Do you think China, South Korea, Japan...

Do you think China, South Korea, Japan, or Vietnam will ever accept the large degree of cultural leftism experienced by Western countries now? Will they ever become significantly non/anti-racist, want to become diverse, accept promiscuity en masse, etc.?

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I hate women and you're an idiot.

Never. They are witnessing disaster unfolding in northwest Europe and the USA and surely would not wish the same fate on their own countries.

no because east asians arent retarded. japan literally has a declining population but will never accept immigrants even

South Korea is already going full SJW


Now who wants to live on this shithole and why did you group it with China/SK/Japan ?

might not matter

if EU is taken over by muzzies, and US os weakened as the whites die off, it might just be all out war with the rest of the world by Muslims


Taiwan just accepted gay marriage, but they're sort of a non country. I hope China crushes them.

>cultural leftism

>Will they ever become
it will arise when rich and powerful (((minority))) would benefit from disjointing themselves from society, like when social moral is restricting minority at some degree.

collectivism is still dominant ideology in Asia, maybe because asian elites is not full of degenerates yet.

>foreigners are wrong to be foreign, they must become like the USA or be racist and wrong
good old globalism virtue signaling

They're more fargone than sweden. Porn is illegal, men have essentially no rights, and their ex PM was a goddamn all female cults mind slave.

Most of their politicians are anti faggot marriage and they don't let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims a year.

China's more of a shithole than vietnam desu.

South Korea for sure they eat up anything from the west

Japan is likely to eventually concede

However China and Vietnam will definitely never except this because they despise outsiders and different cultures

I never implied they were wrong, if anything I think they're right and wish we were more like them.

porn is illegal because its morally degenerate. they are more redpilled than us westerners. also east asians r much more about the family unit than the west is. looking at ur flag, u shud know this very well. i saw a video where they interviewed jap girls. all or most of them wanted to be housewives

Yes. It's already happening to a large extent in South Korea, where their media is essentially wank material (if you thought the US had an oversexualized media, then you haven't seen shit) and their subways have signs discouraging "manspreading."

In Taiwan, same sex marriage has just been passed,with many people in mainland China heralding the decision and pushing for it over there.

In Japan, the most popular type of pornography is black male/Asian female while their media is more openly pushing for racemixing and immigration (see films like Hafu: Japan is Changing).

It's only a matter of time before the jungle Asian countries follow suit. Since it's already happening, the real question is what can be done about it?

They will do whatever makes them money laowai, literally all mainland asians care about.

Japan has a reverence for culture and spirituality and honour. When I worked in the Far East the Japanese dudes always used to give you a leaflet with a special poem or phrase after a meeting and were very courteous.

Mainland Chinese: do not trust them - they are out to nickle and dime anything they can out of you. Vietnamese, Cambodian and Thai are slightly friendlier and stupider and don't seem as sly as chinks.

No, they don't have jews. The only thing that could push them that way, is if america continues to exist another half century.

They will when all those Chinese men start bringing their niglet babies home from Africa.

>Do you think China, South Korea, Japan, or Vietnam will ever accept the large degree of cultural leftism experienced by Western countries now? Will they ever become significantly non/anti-racist, want to become diverse, accept promiscuity en masse, etc.?

They have a term for western leftists.

The ''White left''.
I don't need to describe the deragotsry term further.

Asians are a bit different from white people, and are easily programmed by their surrounding.

If you surround an Asian with a lot of nationalistic Asians in Asia, they usually develop into very nationalistic persons.
If you surround an Asian with a lot of socialist whites in the west, they usually develop into very crazy socialists.

The Jewish globalist media is slowly trying to affect them though.
The only way you can save Asia is by accelerating the destruction of the west, so they can see what not to do.

Many Japanese girls want to be housewife because Japanese working environment sucks.
not for traditional reason.

>China will definitely never except this because they despise outsiders and different cultures

I lived in China for a few years and I can tell you this isn't the case. Girls over there are rapidly beginning to fetishize black guys, due almost 100% to Western media. As you said with South Korea eating up anything from the West, so does China. Our media pushes this laughable and frankly embarrassing narrative that black men are the ultimate people and flawless in every way, and it's starting to take its toll over there, with their women increasingly idolizing them, especially basketball stars, a sport which has a longstanding cultural prevalence in contemporary China, and rap "musicians"

It already here.

All refugees are rapists.

I hope not.

fucking white people, im embarrassed af

Before a society can be like the west is today, it first has to become disgustingly rich for several generations.

Our Boomer generation is the "world served on a golden plate" generation. That's why they fell easily for Jewish media deception that "whites are the cancer of human history." It's easy to believe you need to give to the less fortunate when your family has been comfortable for at least two (and probably more) generations. It is especially easy when you were born into comfort, thus you can't fathom how anyone could lie for any reason at all. I mean, come on. There's plenty to go around.

Once the Chinese go though that for a few more decades they will make the same mistakes the white west is making.

"Refugees welcome" isn't a cultural flick. It's determined by economy.

As such, Korea and Japan, who have some of the lowest birth rates in the world, are susceptible to it. China will just order people to have more babies.

Also, video related

>China will just order people to have more babies.
I have very high respect for Chinese efficiency.

South Korea is overrun with borderline militant feminist. Go read up on the kind of shit they would do, it makes our feminist sound sane.

I am already learning japanese. I will marry a qt 3.14 nip gf and live a comfy and safe life in homogeneous japan while the west burns into massive civil wars because of achmeds and jamals.

Japanese people are redpilled and I hope they stay strong.

Even the nu-yakuza is cucked to a certain degree.

>the most popular type of pornography is black male/Asian female

most popular type of porn is Japanese male/Japanese female ofc
black porn is niche/fetish level.same goes for white porn.

Stop obsession with blacks.White/Black are both same gaijins for Japanese.

When I asked my japanese friend if the had an LGBT concern in politics he said that "We don't have that problem over there"
Apparently the biggest threat in japanese politics from his view are their liberals just shilling for submission to China, not building a military and sucking on the US tit forever.

>american education

China and Vietnam are already culturally leftist. Remember the Cultural Revolution?

>im going to racemix with a jap
>homogeneous japan
Why are you yellow fever retards so fucking braindead

cuckservative go away

muh media

whites and blacks have more muscle and bigger dicks

obviously Asian women prefer that, it's not brainwashing

why don't you blame marxism too you're boring

I expect this in Japan, Taiwan etc, but not China, and not SK particularly, it's one of the few Asian countries even white guys are at a disadvantage thanks to their own media promoting gooks so heavily.

I'm seeing some massively contradicting stuff here, somebody upload some actual proof please

its a small but vocal and outcasted group from what i know.

China probably not because their society is based around family, not religion, so it's very hard to subvert.

Thier homogeneous level will be back in 100 years i am not immortal

>I hope China crushes them.
Me too. I hope CCP nuke us NOW!

We're literally forced by that traitorous closet-homo psychotic bitch 蔡英文 and her lackeys in constitutional Court. She basically copies the exact same way how Obango forced Americans to accept lgbt marriage, fuck the twisted perverted bitch!

Our polls show over 53% people do NOT accept fag marriage, only 36% accept it. I personally participated anti fag marriage demonstrations many times, but our crazy fag bitch leader just forced her degenerated agenda down to our throat regardless our objection.

>female presidents

Sweden yes

Two of those countries already have some experience with Marxism know it's shit and know what will happen once they try it so definitely not

We're preparing to launch an anti faggot marriage plebiscite. I will NEVER EVER accept fag marriage and fluid genders degeneracy.

South Korea will with their new President, it will probably result in riots though.

> "Refugees welcome" isn't a cultural flick. It's determined by economy.

With even a modest welfare economy "refugees" and their descendents are useless eaters.

>useless eaters

get your soros language out of here

No. Cultural Marxism became big in the west only because the CIA pushed it to brainwash the populations. It's not a natural phenomenon.

You shouldn't if you're a chink.

Yes. Korea is already full sjw and they are the cultural trend setters for Asia. Only hope is Lil Kim bombs them causing more redpills.

He was talking about South Korea, idiot.

the larger scheme of this thread is east asia. i shouldve separated the sentences actually.

I said these threads fucking daily. Does everyone just have amnesia and forget what happened in Worst Korea? Fuck sake, at least bother to look into what you're talking about.

you mean our PM being a brainwashed female cult puppet?

sort of irrelevant, actually. the current brand of neo-Marxism that pushes diversity, tolerance, etc. trickles down from academia (university, specifically the humanities). South Korean universities don't produce much original work - i'm pretty sure over half of our academic archives are just western works translated. in other words, your batshit lefty professors transfer their Marxist powers right over to us, and it has trickled down to some degree, as well. this is why the court system is heavily tilted towards women, just like the west. The only thing that hasn't exploded yet is LGBTQ+ bullshit, and I believe that's due to a variety of reasons, but not "immune to leftist bullshit" unique buffs.


Hopefully not. We will have to see if political correctness or their future wins, but so far they're doing better than the rest of us.

doesn't Korea worship half-caste people? Sounds to me that if a culture hates themselves they'll inevitably be doomed to fall.