3 years sober Sup Forums. Anyone else cut the liquid jew out of their lives?
3 years sober Sup Forums. Anyone else cut the liquid jew out of their lives?
I never really fell for the liquid Jew, so I believe this is the best approach. I avoid alcohol 100%, best decision ever.
>Anyone else cut the liquid jew out of their lives?
this isn't alcoholics anonymous
I like Scotch, not like beer with estrogen in it
I think wine is okay too, all in moderation anyway
How did you do it? I take acamprosate three times a day, and havent had a drink in three months. It really removes any desire to drink at all.
Fuck rehab, all i do is re-up!
I was told I was going to die if I didn't stop drinking so I haven't in like 8 months. I do get cravings tho.
i drink a bit too much and sometimes have kratom, the only annoying thing is the booze has made me put on weight. i don't take speed or benzos anymore though.
Lol no. If you can't even control yourself enough to drink in moderation then you're just as bad as a drug addict.
Kratom is where its at. I make sure to take a T break every once in awhile so that when i come back to it ill be nodding again. Red bali is the fucking shit
Beer and estrogen? So that isn't a myth or a way of speaking?
Laughing about drugged up niggers and petrol sniffing abos while not realizing the jews are laughing at your drunk asses.
Only drink once a year. It's fucking pleb shit.
Liquid Jew? This drink existed before any of the abrahamic faiths.
Unless your referring to it as making you a degenerate, then I understand.
Nope. I'd have to actually face reality then.
Numbness is better.
Yup degenerate just like the electric jew
I'll drink to that m8
It was so romanticized in my youth that I drank fron 17 to 22 then I realized notging good ever came from it and it was a sad way to live.
I will still have a drink in a social situation so people leave me alone about not having a drink but Ill nurse it all night.
This is why I quit.
alcohol is haram anyway
i just don't have a drinking problem
If you can manage day to day existence in a country like this without developing a drinking problem you're sucking muslim dick.
Man up and have a pint (or seven).
Fuck that, I only do therapeutic doses of amphetamines. Alcohol is degenerate
Nah I'm pretty sure that's a fact.
Hence men growing tits when they drink a lot of beer.
Same here. Never had any interest in alcohol, or cigarettes for that matter.
I've never had alcohol on a regular basis, but I got rid of the lung jew a few months ago.
It still nags throughout the day, I hate it so much.
Im a heavy-drinker, mostly because of what i experienced in gaza. I cant help myself and i dont know what to do.
10 years in October
Nicotine is the worst. It's the only thing I've really been addicted to, and I still crave it all the time even though I haven't smoked in 5 years. Fuck nicotine.
Ayahuasca or straight up DMT will cure your PTSD.
MDMA is also good for that.
I own a winery, so not a chance and alcohol isn't bad. Modesty is key.
i went dry for a while and that somehow stopped my alcoholism. or maybe i just discipline myself better now. but now i'm into tasting whiskys in my free time as a hobby
What's keeping me strong enough at the moment is knowing that if I start again the hand rubbing will be in my head instead of the craving.
I'd surely prefer the craving over that.
I only drink 1 glass of wine during meals.
what happened m8
I've tried, but I'm too weak.
Daily reminder that alcohol in moderation healthier than not drinking, and reduces the chances of several types of cancer. Bottom line: Moderate drinkers live longer than no-fun-allowed subhumans. Stay dumb, kiddos.
Basically this.
2 and a half years over here.
>be me
>party yesterday
>about 6 guys and 6 girls
>we, the guys, arrived at the party place earlier
>for some god afwul reason I decide to drink two red cups of 37,5% alcoholic wodka
>girls arive much later
>i am already laying on the floor
>everybody is sober
>they start drinking a bit but not that much
>cue to two hours later
>the girls are starting to get real drunk now
>my faggot friends still havent had much
>some random hot girl starts touching my pants
>cant take advantage of it because I can barely move
>sort of pet her hair or something, cant really remember
>she walks off
>faggot friends havent done anything with the girls
>cue to today
>feeling like all hell
>everyone else is doing fine
More shitty fucking things happened but its safe to say that it was probably one of the worst nights of my life
Moderate the liquid kike
No. Ran out of weed so I started drinking beer again. Not to the point of getting drunk though. Being drunk sucks.
I drink too much and have trouble moderating. Thinking about quitting, but sometimes booze helps a lot with anxiety in social situations, flirting with girls etc. Any tips?
It's not worth it man, every time I started again was because of me thinking "oh I'll just have one, I can control it." Sure enough next week I'm buying a pack again. It's demoralizing. Tobacco jew is one of the worst jews. Keep those rubbing hands in mind, cause that's exactly what they're doing every time you spend money to kill yourself.
Drugs are really rare at israel. The only thing i can get to battle this is booze
>ran out of weed
why are dutch degenerate?
Just drink responsibly and you'll be fine.
I drink maybe 4l of beer a month, most of it while eating lunch.
Same here. MDMA helps me alot after a good hit I can go for about a fortnight without reaching for a bottle. But the jewish bastards make no money from that so I'm a criminal.
>Putting ice in whisky
We need to find this man and kill him.
Its in our genes
One month here. I had been drinking at least 60 beers and 2 bottles of vodka a week. I've started going for daily walk/jogs and I bought some new fishing stuff with all my extra money. Still can't find a better job than my chef position at Wendy's though.
Spent 10 years drinking hard after the Navy.
Got Medical Marijuana card and completely switched
Smoke weed everyday now for 3 years.
Lost 60 lbs (no diet change, no exercise, just no alcohol)
Happiest I've ever been
Plowing tons of bitches
3 months sober. As of two weeks ago I have started to struggle falling asleep. Lots of anxiety. I heard it could take two years for the brain to re-adjust. Kill me.
Alchool is a way to keep the population docile and collect taxes.
All drunks must hang.
Hi my name is Ralph.Tell me more about your life. Can you also post a picture of yourself?
hella bump
>liquid jew
No, you're just too weak willed to learn moderation. kys
>not putting away 30 pints or more a day
>therapeutic amphetamine doses
kek thats a new one
With my experience.. if you were a heavy liquor drinker..
I was Rum and Cokes.. I dealt with serious sugar withdraws. a little bag of Sour patch kids helped me deal with those.. takes a month or two..
Currently in day three of withdrawal from opiates. I've drank a litttle alcohol in the evenings to help with symptoms/ Cravings.
I was 19 when we went on that operation. In that time we heard that the enemy is making tunnles and some of us had to destory/check what was there, i was chosen for such mission and i couldnt do shit. So a couple of young kids were send into little tunnles where god knows what is waiting for us. Ive seen people pissing their pants cause they were so scared. Luckly, the tunnle we checked was clean/abandoned. However, the squad who checked a tunnle close by bited the dust, a booby trap was placed there and someone lost his arm and most of his teeths (he is still alive).
Yeah mate Gin and Tonic by the gallon. I'm assuming the 15 lbs I lost has a lot to do with all that extra sugar too.
Basically folks you're re-wiring your brain chemistry to rely on the liquid Jew. So long term recovery has your brain very angry with you, and can manifest itself in many horribly ways.
Ralph here again. I'm not sure if you have seen my comment yet or not. If you don't want to post a picture, give me an accurate description of what you look like. What brand of beer and vodka did you drink? How old are you, why don't you have a skillset that can take you somewhere other than Wendys?
I never really consciously cut it out but I just don't really like to drink anymore. I mean I wouldn't be adverse to having a couple drinks in the right circumstances, but I don't seek out reasons to get drunk.
I had a rough patch maybe 2 years ago where I was drinking 2L of whiskey every few days or so (at least 4-6L per week) and did some really dumb shit during that ordeal, went on for 4 or 5 months. After that I haven't had a drop, so its been about 1.5 years for me.
I used to drink a lot when I was in my early 20s tho, typical friday/saturday getting wasted every single week kinda thing. Don't really miss it desu, felt like shit most of the time, wasn't really worth it. Can have fun without booze now.
yes cause I think my liver is damaged. A month now
Alcohol is part of European culture. Why not just convert to Islam?
2 years sober now, feels good
Never liked people that enjoy "getting wasted" Hate drunken losers.
I'm too young to drink in Burgerstan, and I'm way too straight edge to go against the law. I have no real interest in alcohol, cigarrettes, or any other (((degeneracy))) like that, so I'm planning on staying clean for life.
Heres some material for you anons who are struggling with physical addition
I don't drink, but I cook with wine and liquor. Never had a problem with it, though. It just doesn't do a lot for me.
You won't be truly clean if you browse this site though
One day i drank so much in a party that a russian gay guy took advantaged of me and kissed me, the next day I couldnt remember anything because of alcohol overdose. I learned about the shameless kiss 3 days later from a friend who is a bit shy and I had to ask to narrate what happened in that godamn party. Since then I drink only a cun of beer one time pre month.
it's this site that gave him that meme
Down to one or two beers/ciders once and a while. Only get tanked once a year for my birthday, mainly because the local bars give out giant free drinks for it. Really, as long as the booze doesn't control your life it's alright.
Had some guests and have been drinking a lot this week. My dick sucks lately
I never fell for it in the first place. Hell, I even tried to get into it once just to see what's so appealing about it. Couldn't see the big deal and never drank again.
Its pretty hard to not drink and not be a social outcast in my society. Literally everyone drinks here. After work, during lunch breaks. Its ridiculous. Soju is only like 1 dollar a bottle here so everyone just gets hammered whenever theyre not working.
I'm so glad I'm a bit older (33) and back when I was getting regularly shitfaced and blackout drunk in my late teens/early 20s people didn't yet have cameras to video record everything that was happening. I did so much stupid embarrassing stuff back then, 90% of the time I couldn't remember, almost got myself killed or seriously injured several times as well.
Alcohol is great when you use it right. Then again I'm talking to a bunch of weebs with anime figurines who think Hitler would actually accept them.
That is so depressing.
I'll never understand the anti-alcohol people on this board. Alcohol is intrinsically European and it's anti-Islam. It's got its downsides, sure, and it's not for people with low self-control, but when I go out and work all damn day long, come home and want to unwind then I want a fucking drink. I don't want 12, but one or two glasses of wine or scotch or a beer or two aren't going to kill you. As long as you keep it in moderation then what's the problem?
Jesus , any more story's?
2 years sober from the last time I pumped diesel in my veighns. It started out as pills because I was forced to take it when I was a kid bc ADD. Then I lost it when I was 23 and began chemo. My doctor kept me with a steady prescriptions of fentanyl and hydrocodone ... 120 pills a month. Then the FDA rescheduled it and my doc retired and new doctor required me to go to pain management doc. Pain management doc requires me to come in every 2 weeks. That same time my insurance company pulled out of Obama care and I was screwed because my new insurance company was not accepted by any pain management company within 50 miles. I would have to pay cash over 1k a month with pain doc/drug test/prescriptions combo and I make 1300 with disability. Don't qualify for mercy Medicaid because of fucking it up with insurance. Decided to take to the streets to find a relief and started buying pills. Then came the cost of pills on the rise and knew a guy dealing smack. Had a stroke and that was it for me.
Packet eh crips
Not much. But I can't do that. It's always drinking till I pass out.
>liquid jew
>British flag
You realise the irony of your choice of image, don't you?
I will quit it now, just came off a fucking 2 week binge and the withdrawals are killing me, plus it cost me my job. Time to stop being degenerate.
Not because there's lots of sugar in beer, thus them getting fat?
Jung ho Kang drank too much and fucked over my home town baseball team this year
he is stuck in korea on multiple dui charges
THIS. alcohol is not kosher
its my 10th day without porn
will i make it pol
I drink moderately (1 or 2 drinks) on the weekend but I cut out soda entirely about 8 months ago. Trying to cut back on sugary foods next.
typical godless country
This is why I like you English people. Every one I have met just wants to get fucking trashed when they drink.
>will i make it
Make what? Ultra blue balls?
all of those substances are schedule 1 felonies
so booze is probably a better option
although we all know those substances are much healthier for you, being a felon is just as bad as bad health
there's nothing wrong with experimenting with your sexuality user
calm down degenerate