spend a couple years in prison for malfeasance

Please don't jinx it.

The thing I'm holding out hope for is that in 2024, because while the current president almost always wins the second term, it takes a miracle for the same party to win two separate presidents in a row.

Its very implausible that HRC is gonna be alive, and not in a vegetative state, by 2024. But still, I hope.

there's no way she actually believes this. he stupid fucking estrogen filled supporters might

Barron is just biding his time til he sees an opening to post it

Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.

Canadians seems to be bashing Canadians politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.

I've been living in Canada for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of North America. Like everywhere else.

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Canada and other provinces. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Quebec and the most fundamental elements of the Canada). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other Canadians provinces, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Canada took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.

And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.

>The press, she believes, didn’t make it any easier.

They actively tried to help her.
> aided and abetted by the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin.

What, how?

By Election Night, Clinton says, she knew it was going to be close but thought she would be able to “gut it out.”

->“I was as surprised as anybody when I started getting returns. Because that’s not what anybody — with a couple of outliers — saw in the data. And the feel was good! We had good crowds, we had lots of energy and enthusiasm, and I thought we were going to pull it off. And so did the other side, by the way. They did not believe they were going to win.”

As staffers and friends began to melt down with shock and grief, Clinton, by all accounts, remained preternaturally calm. One staffer speculated that she was able to do so because she is a person who often expects the worst and does not trust the best: “It was an example of reality rising to meet her expectations.”

>“I remember having conversations with her which were gut-wrenching to me,” says Mook of that night. “Saying to her, ‘The math isn’t there. It doesn’t look like we can win.’ She was so stoic about it. She immediately went into the mode of thinking, Okay, what do we do next?”

I mean... Looking at it from a logical standpoint... Who is more likely to jump the wall? A northern cactus jew? Or a Southron?

I really wished he knew all I did for him but all the same I would happily serve unrecognized.

A man can dream.

Global ocean warming will lift R'lyeh from the depths and The Dark One,Cthulhu, will rise from slumber and enslave mankind to a millennia of suffering.
Or, you know, liberals would be forced to actually contribute to society. Either scenario is catastrophic.

*sips tea*