Manlets are not white. The average UK door size is 6'6 and since I'm roughly an inch or two smaller than that, ergo, I'm white. Can you prove you're white? 5'9 is king of manlets.
Manlets are not white. The average UK door size is 6'6 and since I'm roughly an inch or two smaller than that, ergo...
I'm 5' 9 and 127/128ths"
Holyshit, non-whites on suicide watch!!!
Personally, the criterion I always apply to decide whether someone is white or not is "do they have a basic grasp of their native language?"
People who use "since" and "ergo" in the same sentence, for example, not realizing that one renders the other redundant, are not white.
Manlet detected. No need for such anger.
Relax Shakespeare, I was phone fagging and forgot to remove the since after I added ergo.
pay up you cuck
>le civic nationalist face
You can be the new High King of manlets.
Stop using retard units
I'm 6'1, just the typical swede height.
the tall shall hang on the day of the rope
I prefer using the metric system of measurement, trust me, but there's a lot of Americans here and I don't want to discriminate against people with special needs.
>Sweden white
>not Somalian
You can't discriminate when you can't even write in your own language.
"There's" is a contraction of "there is", you complete biscuit.
I'm only 5'6"
I still have a girlfriend though ;^)
Fuck off Shariablue
Manlets be gone.
How tall is your bull?
show me your feet
Congratulations, but so do most men on the planet, including me.
How does she feel being with a man smaller than her? Women always tell me how much they are turned off by the idea of a man being physically smaller than themselves.
not too sure actually, I'd have to ask
I'm 5'10 D: I really should be taller since my dad's Belgian, but ironically enough he's the one who gave me the manlet genes. My mom is 5'8 but my dad is roughly 5'8.5
My Girlfriend is 4'11"
So I'm still tall in comparison to her.
Does the manlet standard apply for asians?
5'9 Korean here.
>tfw 5'7
might as well just off myself desu
Yes, and it's incorrect in that sentence.
Perhaps you should kind of drop the muscle supplements and pick up a book, you retard.
Holy shit nice job man
You're pretty tall for an east asian.
5'9" is a dwarf. you're using standards from 50 years ago. with today's diet, manlets are anything below 190 cm or approx 6' 2".
If I suck you off, will you give me a piece of the current stack you're running?
Get fucked you goddamn ninny.
thanks, can't own guns here so gotta get big m8
I'm natty pleb
I'm White, I will prove it when I get back, I need to deliver lunch to my girlfriend. She is volunteering at the refugee center.
5'1 manlet here. Rather be a manlet than a racist
Tall thead and the Swedes and Brits jump all over it. Manlet, Manlet, Manlet, Midget. Meanwhile your women are fucking 5ft. 4" little brown men.
it's true, user. I'm 190.5 cm and am barely above manlet. if you are still growing, eat a lot of eggs and drink a lot of milk. I am still growing in my 20's.
how big are your feet?
>the muscles make you dumb meme
Semantics desu. "There is a lot" is perfectly valid, you autist. And I don't use any supplements other than food. Furthermore, I've been working through pic related this morning. You mad that I'm smarter and more muscular than you?
5'9" here.
This thread is making me suicidal.
Why Sup Forums? Should I die?
Relax mate, it's just some banter.
5'7 here. My short right hook will ruin your face
>Eat a lot of eggs and drink a lot of milk
He fell for the ''your height is based around nutrition and not genes, meme'' But yeah I'm probably still growing. Both my uncles stopped growing around 22, one of them is 6'0 and the other one is between 6'1 and 6'2
>volunteering at the refugee center
Remember to suck sandnigger's cum off her pussy tonight burger
Good lord why are you Westerner so obsessed with refugees? Instead of picking a weapon of any kind and fight to help their motherland they decide to just go full on coward mode and run. They are literally cowards, why should you show them mercy? I really don't get it
I'm 5'9.5". I tell people I'm 5'10 and they fucking buy it lmao
>Le where do you le workout? Dx
>At le library XDXDXD
Fuck yourself you scrawny bitch.
180cm (I think that's 5'11)
You won't reach my face, and I'll use my reach to keep a good distance before dropping you.
Of course they do. Literally no one can tell the difference at first glance between someone who's 176 cm and someone who's 178 cm
Fuck off weakling. Read books and lift